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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1864 > February > Spiritist dissertations
Spiritist dissertations
Spiritist Society of Sens – medium Mr. Percheron
God wanted the Spirit of person to be connected to matter to suffer the vicissitudes of the body with which it identifies to the point of having the illusion that the body is the self when it is no more than its transient prison. It is like the prison that would confound himself with the walls of the prison.
Materialistic persons are too blind to be aware of their mistake for if they wanted to reflect a little more seriously they would see that their own manifestation is not matter; that considering the fact that the matter of the body renovates continuously like the water current of a river it is only the Spirit that allows them to be always aware of themselves.
Suppose that the body of a man that weights sixty kilograms would renovate 1 kilogram per day to repair his forces and replace old molecules that separate and that accomplished the task that was assigned to them in the composition of the organs. After sixty days the whole body would have completely renovated its matter. Based on that hypothesis that is true in principle but whose numbers may be contested the matter of the body would be completely renovated six times per year. The body of a twenty year old man would already have been renovated one hundred times; at the age of forty, two hundred and forty times; at eighty four hundred and eighty times. But would the soul have been renovated at all? No because you are aware that you are always yourself. Hence your Spirit is your own self and through which you affirm yourself and not your body that is nothing more than ephemeral and mutable matter.
The materialists and pantheists say that after death the disaggregating molecules return to a common mass of the primitive elements and that the same happens to the soul, that is, with the being that thinks in you. But do they know about it? Is there a common substance of mass that thinks? They never demonstrate that but before stating they should have demonstrated it. It is no more than a hypothesis from them. Considering that the molecules disaggregate several hundreds of times during the life of the body while the Spirit remains the same and keeps the consciousness of its own individuality, isn’t that more logical to admit that the nature of the Spirit is not disaggregating? Why then would it dissolve after the death of the body and not before?
After the digression addressed to the materialist I return to my subject. If God wanted the spiritual creatures momentarily attached to matter it is, and I repeat, to make them feel and in a way suffer the needs imposed by matter to the conservation of its bodies. From those needs arise the vicissitudes that make you suffer and understand the commiseration that you must have towards your fellow human beings in such situation! Such a transient state is then necessary for the progress of your Spirit what would remain stagnant without that. The needs imposed by the body stimulate your Spirit forcing it to find the means of providing for those needs and the development of thought is born from that forced labor. Forced to preside over the movements of the body to drive it aiming at its own conservation the Spirit is led to the material work and from there to the intellectual work, one needed by the other, for the realization of the Spirit’s conceptions require the work of the body that can only be done under the direction and impulse of the Spirit.
Thus having acquired the habit of working, constrained by the needs of the body, the work in turn becomes a necessity and when detached from its links the Spirit no longer needs to think about matter but still thinks about the need to work and advance oneself.
You now understand the need for your Spirit to be linked to matter during part of its existence so as not to remain stationary.
Your father, Percheron – assisted by the Spirit of Pascal
OBSERVATION: We add to these perfectly fair observations that by working for oneself the incarnate Spirit works towards the betterment of the world that he inhabits. The Spirit that is the intelligent element of creation therefore helps its own transformation and material progress that are in God’s designs. Everything interconnects in nature as designed by the wisdom of Providence; all creatures and things are solidary. Later on when the Spirit is sufficiently advanced it will enjoy the fruits of its own work.
God wanted the Spirit of person to be connected to matter to suffer the vicissitudes of the body with which it identifies to the point of having the illusion that the body is the self when it is no more than its transient prison. It is like the prison that would confound himself with the walls of the prison.
Materialistic persons are too blind to be aware of their mistake for if they wanted to reflect a little more seriously they would see that their own manifestation is not matter; that considering the fact that the matter of the body renovates continuously like the water current of a river it is only the Spirit that allows them to be always aware of themselves.
