The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1864

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1864 > December > Jobard and the Mercenary Mediums
Remarkable example of agreement

A somnambulistic medium that pretends to be led to sleep by the Spirit of Mr. Jobard was saying that she had received a communication from him addressed to another medium to whom he would advise to charge consultation to the rich and give them for free to the poor and to the workers. The Spirit described how that person spent her day with no sparing of praises to her eminent skills and her high mission. Since one person raised questions about the authenticity of that communication and knowing that the Spirit of Mr. Jobard frequently communicates at the Society, we were asked to submit it to a critical examination.

To be on the safe side we immediately addressed these simple words to six mediums: “Will you kindly enquiry the Spirit of Mr. Jobard if he dictated a communication to another medium through Ms. X…, a somnambulistic medium, advising that other medium to explore her faculty. I would like to have the answer tomorrow.” We were careful in not telling them about the strategy utilized so that each thought that they were the only ones asked to solve the issue.

We counted on the elevation of the Spirit of Mr. Jobard to attend that circumstance and do not feel offended or become impatient with the question that should be addressed to him almost simultaneously in six different places.

On the next day we got the responses below to which we added a few thoughts.

October 20th, 1864 – medium Mr. Leymarie

“How about that my dear friends, my name is then used as an excuse to all kinds of people! I have been used to that kind of shameless plagiarism for a long time that sometimes make me change color like a chameleon; they think I am goofy. Nonetheless my past life, my works and the multiple proofs of identity that I gave to the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies do not allow such mistakes about my feelings. A simple incarnate soul, I was like I am in the state of free Spirit and my mission with you, friends, is that of devotion and above all selflessness. Spiritism is a positive science. The facts upon which it is based are not complete yet but be patient you that know to wait and this science that invented nothing because it is a force of nature will demonstrate to the less clairvoyant its entirely moral objective is the regeneration of humanity and that beyond any speculative science its teaching is the opposite of materialism that is hypothetical.

Proceed with the analysis; establish the facts to go back to the causes; proclaim the spiritual element after attesting its existence such is the clear and without subterfuge ways of Spiritism. It is the straight line, the one that must be followed by every asserted Spiritist. I then separate the weed from the good seed and reject any niggardly interest, half devotions, sickly commitments that are the ulcer of our faith. Since you call yourself Spiritist I have the right to ask you what you are, what you want to be. Low and behold! If you have faith before anything else you are charitable. To your eyes every incarnate soul suffer a trial; as spectators you watch much suffering and in this rude struggle of life in which your brothers seek light your duty of a privileged person that has seen and know is that of give generously what God also gave you generously. Mediums, have no pride because the hand that gives may stay away from you. When a Spirit comes to give consolation, encouragement, instructions through your intermediation you must thank God for that that allows you to be the good source where the thirsty ones will quench their thirst. That water, however, does not belong to you. It provides to all. You cannot sell or pass it on because the owner is not in this world. Would you like to be expelled like the salesmen at the temple? Rich or poor everybody reaches out and requests. Each one has their own secret suffering; the rags of one will turn into the rich mantles of the other and that is why mediumship is not greed. All incarnate creatures are the same before mediumship. Look around you. Are they rich, are they poor the ones that carry that providential gift? They sell the science of the Spirits and the alms that they receive is the gangrene of spiritualism. They did well when they said spiritualism because the Spiritists reproach, you know well, every spiritual sale. It is not for sale. We repeal from our environment every shameful act of exchange that makes the assistants laugh. As for myself dear master, I will respond to those that wish to trade with my name that however stupid I may be I would never be enough to place my signature in counterfeit titles that are presented against your devoted


Medium Mrs. Costel

“I come to protest and complain about the abuse made of my name. The poor of spirit – and there are many of these among them – have the ugly habit of taking the names that may serve them as passports together with proud and senseless mediums. I would certainly have difficulty to defend the nobility of my poor name, synonym of naïve. However I hope to have place it very high in the judgment of those that met me to fear for having become engaged with the trivialities assigned to my name. It is therefore just out of respect for the truth that I affirm not having made any somnambulist sleep nor have I exalted any medium. I communicate very rarely since I have a lot to learn to serve as a guide and instructor of others.

In principle I reproach the exploitation of mediumship by the simple reason that the medium enjoys the faculty only in an intermittent and uncertain way and cannot prejudge or base anything on that faculty. Therefore poor people make a mistake when they leave their jobs to work with mediumship in the profitable sense of the word. I know that many among them dissimulate the abandonment of their homes with the title mission, homes that are disinherited by petty satisfactions and by the ephemeral importance given by mundane curiosity. I hope such mediums are mistaken in good-faith but they are mistaken, nonetheless.

Mediumship is a sacred and intimate gift that cannot be used as an open office. The mediums that are too poor to dedicate to the work of mediumship must have it subordinated to the work that wins them the bread. Spiritism will not lose anything with that, on the contrary and their dignity, on the contrary, has a lot to gain. I do not wish to discourage anybody or condemn the ones that act with good-will but it is of fundamental importance that our dear Doctrine remains shielded from any malevolent accusation. Ceaser’s wife must not be an object of suspicion and neither the Spiritists. That is what is said and I hope there is no remaining doubt with respect to the words of your friend.”


