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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1864 > September > Conversations from beyond the grave
A Spirit that believes to be a medium
Mrs. Gaspard, friends with Mrs. Delanne, was an eager Spiritist; she was sorry for not being a medium; she wanted to be a clairvoyant medium in particular. For a long time she suffered a lot from an aneurism. On the evening of July 2nd last she suddenly died from the rupture of that aneurism. Mrs. Delanne had not been informed yet about the occurrence when during the day she heard several knocks around her bedroom; in the beginning she did not give much attention to them but the persistence of the knocks made her think that it could be a Spirit willing to communicate. Since she is a very good medium she grabbed a pencil and wrote the following:
“Oh my good Mrs. Delanne, you made me wait a lot! I came quickly to tell you about my new faculty: I am a clairvoyant medium now! I saw my dear Emilio, my children, everyone, my mother and Mr. Gaspard’s mom. Oh, he will be really happy when he learns about it! Thank you God for such a great favor!
Q. – Is that really you, Mrs. Gaspard that speaks now? A. – How come? You don’t see me? I have been close to you for a long time. I was impatient because you did not answer me. Come on! You do see me right? It is your turn now. Besides, it will do you good. We will stroll around now that I am feeling good. Oh how nice to see those that we love once again! However that is what healed me. How God is good and how he follows his promises when we are faithful to his commandments! Ah! My Emilio! When I think that my poor father will still say that I am mad! Never mind. I will tell him, anyhow. Let us go now? It is good if we take your mother with us. It will be good for her. Poor woman. She is so nice!
Q. – Let us see, good Mrs. Gaspard, we will leave, I will follow you. Are we really going to your house in Châtillon? Tell me what is it that you see, or even better, what is going on there now? A. – Strange things!”
After these words the Spirit leaves and Mrs. Delanne obtains nothing else.
To better understand the final part of the communication we say that a trip to the country side in Châtillon had been planned some time ago by the two ladies. Surprised by a sudden death Mrs. Gaspard was not aware of her situation and still believes to be alive. Since she sees the Spirits of her beloved ones she believes to have turned into a clairvoyant medium. It is a remarkable particularity of the transition from the corporeal to the spiritual life.
Besides, Mrs. Gaspard believes to be healed since she is free from her suffering and comes to Mrs. Delanne to renew her invitation. Her ideas are confused though since comes to give notice through knocks near her friend, not understanding that she would not be recognized in that way if she were alive.
Mrs. Delanne soon understands the singularity of the situation and to avoid confusing her even further invites her to their trip to Châtillon. The Spirit no doubt is brought to that place by an unforeseen circumstance for she writes: “Strange things” and breaks the communication.
As a matter of fact the delusion did not take long. Starting from the very next day Mrs. Gaspard was completely detached and dictated an excellent communication addressed to her husband and her friends, congratulating them for having learned about Spiritism that had allowed her a death without the anguishes of the separation.
Mrs. Gaspard, friends with Mrs. Delanne, was an eager Spiritist; she was sorry for not being a medium; she wanted to be a clairvoyant medium in particular. For a long time she suffered a lot from an aneurism. On the evening of July 2nd last she suddenly died from the rupture of that aneurism. Mrs. Delanne had not been informed yet about the occurrence when during the day she heard several knocks around her bedroom; in the beginning she did not give much attention to them but the persistence of the knocks made her think that it could be a Spirit willing to communicate. Since she is a very good medium she grabbed a pencil and wrote the following:
“Oh my good Mrs. Delanne, you made me wait a lot! I came quickly to tell you about my new faculty: I am a clairvoyant medium now! I saw my dear Emilio, my children, everyone, my mother and Mr. Gaspard’s mom. Oh, he will be really happy when he learns about it! Thank you God for such a great favor!
Q. – Is that really you, Mrs. Gaspard that speaks now? A. – How come? You don’t see me? I have been close to you for a long time. I was impatient because you did not answer me. Come on! You do see me right? It is your turn now. Besides, it will do you good. We will stroll around now that I am feeling good. Oh how nice to see those that we love once again! However that is what healed me. How God is good and how he follows his promises when we are faithful to his commandments! Ah! My Emilio! When I think that my poor father will still say that I am mad! Never mind. I will tell him, anyhow. Let us go now? It is good if we take your mother with us. It will be good for her. Poor woman. She is so nice!
Q. – Let us see, good Mrs. Gaspard, we will leave, I will follow you. Are we really going to your house in Châtillon? Tell me what is it that you see, or even better, what is going on there now? A. – Strange things!”
After these words the Spirit leaves and Mrs. Delanne obtains nothing else.
To better understand the final part of the communication we say that a trip to the country side in Châtillon had been planned some time ago by the two ladies. Surprised by a sudden death Mrs. Gaspard was not aware of her situation and still believes to be alive. Since she sees the Spirits of her beloved ones she believes to have turned into a clairvoyant medium. It is a remarkable particularity of the transition from the corporeal to the spiritual life.
Besides, Mrs. Gaspard believes to be healed since she is free from her suffering and comes to Mrs. Delanne to renew her invitation. Her ideas are confused though since comes to give notice through knocks near her friend, not understanding that she would not be recognized in that way if she were alive.
Mrs. Delanne soon understands the singularity of the situation and to avoid confusing her even further invites her to their trip to Châtillon. The Spirit no doubt is brought to that place by an unforeseen circumstance for she writes: “Strange things” and breaks the communication.
As a matter of fact the delusion did not take long. Starting from the very next day Mrs. Gaspard was completely detached and dictated an excellent communication addressed to her husband and her friends, congratulating them for having learned about Spiritism that had allowed her a death without the anguishes of the separation.