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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1864 > September > Journal of Spiritism, published in Bordeaux Under the direction of Mr. Aug. Bez
That is the fourth periodical Spiritist publication that shows up in Bordeaux and that we have the pleasure of including in the assessment we made in our last issue about that kind of publication. We know Mr. Bez since long ago and he is one of the pillars of the cause. His flagship is the same as ours and we have faith in his forethought and moderation. It is then another media that comes to join forces with those that defend the true principles of the Doctrine. We welcome it!
We were told that soon Marseille will also have its Spiritist journal. The multiplication of these special newspapers has given us suggestions of important considerations of your interest that a lack of space forces us to postpone to a next issue.
Allan Kardec
We were told that soon Marseille will also have its Spiritist journal. The multiplication of these special newspapers has given us suggestions of important considerations of your interest that a lack of space forces us to postpone to a next issue.
Allan Kardec