Suppose that the body of a man that weights sixty kilograms would renovate 1 kilogram per day to repair his forces and replace old molecules that separate and that accomplished the task that was assigned to them in the composition of the organs. After sixty days the whole body would have completely renovated its matter. Based on that hypothesis that is true in principle but whose numbers may be contested the matter of the body would be completely renovated six times per year. The body of a twenty year old man would already have been renovated one hundred times; at the age of forty, two hundred and forty times; at eighty four hundred and eighty times. But would the soul have been renovated at all? No because you are aware that you are always yourself. Hence your Spirit is your own self and through which you affirm yourself and not your body that is nothing more than ephemeral and mutable matter.
The materialists and pantheists say that after death the disaggregating molecules return to a common mass of the primitive elements and that the same happens to the soul, that is, with the being that thinks in you. But do they know about it? Is there a common substance of mass that thinks? They never demonstrate that but before stating they should have demonstrated it. It is no more than a hypothesis from them. Considering that the molecules disaggregate several hundreds of times during the life of the body while the Spirit remains the same and keeps the consciousness of its own individuality, isn’t that more logical to admit that the nature of the Spirit is not disaggregating? Why then would it dissolve after the death of the body and not before?
After the digression addressed to the materialist I return to my subject. If God wanted the spiritual creatures momentarily attached to matter it is, and I repeat, to make them feel and in a way suffer the needs imposed by matter to the conservation of its bodies. From those needs arise the vicissitudes that make you suffer and understand the commiseration that you must have towards your fellow human beings in such situation! Such a transient state is then necessary for the progress of your Spirit what would remain stagnant without that. The needs imposed by the body stimulate your Spirit forcing it to find the means of providing for those needs and the development of thought is born from that forced labor. Forced to preside over the movements of the body to drive it aiming at its own conservation the Spirit is led to the material work and from there to the intellectual work, one needed by the other, for the realization of the Spirit’s conceptions require the work of the body that can only be done under the direction and impulse of the Spirit.
Thus having acquired the habit of working, constrained by the needs of the body, the work in turn becomes a necessity and when detached from its links the Spirit no longer needs to think about matter but still thinks about the need to work and advance oneself.
You now understand the need for your Spirit to be linked to matter during part of its existence so as not to remain stationary.
Your father, Percheron – assisted by the Spirit of Pascal
OBSERVATION: We add to these perfectly fair observations that by working for oneself the incarnate Spirit works towards the betterment of the world that he inhabits. The Spirit that is the intelligent element of creation therefore helps its own transformation and material progress that are in God’s designs. Everything interconnects in nature as designed by the wisdom of Providence; all creatures and things are solidary. Later on when the Spirit is sufficiently advanced it will enjoy the fruits of its own work.
Spiritist Society of Paris – medium Ms. A. C.
Limits of incarnation
Reincarnation is needed while the Spirit is still dominated by matter. However as soon as the Spirit dominates matter and nulls the effects of its reaction upon the moral side reincarnation then has no more utility or meaning. In fact the body is needed to the Spirit for the progressive work until that instrument is managed by the will of the Spirit when the work is then concluded. The Spirit then requires another field for its evolution and advancement towards infinity. Another circle of studies is needed where the thick matter of inferior worlds is unknown. Having been depurated and experienced its sensations on Earth or similar globes the Spirit is mature for the spiritual life and its studies. Elevated above all material sensations the Spirit no longer feels the desires or needs inherent to the corporeal life: it is Spirit and live according to spiritual sensations that are infinitely more enjoyable than the most pleasant sensations of the body.
