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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863 > April > To the readers of the Spiritist Review
To the readers of the Spiritist Review
For some time now circumstances have forced us to give more development to the articles of depth and to restrict Spiritist communications given the need for certain urgent refutations. We will soon be able to reestablish the balance. We will strive to provide as much variety as possible to our journal to satisfy all tastes and pretensions but there are things that have priority. We are happy to notice that generally speaking we are well understood and that people take into account the complications associated to the struggle that goes on and the constant growth of the Doctrine that is at the center reached by all ramifications and all wires of this bundle that today encompasses the whole world. Thank God our efforts are crowned by success and as a compensation for our fatigue, there is no lack of moral satisfaction.
Allan Kardec[1]
[1] Paris, Typography Cosson and Co., Rue de Four-Saint-Germain, 43
Allan Kardec[1]
[1] Paris, Typography Cosson and Co., Rue de Four-Saint-Germain, 43