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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863 > July > Spiritist Dissertations > Accomplished Facts
Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies,
December 26th, 1862, medium Mr. d’Ambel
NOTE: This communication was given with reference to a report given at the Society about the new Spiritist societies in formation everywhere, in France and abroad.
Progress in regenerating ideas that we bring to your world today occurs in a clamorous fashion because it does need to be demonstrated now. Blind is the one that does not see the triumphant march of our ideas! When the most eminent persons, in the most liberal functions, people of study and science, doctors, philosophers and magistrates resolutely throw themselves onto the search for the truth in the avenues opened by Spiritism. When the working class come to find new forces and consolations, who among humans would be strong enough to oppose a barrier to the development of this new philosophical science? Lamennais said the other day in his concise and eloquent style that you are aware that the future points to Spiritism. Today I have the right to say: Isn’t that an accomplished fact? The road actually becomes broader; yesterday’s creek becomes a river and from the transposed valleys its majestic course will laugh at the feeble gates and late barricades that a few late inhabitants of the riverbanks will try to build to block its flow to the great ocean of infinity. Poor people! The currents will drag you along and soon we will also hear your screams: “It is true! Earth turns!”
If the bloody waves that spill over America did not draw the attention of every serious thinkers and of every friend of peace whose hearts bleed before the reports of those fratricide and bloody fights; if the weak, established nations were not seeking normality in their whole territory; finally if everyone’s aspirations did not tend to the moral and physical betterment that has been sought for so long one could then deny the utility of moral cataclysm announced by some Spirits of vanguard. But all these characteristic signs are very evident for not recognizing the need, the urgency of a new lighthouse that can save the endangered world. In the past when the pagan world undermined by the most absolute demoralization, vacillating on its own foundation, prophetic voices announced everywhere the soon arrival of a redeemer. Haven’t you heard, oh Spiritists, the same prophetic voices for a few years now? Ah! I know. None of you forgot. Rest assured then that the time has come and let us scream together like one day in Judea: - Glory to God in the highest heaven!” Erastus
December 26th, 1862, medium Mr. d’Ambel
NOTE: This communication was given with reference to a report given at the Society about the new Spiritist societies in formation everywhere, in France and abroad.
Progress in regenerating ideas that we bring to your world today occurs in a clamorous fashion because it does need to be demonstrated now. Blind is the one that does not see the triumphant march of our ideas! When the most eminent persons, in the most liberal functions, people of study and science, doctors, philosophers and magistrates resolutely throw themselves onto the search for the truth in the avenues opened by Spiritism. When the working class come to find new forces and consolations, who among humans would be strong enough to oppose a barrier to the development of this new philosophical science? Lamennais said the other day in his concise and eloquent style that you are aware that the future points to Spiritism. Today I have the right to say: Isn’t that an accomplished fact? The road actually becomes broader; yesterday’s creek becomes a river and from the transposed valleys its majestic course will laugh at the feeble gates and late barricades that a few late inhabitants of the riverbanks will try to build to block its flow to the great ocean of infinity. Poor people! The currents will drag you along and soon we will also hear your screams: “It is true! Earth turns!”
If the bloody waves that spill over America did not draw the attention of every serious thinkers and of every friend of peace whose hearts bleed before the reports of those fratricide and bloody fights; if the weak, established nations were not seeking normality in their whole territory; finally if everyone’s aspirations did not tend to the moral and physical betterment that has been sought for so long one could then deny the utility of moral cataclysm announced by some Spirits of vanguard. But all these characteristic signs are very evident for not recognizing the need, the urgency of a new lighthouse that can save the endangered world. In the past when the pagan world undermined by the most absolute demoralization, vacillating on its own foundation, prophetic voices announced everywhere the soon arrival of a redeemer. Haven’t you heard, oh Spiritists, the same prophetic voices for a few years now? Ah! I know. None of you forgot. Rest assured then that the time has come and let us scream together like one day in Judea: - Glory to God in the highest heaven!” Erastus