Reincarnation and the aspirations of mankind
The aspirations of the soul lead to their realization and such realization is achieved in incarnation while the Spirit is doing material work. I explain myself. Let us take the Spirit at the beginning of its human career. Stupid and brute it nonetheless feels the divine spark in itself for the Spirit adores a God that is materialized according to the importance of matter to the Spirit. In this creature close to the animal there is an instinctive almost unconscious aspiration to a less inferior state. It starts by the need to satisfy one’s material appetites and envies those that are in a better state. Thus, in a new incarnation the Spirit chooses or even better is dragged towards a more advanced body and always in every existence the Spirit desires a material betterment. Never satisfied the Spirit always wants to improve because the aspiration of happiness is the great lever of progress. While there is a refinement in material sensations of the Spirit the spiritual sensations also awake and flourish. That is when the moral work begins and the depuration of the soul joins the aspiration of the body to achieve a superior state. Such a state of equality between material and spiritual aspirations does not last long because soon the Spirit will elevate above matter and the sensations can no longer be satisfied there. The Spirit needs more; needs better things; but since the body has reached the limit of sensations it can no longer follow the Spirit that now dominates the body and detaches from it more and more like from a useless instrument. The Spirit now dominates desires, aspirations and the will to achieve a superior state; feels that the material aspirations that once were reason for happiness are now only obstacles, a degradation, a sad need from which Spirit wishes to free from in order to enjoy boundlessly all the presented spiritual ventures.
Action of the fluids in reincarnation
Since the fluids are the agents that drive our corporeal vehicle they are also the elements of our aspirations for there are material as there are spiritual fluids and all elevating and tending to reunite to fluids of same nature. These are the fluids that form the spiritual body of the Spirit that while incarnate acts through those fluids upon the human machine that must be perfected by the Spirit for everything is work in creation, everything concurs to the general advancement.
The Spirit has its free-will and always seeks what is pleasant and satisfying. If it is an inferior and material Spirit it then seeks the satisfaction of material things, then giving an impulse to material fluids that will dominate but will always tend to grow and evolve materially. The aspirations of that incarnate Spirit are then material in nature and later on after returning to the spiritual world the same Spirit will seek a new incarnation to satisfy the material needs and desires because lo and behold material aspirations cannot require but material satisfaction whereas spiritual aspirations cannot be associated to sensations of the Spirit. Those material sensations will be demanded by the fluids that were allowed to be materialized and since during the incarnation the fluids act to attract the Spirit to the body that was formed with attraction and union of fluids, reincarnation then takes place in conditions that will satisfy the aspirations of preceding existences.
There are spiritual as there are material fluids if the former dominate. When the spiritual fluids conquer ascendency upon the material fluids the Spirit that now analyzes things differently chooses or is attracted by different sympathies. Since the Spirit needs depuration and that is only achieved by work the chosen incarnations are more painful because after having given supremacy to matter and its fluids the Spirit now needs to constrain it, fight and dominate it. Hence those very painful lives that seem so unfairly imposed to good and intelligent Spirits. They are enjoying their final corporeal phase and as they exit this world they enter superior spheres where their superior aspirations will be satisfied.
Limits of incarnation
Reincarnation is needed while the Spirit is still dominated by matter. However as soon as the Spirit dominates matter and nulls the effects of its reaction upon the moral side reincarnation then has no more utility or meaning. In fact the body is needed to the Spirit for the progressive work until that instrument is managed by the will of the Spirit when the work is then concluded. The Spirit then requires another field for its evolution and advancement towards infinity. Another circle of studies is needed where the thick matter of inferior worlds is unknown. Having been depurated and experienced its sensations on Earth or similar globes the Spirit is mature for the spiritual life and its studies. Elevated above all material sensations the Spirit no longer feels the desires or needs inherent to the corporeal life: it is Spirit and live according to spiritual sensations that are infinitely more enjoyable than the most pleasant sensations of the body.
