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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1864 > November > Varieties
According to the Sémaphore from Marseille dated September 29th several journals were fast to reproduce the following fact:
“The day before yesterday, at night, a house located at Rue Paradis was the stage of a very painful event. An industrialist that has lamp store there killed himself, employing a strong dose of one of the most lethal poisons. Here is how the suicide took place:
The businessman was giving signs of a certain mental disarray for some time already, produced perhaps by the abuse of alcohol but more particularly to the practice of Spiritism, this modern scourge that has already claimed so many victims in the large cities and that now threatens to bring its devastations even to the country side. Despite his clientele that assure him a lucrative work, Mr. X… businesses were not in good shape and sometimes he had difficulties to pay for all his bills. His humor consequently was generally somber and his attitude unpleasant.”
The article attests that he used to abuse strong liquors and that his business was in poor condition, circumstances that many times lead to mental issues and even suicide. The author, however, only admits these causes as possible or accessories in that case whereas he strongly attributes the fact to the practice of Spiritism. The letter below was sent to us from Marseille, solving the issue and pointing out to the good-faith of the editor.
Dear Master,
The Gazette du Midi and the Sémaphore of Marseille from September 29th published an article about the voluntary poisoning of a businessman attributed to the practice of Spiritism. Since I personally knew that miserable man that was from the same Mason Store that I am, I can positively attest that he has never been involved with Spiritism and that he had never read any publication about the subject. You have my authorization to use my name since I am ready to prove the truth about what I am telling you; if needed all my brothers and the best friends of the deceased consider to be their duty to attest the same. Had him had God’s blessing to have known and understood Spiritism and he would have found the necessary strength to resist the dismal inclinations that led him to such an insensible act.
Yours truly,
Doctor in Medicine, Rue du Petit-Saint-Jean, 24
“The day before yesterday, at night, a house located at Rue Paradis was the stage of a very painful event. An industrialist that has lamp store there killed himself, employing a strong dose of one of the most lethal poisons. Here is how the suicide took place:
The businessman was giving signs of a certain mental disarray for some time already, produced perhaps by the abuse of alcohol but more particularly to the practice of Spiritism, this modern scourge that has already claimed so many victims in the large cities and that now threatens to bring its devastations even to the country side. Despite his clientele that assure him a lucrative work, Mr. X… businesses were not in good shape and sometimes he had difficulties to pay for all his bills. His humor consequently was generally somber and his attitude unpleasant.”
The article attests that he used to abuse strong liquors and that his business was in poor condition, circumstances that many times lead to mental issues and even suicide. The author, however, only admits these causes as possible or accessories in that case whereas he strongly attributes the fact to the practice of Spiritism. The letter below was sent to us from Marseille, solving the issue and pointing out to the good-faith of the editor.
Dear Master,
The Gazette du Midi and the Sémaphore of Marseille from September 29th published an article about the voluntary poisoning of a businessman attributed to the practice of Spiritism. Since I personally knew that miserable man that was from the same Mason Store that I am, I can positively attest that he has never been involved with Spiritism and that he had never read any publication about the subject. You have my authorization to use my name since I am ready to prove the truth about what I am telling you; if needed all my brothers and the best friends of the deceased consider to be their duty to attest the same. Had him had God’s blessing to have known and understood Spiritism and he would have found the necessary strength to resist the dismal inclinations that led him to such an insensible act.
Yours truly,
Doctor in Medicine, Rue du Petit-Saint-Jean, 24
We got this from Lyon, sent on October 3rd, 1864:
“You know the reputation of Captain B… It is a man of strong faith, of a demonstrated belief. You have already talked about him in your Spiritist Review. Sometime ago he was by the riverbanks of Saône in company of a Spiritist lawyer, like himself. The extended their walk and finally entered into a restaurant to have lunch and soon saw another pedestrian that entered the same building. The recent guest spoke out loud, ordering in a rude manner, apparently trying to draw the attention of those in the restaurant. Observing the lighthearted person the Captain then addressed a few kind of reproachable words to that person that had just arrived. He was then taken by a sudden sadness. Mr. B… is a hearing medium and distinctly hears the voice of his own son from whom he receives frequent communications whispering in his ear: - the rude man that you see will commit suicide. He came here for his last meal.
The Captain promptly stood up and approached the disturber asking for his forgiveness when said those words out loud. He then took him to the outside of the establishment and said: Sir, you are going to commit suicide. The little old man counting seventy seven years of age was astonished, and then said: Who could have told you similar thing? God, Mr. B… responded. He then started to talk about the immortality of the soul and leading him back to Lyon talked to him about Spiritism and everything that God may inspire in such cases to give encouragement and consolation.
