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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1864 > March > Summary of the pastoral given by Mr. Bishop of Strasburg
We pure and simply cite the passage of that pastoral regarding Spiritism without comments or reflections. Mr. Bishop in his own right gives his opinion from a theological point of view only attacking the idea and not persons hence there is nothing to be said. We could discuss his theory but that has been done so many times that it would be superfluous particularly because we cannot find new arguments to add. We bring it to the eyes of the public so that everybody may be aware of that and take advantage of that in the best possible way.
“The devil hides in all possible ways in order to keep his conspiracy against God and mankind forever and to continue his work of seduction. In paradise he took the disguise of a snake. He shall transform into an angel of light if that is needed or necessary to contribute to the realization of his projects, as demonstrated by a thousand and one examples registered in history. In more recent times the devil even made use of weapons that were rusted and lost in time, utilized in the most remote eras, more precisely in the second and third centuries to fight Christianity.
The dancing tables, the rapping Spirits, the evocations, etc. are so many other artifices and God does allow them for the punishment of the sinful, curious and carefree. If the bad Spirits, as assured by the sacred Scriptures, attach to people’s bodies and souls (see the book of Job and many other passages of the Scriptures), if they can give voice to sticks, rocks, a snake, goats, a donkey; if near the lake of Gennesaret and under his command they receive permission to enter into filthy animals, then they can also speak through the tables, write with the leg of a table or a chair, adopt the language and imitate the accent of the dead and absent, talk about unknown things that seem impossible to us but that can be seen and heard by them as Spirits. However, I feel sorry for the idle, unwise and indiscreet criminals that turn those devilish buffoonery into a pastime and that are not even afraid of taking advantage of superstitious and forbidden means of getting the knowledge of future events that are ignored or only superficially known by the devil! Those who love danger shall perish in danger. Those that play with poisonous snakes shall not escape their assassin fangs. Those that play with fire will be reduced to ashes. Those that seek the partnership of liars and villains shall necessarily become their victims. It is a trade with bad angels that in the Old Testament the prophets name it something that is hardly taken to Christians in good faith. When such evocations are carried out the malignant Spirit may well tell a truth or another to begin with and speak as desired by curious people to gain their trust. But people are then dazzled and seduced, anxious to unveil mysteries.
It is then that the poisoned chalice is brought to their lips, full of lies and impieties, stripped from any Christian principle or charitable feeling.
Fortunate is the one that has realized in time that he/she had fallen into diabolic hands and can, with the help of God, repel the links with which they would be carried away…”
While the antagonists remain in the terrain of theological discussions we urge our brothers that want to listen to our recommendations to abstain from any recrimination because freedom of speech must apply as much to them as to ourselves. Spiritism is not imposed it is accepted. It gives its reasons and does not find it bad that those reasons are fought against as long as it is done honestly and then it is up to common sense to pronounce about it. If Spiritism is founded on truth it will succeed despite everything. If its arguments are false it is not by violence that they will become better.
Spiritism does not wish to be believed by word; it wishes free examination and its propaganda is done by this: see the pros and cons, judge what best satisfy your reason, what best responds to your hopes and aspirations, that best touches your heart and then make a decision based on the acquired knowledge.
The Spiritists must not follow the same path by criticizing the inconvenience and personalism of the speech of their adversaries. Its strength comes from moderation and we urge you not to stay away from that. We deny support to any aggressive and inconvenient quarrel, from whatever direction, in the name of the Spiritist principles and in the interest of the cause.
Side by side with some regrettable events like that one of Marmande we could mention a good number of very different cases if we were not afraid of bothering their authors and that is why we only do so with the greatest reservation.
A lady acquaintance of ours, a good medium and like her husband, keen Spiritist, was near her death about six months ago. She found reassuring resignation in her faith and belief in the future before that supreme moment that she saw coming courageously. She called for the priest of her perish to come and give her the sacraments.