Reincarnation and the aspirations of mankind
The aspirations of the soul lead to their realization and such realization is achieved in incarnation while the Spirit is doing material work. I explain myself. Let us take the Spirit at the beginning of its human career. Stupid and brute it nonetheless feels the divine spark in itself for the Spirit adores a God that is materialized according to the importance of matter to the Spirit. In this creature close to the animal there is an instinctive almost unconscious aspiration to a less inferior state. It starts by the need to satisfy one’s material appetites and envies those that are in a better state. Thus, in a new incarnation the Spirit chooses or even better is dragged towards a more advanced body and always in every existence the Spirit desires a material betterment. Never satisfied the Spirit always wants to improve because the aspiration of happiness is the great lever of progress. While there is a refinement in material sensations of the Spirit the spiritual sensations also awake and flourish. That is when the moral work begins and the depuration of the soul joins the aspiration of the body to achieve a superior state. Such a state of equality between material and spiritual aspirations does not last long because soon the Spirit will elevate above matter and the sensations can no longer be satisfied there. The Spirit needs more; needs better things; but since the body has reached the limit of sensations it can no longer follow the Spirit that now dominates the body and detaches from it more and more like from a useless instrument. The Spirit now dominates desires, aspirations and the will to achieve a superior state; feels that the material aspirations that once were reason for happiness are now only obstacles, a degradation, a sad need from which Spirit wishes to free from in order to enjoy boundlessly all the presented spiritual ventures.
Action of the fluids in reincarnation
Since the fluids are the agents that drive our corporeal vehicle they are also the elements of our aspirations for there are material as there are spiritual fluids and all elevating and tending to reunite to fluids of same nature. These are the fluids that form the spiritual body of the Spirit that while incarnate acts through those fluids upon the human machine that must be perfected by the Spirit for everything is work in creation, everything concurs to the general advancement.
The Spirit has its free-will and always seeks what is pleasant and satisfying. If it is an inferior and material Spirit it then seeks the satisfaction of material things, then giving an impulse to material fluids that will dominate but will always tend to grow and evolve materially. The aspirations of that incarnate Spirit are then material in nature and later on after returning to the spiritual world the same Spirit will seek a new incarnation to satisfy the material needs and desires because lo and behold material aspirations cannot require but material satisfaction whereas spiritual aspirations cannot be associated to sensations of the Spirit. Those material sensations will be demanded by the fluids that were allowed to be materialized and since during the incarnation the fluids act to attract the Spirit to the body that was formed with attraction and union of fluids, reincarnation then takes place in conditions that will satisfy the aspirations of preceding existences.
There are spiritual as there are material fluids if the former dominate. When the spiritual fluids conquer ascendency upon the material fluids the Spirit that now analyzes things differently chooses or is attracted by different sympathies. Since the Spirit needs depuration and that is only achieved by work the chosen incarnations are more painful because after having given supremacy to matter and its fluids the Spirit now needs to constrain it, fight and dominate it. Hence those very painful lives that seem so unfairly imposed to good and intelligent Spirits. They are enjoying their final corporeal phase and as they exit this world they enter superior spheres where their superior aspirations will be satisfied.
Earthly affections and reincarnation
The dogma of indefinite reincarnation finds opposition in the hearts of the incarnate that love because in presence of such infinity of existences and producing links of affection in every one of them one asks what happens to the particular affections and if they don’t mix in an unique general love which would then destroy the persistence of individual affections. The person then asks herself if such individual affection are not only a means of advancement and the person then feels a certain frustration because true affection feels the need for eternal love feeling that one would never feel tired of loving. The simple thought of having thousands of identical affections seems an impossibility even when admitting greater capacity for love.
The serious student of Spiritism without the preconceived idea of a system in detriment of another one, feels attracted to reincarnation for the justice that follows the progress and advancement of the Spirit at each new existence. Nonetheless when it is studied from the point of view of the affections of the heart one doubts and becomes surprised despite anything else. Since the student cannot conciliate these two feelings she then says that there is still a veil to uncover and her work attracts the lights of the Spirits to appease her heart and her reason.
I have already said that reincarnation stops when materiality is nulled. I showed how material progressed refined the corporeal sensations of the incarnate Spirit; how the spiritual progress that follows had counter the influence of matter and later subordinated it to the will of the Spirit and that arriving at that degree of spiritual domination corporeal life would no longer make sense because the work was done.
