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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1864 > December > Regarding the Imitation of the Gospel
Bordeaux, May 1864, Group St. John, medium Mr. Rul.
There is a new book out. It is another shiny light that comes to illuminate your path. Eighteen centuries ago I came to bring God’s word to those of good will by the commandment of my father. That word was forgotten by the majority, and incredulity and materialism came to muffle the grain that I had deposited on your Earth. Today, by the order of the Eternal, the good Spirits, his messengers, come to all corners of the globe make the reverberating trumpet heard. Hear their voices; they are destined to show you the path that leads to our celestial Father. Be submissive to their teachings; the forecasted times have come; all prophecies shall be accomplished. By the fruit you recognize the tree. See the fruits of Spiritism: couples that had replaced peace by discord returned to peace and harmony; persons that succumbed to the weight of their sufferings now awaken by the melodious voices from beyond the grave, understanding that they followed the wrong path and ashamed of their weaknesses regretted and asked the Lord the strength to withstand their trials. Trials and atonement that is the condition of a person on Earth. Atonement of the past, trials to strengthen her against temptation; to develop the Spirit by the struggle in the fight; to get her used to dominating matter and prepare her for the pure pleasures that await in the world of the Spirits.
My father’s house has many rooms, I said eighteen centuries ago. Spiritism came to make these words understood. And you, my beloved ones, workers that face the heat of the day, that believe to have to feel sorry about the unfairness of your fate, praise your sufferings; thank God that gives you means of making up debts of the past; pray not with your lips but with your improved heart to take place in the house of my Father, because the great shall be humiliated, as you know, and the little ones and the humble exalted.
The Spirit of Truth
Observation: It is well-known that we take less responsibility by the names when they belong to more elevated beings. We do not guarantee that signature more than many others, limiting ourselves to give that communication to each enlightened Spiritist. However, we must say that it is not possible to disregard in this one the elevation of thoughts, the nobility and simplicity of the expressions, the soberness of the language and the absence of superficiality. If compared to those inserted in the Imitation of the Gospel (preface and Chap. III: The consoling Christ) and that carry the same signature, although obtained by different mediums and on different occasions, it is possible to detect a markedly analogy among them of tone, style and thoughts, that indicates a unique origin. From our side we say that it can be from the Spirit of Truth because it is worthy of him whereas we have seen many signed with that venerable name or that of Jesus whose prolixity, wordiness, vulgarity, and even sometimes the triviality of the ideas, betraying the apocryphal origin to the eyes of the least clairvoyant. Only a complete fascination can explain the blindness of those that allow to be deceived, added also to the pride of considering themselves infallible and privileged interpreters of pure Spirits, a sooner or later always punished pride by deceptions, ridiculous mystifications and real disgrace in this life. In the presence of such venerable names the first feeling of a humble medium is that of the doubt because such medium does not consider oneself worthy of such a favor.
There is a new book out. It is another shiny light that comes to illuminate your path. Eighteen centuries ago I came to bring God’s word to those of good will by the commandment of my father. That word was forgotten by the majority, and incredulity and materialism came to muffle the grain that I had deposited on your Earth. Today, by the order of the Eternal, the good Spirits, his messengers, come to all corners of the globe make the reverberating trumpet heard. Hear their voices; they are destined to show you the path that leads to our celestial Father. Be submissive to their teachings; the forecasted times have come; all prophecies shall be accomplished. By the fruit you recognize the tree. See the fruits of Spiritism: couples that had replaced peace by discord returned to peace and harmony; persons that succumbed to the weight of their sufferings now awaken by the melodious voices from beyond the grave, understanding that they followed the wrong path and ashamed of their weaknesses regretted and asked the Lord the strength to withstand their trials. Trials and atonement that is the condition of a person on Earth. Atonement of the past, trials to strengthen her against temptation; to develop the Spirit by the struggle in the fight; to get her used to dominating matter and prepare her for the pure pleasures that await in the world of the Spirits.
My father’s house has many rooms, I said eighteen centuries ago. Spiritism came to make these words understood. And you, my beloved ones, workers that face the heat of the day, that believe to have to feel sorry about the unfairness of your fate, praise your sufferings; thank God that gives you means of making up debts of the past; pray not with your lips but with your improved heart to take place in the house of my Father, because the great shall be humiliated, as you know, and the little ones and the humble exalted.
The Spirit of Truth
Observation: It is well-known that we take less responsibility by the names when they belong to more elevated beings. We do not guarantee that signature more than many others, limiting ourselves to give that communication to each enlightened Spiritist. However, we must say that it is not possible to disregard in this one the elevation of thoughts, the nobility and simplicity of the expressions, the soberness of the language and the absence of superficiality. If compared to those inserted in the Imitation of the Gospel (preface and Chap. III: The consoling Christ) and that carry the same signature, although obtained by different mediums and on different occasions, it is possible to detect a markedly analogy among them of tone, style and thoughts, that indicates a unique origin. From our side we say that it can be from the Spirit of Truth because it is worthy of him whereas we have seen many signed with that venerable name or that of Jesus whose prolixity, wordiness, vulgarity, and even sometimes the triviality of the ideas, betraying the apocryphal origin to the eyes of the least clairvoyant. Only a complete fascination can explain the blindness of those that allow to be deceived, added also to the pride of considering themselves infallible and privileged interpreters of pure Spirits, a sooner or later always punished pride by deceptions, ridiculous mystifications and real disgrace in this life. In the presence of such venerable names the first feeling of a humble medium is that of the doubt because such medium does not consider oneself worthy of such a favor.