The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863 > October > Spiritist dissertations > Considering that Moses prohibited the evocation of the dead, should it be done?
Bordeaux, medium Mrs. Collignon

NOTE: This communication was given in a Spiritist Center in Bordeaux as a response to the above question. We had written the preceding article before learning about this message about the same subject. We published it despite the coincidence due to the agreement of the ideas. Many others were obtained in several places with the same teaching what demonstrates the agreement among the Spirits about the subject. This objection, not more justifiable than all others that oppose the relationship with the Spirits, will fall by itself.


Is then man so perfect that it is useless to test one’s strength? Is our intelligence so developed that it can bear the whole light?

When Moses brought a law that could take the Hebrew people from their slavery state, reviving in them the forgotten idea of God, he was force to downplay the light to their capacity of vision and science to their capacity of understanding.

Why don’t you also ask: Why had Jesus allowed himself to remake the law?

Why did Jesus said: “Moses told you: an eye for an eye and I tell you to do good to your enemies; blessed be the ones that curse you; forgive the ones that oppress you”? Why has Jesus said: Moses told you: The one who wants to leave his wife allow her to divorce but I tell you: do not separate what God united.

Why? It is because Jesus was speaking with more advanced Spirits than those incarnate during Moses’ time. It is necessary to adapt the lesson to the comprehension of the pupil. Those who ask and doubt have not yet arrived to the position that they will have and still don’t know what they will one day know.

Why? You should then ask God why he has created the weed that was even used as food by man; why he created trees that only grow in certain climates, in certain latitudes, and that mankind was able to spread and grow everywhere.

Moses told the Hebrews: “Don’t summon the dead”, as we tell the child: don’t play with fire.

Wasn’t the evocation that gradually turned into idolatry among the Egyptians, Chaldeans, Moabs and all peoples of antiquity? They did not have the strength to support science, were burned and the Lord wanted to preserve some people so that they could serve and perpetuate his name and his faith.

People were perverted and prone to dangerous evocations. Moses prevented the worse. Progress should happen among the Spirits, as among men, but the evocation was known and practiced by the princes of the church. Vanity and pride are as old as humanity thus the chiefs of the synagogues used the evocation and frequently used it badly; that is why the rage of the Lord fell upon them sometimes.

That is why Moses said: “Don’t evoke the dead”. But the prohibition itself demonstrates that the evocation was usual among the people and it was the people that he prohibited.

Hence, let those who ask why speak. Open before the eyes the history of the planet that they cover with their little steps and ask them why, after so many cumulated centuries, it is taking them so long to advance so little? Their intelligence is not developed enough; their routine constricts them; they want to keep their eyes closed despite the efforts carried out to have them open.

Ask them: why God is God? Why are they illuminated by the Sun?

Have them study and seek and they will find in the history of antiquity that God wanted that such knowledge vanishes to revive later with more intensity when the Spirits in charge of bringing it were stronger and did not succumb to its weight.

Don’t bother, my friends, with idle questions and meaningless objections made to you. Always do what you have just done: ask and we shall gladly respond. Science is of those who seek it; it then comes to show itself. Light illuminates the ones that open their eyes but darkness thickens out to those who want to keep them closed. The refused are not the ones who ask but those who make objections with the sole objective of extinguish the light or that dare not look at the light. Courage, my friends! We are ready to respond every time that it is needed.

Simeon, for Mathews

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