Let us now examine the issue of affection based on its material and spiritual aspects.
To begin with, what is affection, love? Still the fluidic attraction that brings people together one to the other, uniting them in a common feeling. Such attraction may be of two different types since the fluids are of two different nature. The attraction can only remain forever if it is spiritual and selfless; abnegation and devotion are needed and not a single feeling of personality may be the drive of such sympathetic attraction. As long as there is personality there is materiality in that feeling; well, no material affection persists in the domains of the Spirit. Therefore every affection that is only the result of animal instinct or egotism is destroyed with earthly death. Thus, how many supposedly loved creatures are forgotten not long after separation! You loved them for yourselves not for them, those that no longer live, because you have forgotten and replaced them; you sought consolation by forgetting and they became indifferent because you no longer love them.
Observe humanity and see how few true affections do exist on Earth! Thus, one should not be so much surprised by the large number of affections that are found. True affections are in a relative minority but they do exist and those that are real persist and perpetuate in all forms, first on Earth and later in the spiritual state in a through friendship or in an unchanged love that grows continually.
Let us study true affection: the spiritual love.
The foundation of true love is a fluidic spiritual attraction that determines empathy by itself. In that case it is the soul that loves the soul and the power of such love is manifested by the feelings of the soul. Two souls that are united spiritually seek one another and always tend to get together. Their fluids attract one another. If they are on the same planet that are impelled to one another. If separated by earthly death their thoughts unite in their memories and the reunion takes place at the freedom of their sleep and when it is time for the reincarnation of one of them that Spirit will try to be closer to the friend, entering the material affiliation and that will be easier the more affinity they find with the material fluids of the perispirit of those that will give birth to the new being. Hence an adder of affection, a new manifestation of love. Such a friendly Spirit that loved you as a father will also love you as a son, brother or a friend and each one of those links with strengthen from incarnation to incarnation and will remain forever when the work is done and you live the life of the Spirit.
But such true affection is not common one Earth and matter happens to delay it, nulling its effect depending on how the Spirit is dominated by matter. Since true friendship and love are spiritual everything that relates to matter does not belong to its nature consequently not contributing to the spiritual identification. Affinity remains but stays in a latent state until the time when there is prevalence of the spiritual fluid and progress of empathy.
In short, spiritual love is the only that remains in the domains of the Spirit. It concurs to the moral advancement of the incarnate Spirit both on Earth and in the regions of corporeal work, and the Spirit under the influence of empathy carries out miracles of abnegation and devotion towards the beloved ones. Here in the celestial dwellings, it is the complete satisfaction of all aspirations and the greatest happiness that the Spirit can enjoy.
Progress hindered by indefinite incarnation
Up to this point reincarnation has been considered too much prolonged. It was not considered that such extension of corporeal life, although less and less material, would nonetheless lead to necessities that would block the advancement of the Spirit. In fact by admitting the persistence of procreation in the superior worlds material needs are attributed to the incarnate Spirits; still material duties and occupations that imprison and refrain their spiritual impulses. What are the needs for such barriers? Can’t the Spirit enjoy the happiness of love without enduring corporeal diseases? Even on Earth such a feeling does exist irrespective of the material part of our being. However rare they may be there is a sufficient number of examples to demonstrate that it must be felt more frequently amongst more spiritualized creatures.
Reincarnation determines the union of bodies. Pure love just determines the union of souls. The Spirits unite according to the affections they developed in inferior worlds and work together towards their spiritual progress. They have a fluidic organization completely different from the one that was consequence of their corporeal structure and their works operate upon fluids and no longer onto material objects. They reach spheres that have completed their material cycles; spheres in which human activity has determined dematerialization and that once achieved the apogee of their betterment have also gone through a superior transformation now in position to experience still other changes but in an entirely fluidic sense.