The old man then told him his story. Former Orthopedist he was ruined by an unfaithful partner. He fell sick and spent a long time in hospital but once he was cured he found unemployment, without any resources. He was given shelter by a poor worker, a sublime creature that fed him for months only obliged by her own good heart. The fear of turning into a burden to her he made him seek suicide.
The Captain sought the honorable lady and offered her help and encouragement. But when one has to live money goes fast and yesterday the poor furniture of the lady worker would have been sold if some good Spiritists had not rescued the pieces she had in the only room because after a year feeding the poor old man she had pawned linen, blankets, etc. It was all recovered thanks to the good hearts that were touched by the generous devotion. But that is not all. It is necessary to continue until the old man finds refuge in the Sisters of the Poor. By the way, Carita made me write a communication that I send to you with the expression of all of our recognition, dear Sir that made us Spiritists. As for myself I do not forget that I was invited to return with you when you come back.”
Here is the communication:
“You know the reputation of Captain B… It is a man of strong faith, of a demonstrated belief. You have already talked about him in your Spiritist Review. Sometime ago he was by the riverbanks of Saône in company of a Spiritist lawyer, like himself. The extended their walk and finally entered into a restaurant to have lunch and soon saw another pedestrian that entered the same building. The recent guest spoke out loud, ordering in a rude manner, apparently trying to draw the attention of those in the restaurant. Observing the lighthearted person the Captain then addressed a few kind of reproachable words to that person that had just arrived. He was then taken by a sudden sadness. Mr. B… is a hearing medium and distinctly hears the voice of his own son from whom he receives frequent communications whispering in his ear: - the rude man that you see will commit suicide. He came here for his last meal.
The Captain promptly stood up and approached the disturber asking for his forgiveness when said those words out loud. He then took him to the outside of the establishment and said: Sir, you are going to commit suicide. The little old man counting seventy seven years of age was astonished, and then said: Who could have told you similar thing? God, Mr. B… responded. He then started to talk about the immortality of the soul and leading him back to Lyon talked to him about Spiritism and everything that God may inspire in such cases to give encouragement and consolation.
The old man then told him his story. Former Orthopedist he was ruined by an unfaithful partner. He fell sick and spent a long time in hospital but once he was cured he found unemployment, without any resources. He was given shelter by a poor worker, a sublime creature that fed him for months only obliged by her own good heart. The fear of turning into a burden to her he made him seek suicide.
The Captain sought the honorable lady and offered her help and encouragement. But when one has to live money goes fast and yesterday the poor furniture of the lady worker would have been sold if some good Spiritists had not rescued the pieces she had in the only room because after a year feeding the poor old man she had pawned linen, blankets, etc. It was all recovered thanks to the good hearts that were touched by the generous devotion. But that is not all. It is necessary to continue until the old man finds refuge in the Sisters of the Poor. By the way, Carita made me write a communication that I send to you with the expression of all of our recognition, dear Sir that made us Spiritists. As for myself I do not forget that I was invited to return with you when you come back.”
Here is the communication:
Spiritism, this star of the East, does not come only to open up the doors of science to you. It does more than that: it is a friend that makes you get closer to one another, that teaches you the love to the neighbor and above all charity, but not the degrading alms that seeks the least valued coin in the pocket to give to the poor, but the sweet meekness of Jesus Christ that knew the path of the hidden suffering.
My good friends, I found in my path one of these miseries that is not reported in history but that is kept in the heart when remember the time of such tough trials. It is a poor woman; she is a mother; she has a soon, unemployed for several months; besides, she supports a misery worker like herself. On top of that an old man comes to her place every day at mealtime and when there is enough to eat. But when they lack the necessary the two poor women, remarkable creatures in their charity, give their food to the men, old and young, with the pretext that they had eaten before, despite their hunger. I saw that happening many times. I saw the old man in a moment of desperation selling his last piece of clothing and saw him wishing out of pure madness to say good-bye to life before returning to the invisible world, where God judges everyone.
I saw hunger printing its marks on these disinherited of the social well-being, but the women prayed with eagerness and God listened. He has already brought Spiritist brothers onto their path and when charity calls devoted hearts answer. The tears of desperation are gone. There is only the anguish, the threatening ghost of winter with its entourage of hailstones, ice and snow. I reach out to you on behalf of that misery. The poor, our friends, are God’s envoys. They come to tell us: We suffer; it is God’s wishes; it is our punishment and at the same time an example to our betterment. When you see us so unhappy your hearts are touched, your feelings broaden and you learn to love and be sorry for the unfortunate ones. Help us so that we shall not perish and also to see God’s smile from the heights of his beautiful paradise. That is what the poor says in his hags; that is what your guardian angel tells you and I repeat, a simple messenger of charity, intermediary between heavens and you.