Medium Mr. Rul…

“How could you expect that the one that has always recommended charity and selflessness in his communications would come to contradict himself today? It is a trial to the somnambulistic medium and I advise her not allow to be seduced by the bad Spirits that want to do a disfavor to the mediums in general through this little speculation, and in particular to this specific medium that is mentioned. I believe I do not need to do my profession of faith again. Similar accusations cannot be attributed to someone that despite being robbed many times had righteousness and loyalty as a rule of conduct. He would be happy if we could apply an identification stamp to the communications from beyond the grave, like it is done to certain merchandises on Earth. You are not sufficiently advanced for that but in the absence of a stamp use your reason. It cannot deceive you and I challenge all the Spirits, irrespective of their number, to try to make me go by someone more stupid than I really am. Good-bye,


Medium Sr. Vézy

Why still so much stupidity among those that believe in good faith? Believe me if you put the true principles of things before their eyes they suddenly change and become more skeptical than St. Thomas! Go and tell that kind lady that I have never communicated with her. She will say that it is possible and will agree in your presence. But intimately she will say that you are insensible. As they say, prohibiting a crazy person from doing crazy things is to become even crazier oneself. Nonetheless we need a medicine to cure so many poor Spirits that go their own way persuaded that they are guided by wonders. In reality, my dear President, do you believe I am capable of writing the nonsenses that were given to you? In that case I should have been given the name I had for having dared write such silly things. Spiritism is not taught like that. May the one that cannot take our words to her brothers unless sacrificing their own bread winning activity stay home and continue to use her tools or needles to fight for her survival. But when they behave like the presenter of spectacles they open the guard to the domination of exploiters and charlatans. The one that is poor and has the courage to become an apostle of our doctrine must cover herself with the mantle of her faith and courage and when the time is right the Providence will bring her the bread that is lacking. But do not reach to any effort for we would be the first to shout to her: move away woman and let others do the work. We always find persons of good will to accomplish the tasks that we have for them.

Men or women that leave the loom behind to become a preacher or a medium against a salary are guided by pride. Would you like some glory around your name? The rusting metal shows bad reflexes while true glory is shinier with abnegation. I prefer Malfilatre, Gilbert and Moreau singing their agony in a hospital bed to the beggar poet that sells his own heart to keep some golden fringes around his death bed. The selfless will be better compensated; a lasting happiness waits for them and the power of their names will be in proportion to their own tears and to the works and struggles measured in dust and sweat. That is all I call hell you about that, dear President, and I take the opportunity to shake hands with you and send you my sincere good wishes. You keep yourself strong and determined in the task that you chose. Keep the envious and talkers around you quiet through the firmness and simplicity that falls so well on you. One does need to be positive today. Do not get carried away by the conquest of the Moon when Earth is by your feet and that is the place to finish your work. There is an abundance of material around you. Demonstrate your theory through facts and may your examples not be supported by algebraic theorems that could not be understood by everyone but upon mathematical axioms. A child knows that two plus two is four. Let the long legged ones have a head start; they will have their necks broken and it is useless to follow them in their fall. Let us move in a steadfast way for the world is still young and the time ahead is in our favor for the instruction of mankind. The sun sets in the afternoon because darkness is needed to have its shine understood. Truth sometimes is covered in obscurity to avoid blinding the ones that meet it upfront.

- Q. Haven’t you ever communicated with that lady? However, she say you have hypnotized her! A. – Poor woman. She attributes to intelligent people what can only be dictated by foolish ones or some very good and simple words to great oracles. It is a disease that cannot be avoided: it is located in the nerves and it is cured by prudence and cold showers.

Medium Mrs. Delanne

Fraternal greetings to everybody, my good friends, you that work so hard to fecund humanity. You must pay attention because at this very moment an incredible revolution takes place among the discarnate. You also have adversaries here that strive to create obstacles to you but God oversees his creation. He placed a vigilant boss in front of you, one with cold blood, perspicacity and a strong determination to help you overcome the obstacles that are raised by your visible and invisible enemies underneath your feet. Hence he made no mistake when he read this communication. He knew well that Jobard could not speak like that nor could he approve similar language. No, my friends, Spiritism must not be exploited by sincere and righteous Spirits. Preach against the abuse of that kind that cast discredit upon the religion. You cannot practice what you condemn because you keep away those that could be attracted by your selflessness.

Haven’t you ever seriously consider the dismal effect of paid meetings? Understand well that if Allan Kardec gave authorization to similar ideas through his silence or tactical approval in less than two years Spiritism would fall victim of a multitude of exploiters and this sacred thing would fall in discredit by charlatanism. That is my opinion. I therefore repeal today, as always, any idea of speculation under any pretext that may block instead of promoting the doctrine. At this time you must dedicate yourself to the transformation of mankind through your teachings and example. May your selflessness and moderation speak so loud that none of your adversaries may be able to criticize you! Having each one of you place in different positions each must work according to their strengths. God does not ask for the impossible. Have trust in him and allow each thing to come when the time is right. If God wanted Spiritism to march in an even faster pace he would have sent the great incarnate Spirits earlier, Spirits that will appear almost simultaneously in all corners of the globe in the right time. While you wait pave the way with caution and wisdom. Courage, dear President! The harness becomes harder everyday but we are here to support you and God has your back.


Medium Mr. D’Ambel

You are surprised! But there are as many fools in the spiritual world as there are among you, no offense; a fool was able to give another one the somnambulistic communication in question. As for the medium, should we worry more than normal? Give time because time is a great reformer. Those that establish a price tag to their mediumistic communications acts like the foretellers that open a deck of card in front of them and say: “I see a man from the city or from the country; a card is coming, it is an ace of diamonds.” Who knows, it could be a return to the past, to former bad habits? Tough luck to those that fall into the same trap! They will not find their profits and will one day feel sorry for having made the wrong decision. All I can tell you is that since I am not absolutely in that business, as you know, I wash my hands and feel sorry for the poor humanity that still resource to such expedients. So long,


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