“The devil hides in all possible ways in order to keep his conspiracy against God and mankind forever and to continue his work of seduction. In paradise he took the disguise of a snake. He shall transform into an angel of light if that is needed or necessary to contribute to the realization of his projects, as demonstrated by a thousand and one examples registered in history. In more recent times the devil even made use of weapons that were rusted and lost in time, utilized in the most remote eras, more precisely in the second and third centuries to fight Christianity.
The dancing tables, the rapping Spirits, the evocations, etc. are so many other artifices and God does allow them for the punishment of the sinful, curious and carefree. If the bad Spirits, as assured by the sacred Scriptures, attach to people’s bodies and souls (see the book of Job and many other passages of the Scriptures), if they can give voice to sticks, rocks, a snake, goats, a donkey; if near the lake of Gennesaret and under his command they receive permission to enter into filthy animals, then they can also speak through the tables, write with the leg of a table or a chair, adopt the language and imitate the accent of the dead and absent, talk about unknown things that seem impossible to us but that can be seen and heard by them as Spirits. However, I feel sorry for the idle, unwise and indiscreet criminals that turn those devilish buffoonery into a pastime and that are not even afraid of taking advantage of superstitious and forbidden means of getting the knowledge of future events that are ignored or only superficially known by the devil! Those who love danger shall perish in danger. Those that play with poisonous snakes shall not escape their assassin fangs. Those that play with fire will be reduced to ashes. Those that seek the partnership of liars and villains shall necessarily become their victims. It is a trade with bad angels that in the Old Testament the prophets name it something that is hardly taken to Christians in good faith. When such evocations are carried out the malignant Spirit may well tell a truth or another to begin with and speak as desired by curious people to gain their trust. But people are then dazzled and seduced, anxious to unveil mysteries.
It is then that the poisoned chalice is brought to their lips, full of lies and impieties, stripped from any Christian principle or charitable feeling.
Fortunate is the one that has realized in time that he/she had fallen into diabolic hands and can, with the help of God, repel the links with which they would be carried away…”
While the antagonists remain in the terrain of theological discussions we urge our brothers that want to listen to our recommendations to abstain from any recrimination because freedom of speech must apply as much to them as to ourselves. Spiritism is not imposed it is accepted. It gives its reasons and does not find it bad that those reasons are fought against as long as it is done honestly and then it is up to common sense to pronounce about it. If Spiritism is founded on truth it will succeed despite everything. If its arguments are false it is not by violence that they will become better.
Spiritism does not wish to be believed by word; it wishes free examination and its propaganda is done by this: see the pros and cons, judge what best satisfy your reason, what best responds to your hopes and aspirations, that best touches your heart and then make a decision based on the acquired knowledge.
The Spiritists must not follow the same path by criticizing the inconvenience and personalism of the speech of their adversaries. Its strength comes from moderation and we urge you not to stay away from that. We deny support to any aggressive and inconvenient quarrel, from whatever direction, in the name of the Spiritist principles and in the interest of the cause.
Side by side with some regrettable events like that one of Marmande we could mention a good number of very different cases if we were not afraid of bothering their authors and that is why we only do so with the greatest reservation.
A lady acquaintance of ours, a good medium and like her husband, keen Spiritist, was near her death about six months ago. She found reassuring resignation in her faith and belief in the future before that supreme moment that she saw coming courageously. She called for the priest of her perish to come and give her the sacraments.
- You know that we are Spiritists. Despite that will you give me the sacraments of the Church?
- Why not, answered the cure priest. That belief comforts you. It does make you both kind and charitable. I see no evil. I know The Spirits’ Book. I will not say that it had me convinced in all points but it contains the moral teachings that should be followed by every Christian and I do not reproach you for reading it. But if there are good Spirits there are also bad ones. It is against those that you must protect yourselves. Those are the ones that you must distinguish. On another hand, my dear, see that true religion consists on the prayer said from the bottom of your heart and in the practice of good deeds. You have faith in god; you pray with fervor; you help thy neighbor when you can then I can forgive you.