Smile to those in suffering, oh you so gifted by all qualities of the heart. Help me in my mission. Do not allow that sanctuary of your soul to close down, a sanctuary that receives the eyes of God and that one day, when you return to your motherland, with unsure eyes and feeble steps seeking your path through infinity I will wide open the door of the temple to you where everything is love and charity and I will say: Come in, my beloved ones. I know you!”
Who would they want to convince that this is the language of the devil? Was it the voice of the devil that was heard by the Captain, in the name of his son, warning him that the old man was about to commit suicide and, at the same time, bringing up regret for the strong words that he had used and that could have hurt the man? According to a group that wants to convey the message that it is only the devil that communicates that Captain should have repealed that voice as if coming from the devil; the result of that would have been the suicide of the poor old man and the furniture of the poor workers would have been sold and that they would be starving.
Among the donations that we received for them there is one that we must mention without naming the author. It was followed by this letter:
Dear Sir,
“I heard from a relative that learned from you the report of a beautiful and truly Christian action that was carried out by a poor worker of Lyon on behalf of a poor old man. My relative showed me a very eloquent appeal in favor of that man made by a Spirit that gives herself the kind name Cárita. Responding to your question if we recognize the words of the devil in that I say that our best saints do not speak in a better way. It is my opinion. That is why I took the liberty of requesting a copy from you. Sir, I am a vicar but I send you the widow’s alms in the name of Jesus Christ to that brave and honorable woman. Attached you find the little amount of five francs, apologizing for not being able to give more. Please do not mention my name.
Father X…
My good friends, I found in my path one of these miseries that is not reported in history but that is kept in the heart when remember the time of such tough trials. It is a poor woman; she is a mother; she has a soon, unemployed for several months; besides, she supports a misery worker like herself. On top of that an old man comes to her place every day at mealtime and when there is enough to eat. But when they lack the necessary the two poor women, remarkable creatures in their charity, give their food to the men, old and young, with the pretext that they had eaten before, despite their hunger. I saw that happening many times. I saw the old man in a moment of desperation selling his last piece of clothing and saw him wishing out of pure madness to say good-bye to life before returning to the invisible world, where God judges everyone.
I saw hunger printing its marks on these disinherited of the social well-being, but the women prayed with eagerness and God listened. He has already brought Spiritist brothers onto their path and when charity calls devoted hearts answer. The tears of desperation are gone. There is only the anguish, the threatening ghost of winter with its entourage of hailstones, ice and snow. I reach out to you on behalf of that misery. The poor, our friends, are God’s envoys. They come to tell us: We suffer; it is God’s wishes; it is our punishment and at the same time an example to our betterment. When you see us so unhappy your hearts are touched, your feelings broaden and you learn to love and be sorry for the unfortunate ones. Help us so that we shall not perish and also to see God’s smile from the heights of his beautiful paradise. That is what the poor says in his hags; that is what your guardian angel tells you and I repeat, a simple messenger of charity, intermediary between heavens and you.
Smile to those in suffering, oh you so gifted by all qualities of the heart. Help me in my mission. Do not allow that sanctuary of your soul to close down, a sanctuary that receives the eyes of God and that one day, when you return to your motherland, with unsure eyes and feeble steps seeking your path through infinity I will wide open the door of the temple to you where everything is love and charity and I will say: Come in, my beloved ones. I know you!”
Who would they want to convince that this is the language of the devil? Was it the voice of the devil that was heard by the Captain, in the name of his son, warning him that the old man was about to commit suicide and, at the same time, bringing up regret for the strong words that he had used and that could have hurt the man? According to a group that wants to convey the message that it is only the devil that communicates that Captain should have repealed that voice as if coming from the devil; the result of that would have been the suicide of the poor old man and the furniture of the poor workers would have been sold and that they would be starving.
Among the donations that we received for them there is one that we must mention without naming the author. It was followed by this letter:
Dear Sir,
“I heard from a relative that learned from you the report of a beautiful and truly Christian action that was carried out by a poor worker of Lyon on behalf of a poor old man. My relative showed me a very eloquent appeal in favor of that man made by a Spirit that gives herself the kind name Cárita. Responding to your question if we recognize the words of the devil in that I say that our best saints do not speak in a better way. It is my opinion. That is why I took the liberty of requesting a copy from you. Sir, I am a vicar but I send you the widow’s alms in the name of Jesus Christ to that brave and honorable woman. Attached you find the little amount of five francs, apologizing for not being able to give more. Please do not mention my name.
Father X…