The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1864

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1864 > March > About the non-perfection of the created beings
(Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, February 5th, 1864, medium Mr. D’Ambel)

Why hasn’t God created all beings perfect? For the very reason of the law of progress. It is easy to understand the logic behind that law. The one that is marching is in the movement, that is, in the law of human activity; the one that is not progressing, that is stationary in essence, that one incontestably is not part of the progression or human hierarchy. I explain myself. A person that is born in a more or less elevated position is a given native situation or state. Well! It is certain that if that person lived her entire life without changes that resulted from her own actions or the actions of others such a life would be declared monotonous, boring, annoying, in a word, unbearable! I must add that such a person would be right about that considering that good is only good with respect to something that is inferior. That is such a positive fact that if you place a person in an earthly paradise where there is no further progress at some point in time that person will see life as something intolerable and that dwelling a horrible hell. The consequence of that is that progress or the push forward is the immutable law of the worlds, that is, that every created Spirit will be inevitable submitted to that great and sublime law of life. Consequently that is also the law of nature itself. There is only one and there could not be but one perfect being: God! Now, asking the Supreme Being for the creation of perfect creatures would be the same as requesting the creation of something similar and equal to God. Isn’t such proposal condemned by anticipation? Oh humankind! Why always asking the whys of certain insoluble things or those that are above human comprehension? Remember that only God can stay and live in his gigantic immobility. Yet God is the Supreme Lord of all things, the alpha and omega of the whole life. Ah, believe me my children, you should never try to lift the veil that covers that big mystery that even the greatest Spirits of creation are afraid of discussing. As for myself, humble pioneer of the initiation, all I can tell you is that immobility is one of God’s attributes, or Creator’s attribute, and that mankind and everything else that is created has mobility by attribute. Understand this if you can or wait for the time of a more intelligible answer that is more in line with your understanding.

That is the only part of the issue that I handle for I wanted to demonstrate to you that I was not unaware of your discussion. As for the rest I refer you to what was said since it seems to me that all share the same opinion. I will soon talk about the other cases that were mentioned (Poitiers’ cases).


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