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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1864 > May > Varieties > Manifestations of Poitiers
The rumors that had the town of Poitiers moved had completely stopped from what we heard but it seems that the noisy Spirits have transferred the stage of their actions to other places. That is what we can read in the Pays about it:
“The rapping Spirits of Poitiers begin to create a school and reach neighbor lands. This letter was sent from Ville-au-Moine to the Courrier de la Vienne (do not confuse it with the Journal de la Vienne) on February 24th:
Dear Mr. Editor,
For some days now our region is worried about the presence of rapping Spirits in Bois-de-Doeuil that spread terror around our villages. Their meeting point is the home of Mr. Perroche. Every night, around eleven and midnight the Spirit manifests through nine, eleven or thirteen knocks followed by two and another one and six am the same happens again. Notice, Sir, that the knocks take place at the headboard of a bed where a lady lays terrified stating that she receives communications from her husband’s uncle that died about a month ago in our village. It is incredible. I and several friends wanted to get to the bottom line and find the truth to the point that we spent a night in Bois-de-Doeuil where we ourselves witnessed the facts that we had heard before. We even saw a kid’s cradle swinging longitudinally, apparently not touched by anybody. In the beginning we laughed at the situation but when we noticed that all the investigation carried out to uncover the tricks were unsuccessful we then left feeling more astonished than amused! If the noise continues Mr. Perroche’s house will not be able to accommodate every curious person from Marsais, Priaire, Migré, Doeuil and even from Villeneuve-la-Contesse that crowd over to spend the night there and try to resolve the mystery.
Sincerely, etc.”
A short comment about the events. The Journal de la Vienne reported them and reiterated that they were following a lead to catch the author or authors of those disturbances that would soon be brought to justice. Since they did not they cannot accuse law enforcement of negligence. How can that be having a house occupied from top to bottom by their agents and people were still unable to discover their maneuvers before their eyes and were unable to catch them? One must acknowledge that they were at the same time very audacious and skillful since they faced a whole brigade but remained unseen. Besides, that group of jokers must be very large since they do the same tricks in several cities with years separating them and still were never caught. The cases of Rue des Grès and Rue des Noyers, in Paris, the Grandes-Ventes, near Dieppe, and so many others were also unfruitful. How come the police with so many great resources, capable of catching the most astute and skillful criminals, cannot stop a few jokers? Have you thought about that? As a matter of fact those events are not new as confirmed by the report that follows.
“The rapping Spirits of Poitiers begin to create a school and reach neighbor lands. This letter was sent from Ville-au-Moine to the Courrier de la Vienne (do not confuse it with the Journal de la Vienne) on February 24th:
Dear Mr. Editor,
For some days now our region is worried about the presence of rapping Spirits in Bois-de-Doeuil that spread terror around our villages. Their meeting point is the home of Mr. Perroche. Every night, around eleven and midnight the Spirit manifests through nine, eleven or thirteen knocks followed by two and another one and six am the same happens again. Notice, Sir, that the knocks take place at the headboard of a bed where a lady lays terrified stating that she receives communications from her husband’s uncle that died about a month ago in our village. It is incredible. I and several friends wanted to get to the bottom line and find the truth to the point that we spent a night in Bois-de-Doeuil where we ourselves witnessed the facts that we had heard before. We even saw a kid’s cradle swinging longitudinally, apparently not touched by anybody. In the beginning we laughed at the situation but when we noticed that all the investigation carried out to uncover the tricks were unsuccessful we then left feeling more astonished than amused! If the noise continues Mr. Perroche’s house will not be able to accommodate every curious person from Marsais, Priaire, Migré, Doeuil and even from Villeneuve-la-Contesse that crowd over to spend the night there and try to resolve the mystery.
Sincerely, etc.”
A short comment about the events. The Journal de la Vienne reported them and reiterated that they were following a lead to catch the author or authors of those disturbances that would soon be brought to justice. Since they did not they cannot accuse law enforcement of negligence. How can that be having a house occupied from top to bottom by their agents and people were still unable to discover their maneuvers before their eyes and were unable to catch them? One must acknowledge that they were at the same time very audacious and skillful since they faced a whole brigade but remained unseen. Besides, that group of jokers must be very large since they do the same tricks in several cities with years separating them and still were never caught. The cases of Rue des Grès and Rue des Noyers, in Paris, the Grandes-Ventes, near Dieppe, and so many others were also unfruitful. How come the police with so many great resources, capable of catching the most astute and skillful criminals, cannot stop a few jokers? Have you thought about that? As a matter of fact those events are not new as confirmed by the report that follows.