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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1864 > December > General Considerations
It is obvious that this Spirit is in the good direction; we can see that he is fighting the good fight for the only think that he requests is to be enlightened. His ideas, however, are influenced by certain prejudices. Like many others that believe to find an excuse in them, he attains himself to society. But what is it that makes society bad if not the bad persons? There is no doubt that society still has a long way to go with respect to its institutions, but since there are decent people and that law abiding people everyone could do the same for society does not force anyone to act badly. Was it society that forced Louis-Henri to abandon that woman and child? If he did not recognized the child why has he lost sight of him with no concern with respect to his fate? Were the social prejudices that precluded him from giving his name to that woman? No, because his only motivation were his passions. Was it education that he lacked? No because he was part of the high echelons of society. Society is not the one to be blamed in his case; he was not denied anything by society because he was one of its favorites in everything. He was the one to blame with society because he acted freely, voluntarily and with knowledge of cause. Who threw his son onto the excesses? Chance? No. It was the Providence so that it could serve his advancement later on through remorse. The true ulcer of society, the first cause of every disorder, is incredulity. The denial of the spiritual principle, the belief in nothing after death, the materialistic ideas in a word, highly defended by influent people, infiltrates in the formative years that suck it up with milk, as a way of speaking. The person that only believes in the present life wants to enjoy everything to any price and that is consistent since that person believes in nothing beyond the grave. That person expects the nothingness and consequently fears nothing. If Louis-Henri had faith in his soul and in the future he would have understood that the physical life is transient and precarious and would not have established it as his only objective; knowing that nothing that is acquired here is lost he would have been concerned with his future fate whereas he acted here like the one that eats his capital and plays the final hand. How many disorders, how many miseries and how many crimes have their origin in the way people see life! Who are the first to blame? Those that erect it as dogma, belief and that make fun and treat as mad people the ones that believe that not everything is in matter and in the visible world. Louis-Henri was not strong enough to resist to that current of ideas; succumbed, victim of his passions, that found a justification in materialism whereas an unbreakable and reasoned faith would have given opposed him a brake that is more powerful than every repressive law that cannot reach all errors. Spiritism gives that faith and that is why it leads to so many moral transformations. The three last communications confirm the first one obtained by another medium; the bottom line of the ideas is evidently the same. It is possible to observe the progress of the Spirit and several teachings may be collected from them. In the first one, with the confession of his faults, there isn’t serious regret yet nor a resolution is made; he is almost sorry for having been evoked. In the second one he says: “How much I suffer since I was evoked by your President.” Would such words justify the statement of certain persons that believe the evocation disturbs the rest of the dead? Certainly not because first they only come when it is convenient to them; second, because in their majority they testify satisfaction for having been called it is driven by a sympathetic and benevolent feeling. Certain guilty Spirits only come with disgust and in such a case they are not constrained by the evoker but by superior Spirits observing their own advancement. Their rejection is like that of the criminal that is conducted to the court. The evocation of guilty Spirits has the objective of their betterment. The temporary hindrance that they feel works on their advantage because the work towards their regret abbreviates the sufferings that they endure in the spiritual world. Would that then be more charitable to leave them in the abjection in which they are found than to take them out of there? The suffering caused by that is like the one produced by the doctor on the patient to have her cured. If you take a man out of the mud he will complain. The same happens with the Spirits.
In the communications of this Spirit there is a thought similar to what was expressed by Latour about the suffering caused by regret. We explained the cause of such feeling in the Spiritist Review of November 1864; it is the same that leads this one to say: “I suffer since I was evoked”, and “remorse chases me; I suffer a lot.” It is therefore remorse that makes him suffer but it is the very remorse that must save him and it was the evocation that provoked that. But he still adds these remarkable words: “I understand the need for suffering”; “I understand that impurity can only become purity after its transformation by fire”. And later: “If regret doubles the suffering I know that it is going to last only sometime and that happiness waits for me after depuration”.
That certainty makes him say: I then want to suffer, suffer a lot to soon deserve happiness.” After that is there any surprise when a Spirit choses terrible trials in new existences? Isn’t that the case of a patient that resigns to a painful surgery to be cured or the man that exposes himself to all sorts of danger that endures all kinds of miseries, fatigue and deprivations aiming at fortune or glory? Therefore, there is nothing irrational about the principle of the free choice of the trials of life. In order to take advantage of them the condition is not to step back. Not supporting them with courage and resignation is the same as stepping back. What is going to be the fate of Louis-Henri in a new life? Since he atoned cruelly his faults in his last existence; since his regret is sincere in the state of Spirit and his resolutions are serious, it is likely that he is going to be placed in conditions to repair his errors by doing good. But considering that he paid his debts of physical sufferings he will no longer have to go through that kind of vicissitudes. That is our objective given our prayers on his behalf.
In the communications of this Spirit there is a thought similar to what was expressed by Latour about the suffering caused by regret. We explained the cause of such feeling in the Spiritist Review of November 1864; it is the same that leads this one to say: “I suffer since I was evoked”, and “remorse chases me; I suffer a lot.” It is therefore remorse that makes him suffer but it is the very remorse that must save him and it was the evocation that provoked that. But he still adds these remarkable words: “I understand the need for suffering”; “I understand that impurity can only become purity after its transformation by fire”. And later: “If regret doubles the suffering I know that it is going to last only sometime and that happiness waits for me after depuration”.
That certainty makes him say: I then want to suffer, suffer a lot to soon deserve happiness.” After that is there any surprise when a Spirit choses terrible trials in new existences? Isn’t that the case of a patient that resigns to a painful surgery to be cured or the man that exposes himself to all sorts of danger that endures all kinds of miseries, fatigue and deprivations aiming at fortune or glory? Therefore, there is nothing irrational about the principle of the free choice of the trials of life. In order to take advantage of them the condition is not to step back. Not supporting them with courage and resignation is the same as stepping back. What is going to be the fate of Louis-Henri in a new life? Since he atoned cruelly his faults in his last existence; since his regret is sincere in the state of Spirit and his resolutions are serious, it is likely that he is going to be placed in conditions to repair his errors by doing good. But considering that he paid his debts of physical sufferings he will no longer have to go through that kind of vicissitudes. That is our objective given our prayers on his behalf.