The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863

Allan Kardec

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A few words about Spiritism Extracted from the Écho de Sétif, Algeria, November 9th, 1962

From some time now there is some agitation in the air, the world is startled and seeks answers. Its soul suffers and is in great need. Let us admit that Spiritism does not exist and that everything said about it is mistake and imaginations from confused minds. Still, is it negligible to attest the existence of six million people affected by the same disease in seven or eight years? As for myself I see a lot in this. I see the presentiment of great things because at all times the world has always been unsuspectedly uneasy, even turbulent, on the eve of remarkable phases.

What is certain today is that after having passed a period of terrible materialism the world feels the need for a Spiritual and rational belief! There is the need for a belief with knowledge of cause, if I can say so. These are the causes of the world’s illness, if we admit that there is one. It is reckless to say that there is nothing at the bottom line of that movement.

A writer, which I did not have the honor of meeting, just published in the Écho de Sétif on September 18th an article of profound thoughts. He confessed to not knowing Spiritism but questions if it is possible, if it can exist and his searches lead him to the conclusion that Spiritism is not impossible.

Nevertheless, the Spirits have reason to rejoice these days because valuable people want to dedicate part of their studies to what some call a mistake and others the truth. As for myself I can attest a fact: I saw things that people cannot believe without seeing. There is a very enlightened part of society that does not reject the fact itself but that considers the associated communications as coming directly from hell. That is what I cannot admit before a communication like the one below:

“Believe in God, creator and organizer of the cosmos; love God, creator and protector of the souls… signed Galileo.” The devil does not always speak like that, otherwise people would have attributed him an undeserved reputation. If on one side he disrespected God we must confess that he put too much water in the wine.

I was also a non-believer and could not be convinced that God would allow us to communicate with the Spirit of a living person. I had, however, to surrender to the evidence. I communicated telepathically with a person that was asleep and who responded clear and categorically. Not a single sound, not a single disruption in my mind. The Spirit of the sleeping person corresponded with mine, irrespective of my wishes, which is what I can attest.

Before that event, I used to think that God had established an unsurpassable barrier between the material and the Spiritual world. I was wrong, that is all. It seems to me that the more I disbelieved the more God wanted to enlighten me by placing before my eyes extraordinary and undisputable facts.

I wanted to write myself [1] to avoid being mystified by a third party but my hand never showed any movement. I put a pen in the hands of a fourteen-year-old boy and he fell asleep unintentionally. After seeing that I left and went to the gardens, convinced that that pretense truth was a dream. On returning to the living room, however, I noticed that the young man had written something. I approached to be able to read and was startled by the fact that he had answered all my mental questions. Always denying and despite the fact and willing to wake him up I framed a question about old history in my mind. The sleeping young man responded without hesitation.

Let us spot here for a few observations. Suppose that there was no intervention of Spirits form another world there is still the fact that the Spirit of the sleeping boy and mine were perfectly synched in the communication. I see this as something worth studying. There are people, however, that believe to know so much that there is nothing else to learn and prefer to call me mad.

I am mad, be it! Later on we will see who is wrong.

Had I spoken a single word; had I made a single gesture and I would not be convinced. However, I did not move; I did not speak. What I am saying? I did not even breathe!

Then! Is there a wise man willing to talk to me without saying a word or without writing? Is there someone trying to translate my thoughts without seeing me or without knowing me? And even more serious, I cannot deceive that person even if I speak, without being caught! This could not have happened with the above mentioned medium. I tried that several times unsuccessfully. If you allow me I will give below a few communications that I received.

[1] As a medium (TN)

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