You now understand the immense power of fluids, a strength that you can feel but cannot see or touch. In a lighter state than the one you are placed now you will have other means of seeing, touching and working that fluid, a great agent of universal life.
Why then would the Spirit still have the need to enter a body for a kind of work that is beyond corporeal appreciation? You will say that the body is in relation to the new activities that the Spirit must carry out but considering that such a work is entirely fluidic and spiritual in superior spheres why then give the Spirits the embarrassment of the corporeal needs? As I said, reincarnation always determines the need for procreation and feeding that is needs of matter to be satisfied and barriers to the Spirit on another hand.
You must understand that the Spirit must be free in the flight towards infinity; that leaving the cradles of matter the Spirit, like the child, wishes to walk and run and not be stopped by kid’s walking toys and that those first needs of the first education are superfluous to a grown up child and unbearable to a teenager.
You must not wish to remain in your infancy. Look at yourselves as students that go through their finals preparing to enter the world to find their places and begin another type of work facilitated by their earlier studies. Spiritism is the lever that will strongly yang every incarnate soul to the spiritual state, every soul that wishes to understand and practice it, dominating matter and becoming its matter, annihilating it. Everyone that in good will wishes to move to such a spiritual state, after leaving this world, without returning to Earth may conquer that. Spiritism provides that to all that want to understand it in its moralizing sense.
Protector Spirit of the medium
OBSERVATION: This communication has no other signature but the one above, proving that it is not necessary to have had a celebrity name on Earth to be able to dictate good things. It is possible to notice the analogy between the communications given in Sens earlier on with the first part of this one; the latter is certainly more advanced but the fundamental idea about the need for reincarnation is the same. We mentioned both to show that the great principles of the Doctrine are taught in several places and that is how the unit of Spiritism will consolidate. Such agreement is the best criterion of truth.
Now, it is noticeable that exotic and systematic theories dictated by pseudo wise Spirits are always restricted to a small and individual circle and that being the reason why none has prevailed. That is also why there is no reason to fear them since they only have transient influence that fades away like a weak flame before the clarity of daylight. Regarding the last communication it would be superfluous to point out to its reach in form and content. It can be summarized as this:
Considered from the point of view of progress the life of the Spirit presents three main periods, as:
1.Material period, in which the influence of matter dominates that of the Spirit. That is the state of people given to brutal and carnal passions and sensuality; in which aspirations are exclusively earthly, associated to temporal possessions or refractory to spiritual ideas.
2.Equilibrium period, in which both material and spiritual influence occur simultaneously; in which people, although still chained to material needs, foresee and understand the spiritual state, working to leave the material state.
In the two periods above the Spirit is subjected to reincarnation that takes place in inferior and mid-level worlds.
3.Spiritual period in which the Spirit has completely dominated matter and no longer needs incarnation or material work. The work is now entirely spiritual. That is the state of the Spirits in superior worlds.
The easiness with which certain persons accept the Spiritist ideas that they seem to have an intuition about indicates that they belong to the second period; but there are many steps between this one and the previous ones, steps that are transposed the faster the closer the Spirit is to the spiritual period. That is how the Spirit can move from a material world like Earth and inhabit a superior one like Jupiter, if the moral and spiritual progress of that Spirit is sufficient to wave its passage through intermediary levels. It is then up to us to leave Earth for good, like a world of atonement and trial or to come back only on a mission.
Earthly affections and reincarnation
The dogma of indefinite reincarnation finds opposition in the hearts of the incarnate that love because in presence of such infinity of existences and producing links of affection in every one of them one asks what happens to the particular affections and if they don’t mix in an unique general love which would then destroy the persistence of individual affections. The person then asks herself if such individual affection are not only a means of advancement and the person then feels a certain frustration because true affection feels the need for eternal love feeling that one would never feel tired of loving. The simple thought of having thousands of identical affections seems an impossibility even when admitting greater capacity for love.
