The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863 > May > Prayer for the missing loved ones

How horrible the idea of the nothingness! It is so unfortunate the idea that the tears for a lost friend are lost in space and find no echo anywhere! Those who believe that everything ends with the body have never found true affections; those who believe that the genius who illuminated the world with a vast intelligence is just a game of matter, that disappear forever like a draft of air; that nothing is left from the dearest creature, a father, a mother or a beloved child, but a hand full of dust that time will dissipate forever! How can a person of heart remain cold before such a thought? How come the idea of the absolute annihilation does not freeze someone in horror and at least does not make one wish for something different? If reason has not been enough so far to take us away from the doubt here is Spiritism dissipating any uncertainty about the future through the material proofs of the survival of the soul and the existence of the beings from beyond the grave. Thus, these proofs are welcomed with joy everywhere and confidence is reborn because from that time on people know that the earthly life is just a short passage that leads to a better life; that the work done here is not lost and that the most sacred affections are not broken hopelessly.


Almighty God, please receive the prayer that I send in favor of the Spirit … Make him/her foresee your divine clarities and facilitate his/her path to eternal happiness. Allow the good Spirits to take him/her my words and my thoughts. You that were so dear to me in this world listen to my voice that calls you to give you a new proof of my affection. God wanted you to be freed first. I could not be sorry without being selfish because it would be the same as wishing you the hardships and sufferings of life. I then wait with resignation for the moment of our reunion in the happier world where you preceded me. I know that our separation is just momentary and that however long it may seem to me its duration disappears before the eternal happiness that God promised to the elected ones. May his benevolence impede me from delaying such an expected moment and that He spare me from the pain of not finding you when I leave my earthly captivity! Oh, how sweet and reassuring the certainty that there is only a material veil hiding you from my eyes! That you may well be here by my side, that you can see me and hear me like in the past and even better than in the past; that you don’t forget me as I don’t forget you; that our thoughts mix up constantly and that your thoughts always sustain me!

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