The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1864

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1864 > October > Fast and Reversed Tiptologoy
We said that in one of the Spiritist groups in Antwerp has a typtology medium of a special faculty. Here is what it consists of:

The indication of the letters of the alphabet is done through knocks with the foot of the little table but with a speed that is almost like handwriting so much so that those that transcribe it sometimes have difficulty to follow. The knocks succeed like those of the telegraph in action. We saw it doing an essay of twenty lines in less than fifteen minutes. But what is really impressive is that the Spirit almost always dictates that in reverse order, starting from the last letter. Through the same process the medium receives answers to mental questions and in foreign languages. That medium is also a writing medium and in this case he equally writes in reverse order with the same easiness. The first time that the phenomenon was produced the attendees of the meeting did not find sense in the words and thought it was a kind of mystification and it was only after a careful observation that they realized the system utilized by the Spirit. It is no doubt a fantasy of that Spirit but since all of his communications are very serious one must conclude that there must be a serious intention behind that.

Irrespectively of the speed with which the knocks occur the mode by which it happens still abbreviates a lot the operation. They employ a little table with three feet; the alphabet is divided in three series, the first from a to h, the second from i to p and the third from q to z. Each foot of the little table corresponds to a series of letters and knocks the number of times needed to designate the necessary letter, starting from the first letter of the series so that to indicate the letter t, for example, instead of knocking 20 times it only knocks 4 times for that series. Three person seat around the table, one for each foot, indicating the letter that was selected for her own series or alphabet and not paying attention to the other series. Several persons write the letters as they are indicated so that they can control it in case of mistakes. The habit of reading in reverse order frequently help them to guess the whole word or a whole phrase that was initiated as it is done in a normal process. The Spirit confirms if applicable and moves on.

Such division of letters, together with the cooperation among three persons that cannot understand each other and the speed of movement and the reverse order of the letters make fraud something virtually impossible, as much as the reproduction of individual thoughts.

The word reproduction will then be written like this: noitcudorper spelled by three different persons in a few seconds as: n o by the second, t by the third, c by the first, u by the third, d by the first, o by the second, r by the third, p by the second, e by the first and r by the third.

From all of the devices ever imagined to attest the independence of the medium’s mind none is compared to this process. It is true that for that it is necessary the influence of a special medium because the two persons that assist him do not influence the speed of the movement.

This process definitely has no real utility other than help in the belief of certain persons and as a confirmation of a remarkable mediumistic phenomenon because nothing can replace the speed of written communications.

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