The serious student of Spiritism without the preconceived idea of a system in detriment of another one, feels attracted to reincarnation for the justice that follows the progress and advancement of the Spirit at each new existence. Nonetheless when it is studied from the point of view of the affections of the heart one doubts and becomes surprised despite anything else. Since the student cannot conciliate these two feelings she then says that there is still a veil to uncover and her work attracts the lights of the Spirits to appease her heart and her reason.
I have already said that reincarnation stops when materiality is nulled. I showed how material progressed refined the corporeal sensations of the incarnate Spirit; how the spiritual progress that follows had counter the influence of matter and later subordinated it to the will of the Spirit and that arriving at that degree of spiritual domination corporeal life would no longer make sense because the work was done.
Let us now examine the issue of affection based on its material and spiritual aspects.
To begin with, what is affection, love? Still the fluidic attraction that brings people together one to the other, uniting them in a common feeling. Such attraction may be of two different types since the fluids are of two different nature. The attraction can only remain forever if it is spiritual and selfless; abnegation and devotion are needed and not a single feeling of personality may be the drive of such sympathetic attraction. As long as there is personality there is materiality in that feeling; well, no material affection persists in the domains of the Spirit. Therefore every affection that is only the result of animal instinct or egotism is destroyed with earthly death. Thus, how many supposedly loved creatures are forgotten not long after separation! You loved them for yourselves not for them, those that no longer live, because you have forgotten and replaced them; you sought consolation by forgetting and they became indifferent because you no longer love them.
Observe humanity and see how few true affections do exist on Earth! Thus, one should not be so much surprised by the large number of affections that are found. True affections are in a relative minority but they do exist and those that are real persist and perpetuate in all forms, first on Earth and later in the spiritual state in a through friendship or in an unchanged love that grows continually.
Let us study true affection: the spiritual love.
The foundation of true love is a fluidic spiritual attraction that determines empathy by itself. In that case it is the soul that loves the soul and the power of such love is manifested by the feelings of the soul. Two souls that are united spiritually seek one another and always tend to get together. Their fluids attract one another. If they are on the same planet that are impelled to one another. If separated by earthly death their thoughts unite in their memories and the reunion takes place at the freedom of their sleep and when it is time for the reincarnation of one of them that Spirit will try to be closer to the friend, entering the material affiliation and that will be easier the more affinity they find with the material fluids of the perispirit of those that will give birth to the new being. Hence an adder of affection, a new manifestation of love. Such a friendly Spirit that loved you as a father will also love you as a son, brother or a friend and each one of those links with strengthen from incarnation to incarnation and will remain forever when the work is done and you live the life of the Spirit.
But such true affection is not common one Earth and matter happens to delay it, nulling its effect depending on how the Spirit is dominated by matter. Since true friendship and love are spiritual everything that relates to matter does not belong to its nature consequently not contributing to the spiritual identification. Affinity remains but stays in a latent state until the time when there is prevalence of the spiritual fluid and progress of empathy.
In short, spiritual love is the only that remains in the domains of the Spirit. It concurs to the moral advancement of the incarnate Spirit both on Earth and in the regions of corporeal work, and the Spirit under the influence of empathy carries out miracles of abnegation and devotion towards the beloved ones. Here in the celestial dwellings, it is the complete satisfaction of all aspirations and the greatest happiness that the Spirit can enjoy.
Progress hindered by indefinite incarnation
Up to this point reincarnation has been considered too much prolonged. It was not considered that such extension of corporeal life, although less and less material, would nonetheless lead to necessities that would block the advancement of the Spirit. In fact by admitting the persistence of procreation in the superior worlds material needs are attributed to the incarnate Spirits; still material duties and occupations that imprison and refrain their spiritual impulses. What are the needs for such barriers? Can’t the Spirit enjoy the happiness of love without enduring corporeal diseases? Even on Earth such a feeling does exist irrespective of the material part of our being. However rare they may be there is a sufficient number of examples to demonstrate that it must be felt more frequently amongst more spiritualized creatures.
Reincarnation determines the union of bodies. Pure love just determines the union of souls. The Spirits unite according to the affections they developed in inferior worlds and work together towards their spiritual progress. They have a fluidic organization completely different from the one that was consequence of their corporeal structure and their works operate upon fluids and no longer onto material objects. They reach spheres that have completed their material cycles; spheres in which human activity has determined dematerialization and that once achieved the apogee of their betterment have also gone through a superior transformation now in position to experience still other changes but in an entirely fluidic sense.
You now understand the immense power of fluids, a strength that you can feel but cannot see or touch. In a lighter state than the one you are placed now you will have other means of seeing, touching and working that fluid, a great agent of universal life.
Why then would the Spirit still have the need to enter a body for a kind of work that is beyond corporeal appreciation? You will say that the body is in relation to the new activities that the Spirit must carry out but considering that such a work is entirely fluidic and spiritual in superior spheres why then give the Spirits the embarrassment of the corporeal needs? As I said, reincarnation always determines the need for procreation and feeding that is needs of matter to be satisfied and barriers to the Spirit on another hand.
You must understand that the Spirit must be free in the flight towards infinity; that leaving the cradles of matter the Spirit, like the child, wishes to walk and run and not be stopped by kid’s walking toys and that those first needs of the first education are superfluous to a grown up child and unbearable to a teenager.
You must not wish to remain in your infancy. Look at yourselves as students that go through their finals preparing to enter the world to find their places and begin another type of work facilitated by their earlier studies. Spiritism is the lever that will strongly yang every incarnate soul to the spiritual state, every soul that wishes to understand and practice it, dominating matter and becoming its matter, annihilating it. Everyone that in good will wishes to move to such a spiritual state, after leaving this world, without returning to Earth may conquer that. Spiritism provides that to all that want to understand it in its moralizing sense.
Protector Spirit of the medium
OBSERVATION: This communication has no other signature but the one above, proving that it is not necessary to have had a celebrity name on Earth to be able to dictate good things. It is possible to notice the analogy between the communications given in Sens earlier on with the first part of this one; the latter is certainly more advanced but the fundamental idea about the need for reincarnation is the same. We mentioned both to show that the great principles of the Doctrine are taught in several places and that is how the unit of Spiritism will consolidate. Such agreement is the best criterion of truth.
Now, it is noticeable that exotic and systematic theories dictated by pseudo wise Spirits are always restricted to a small and individual circle and that being the reason why none has prevailed. That is also why there is no reason to fear them since they only have transient influence that fades away like a weak flame before the clarity of daylight. Regarding the last communication it would be superfluous to point out to its reach in form and content. It can be summarized as this:
Considered from the point of view of progress the life of the Spirit presents three main periods, as:
1.Material period, in which the influence of matter dominates that of the Spirit. That is the state of people given to brutal and carnal passions and sensuality; in which aspirations are exclusively earthly, associated to temporal possessions or refractory to spiritual ideas.
2.Equilibrium period, in which both material and spiritual influence occur simultaneously; in which people, although still chained to material needs, foresee and understand the spiritual state, working to leave the material state.
In the two periods above the Spirit is subjected to reincarnation that takes place in inferior and mid-level worlds.
3.Spiritual period in which the Spirit has completely dominated matter and no longer needs incarnation or material work. The work is now entirely spiritual. That is the state of the Spirits in superior worlds.
The easiness with which certain persons accept the Spiritist ideas that they seem to have an intuition about indicates that they belong to the second period; but there are many steps between this one and the previous ones, steps that are transposed the faster the closer the Spirit is to the spiritual period. That is how the Spirit can move from a material world like Earth and inhabit a superior one like Jupiter, if the moral and spiritual progress of that Spirit is sufficient to wave its passage through intermediary levels. It is then up to us to leave Earth for good, like a world of atonement and trial or to come back only on a mission.