The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863 > August > Questions and Issues > Mystifications
A letter from Locarmo contains the following passage:

“…To me the doubt would be impossible considering that I have a daughter that is a very good, all-around medium and my own son is a medium that writes.But ah! He received suchterrible mystifications that his discouragement contaminated me a little without, however, disturbing our belief in this so pure and reassuring doctrine, despite the displeasures that we have when we see ourselves deceived by disappointing answers. Why then would God allow individuals in good faith be deceived by the ones who were supposed to teach them?...”


The physical world spills over into thespiritual world by death while the spiritual world spills over the physical one through incarnation. As a result, the normal population that surrounds the planet Earth is composed of Spirits that come from the earthly humanity. Since the latter figures among the most imperfect humanities it can only produce imperfect fruits. That is why the bad Spirits elbow around it. For the same reason, in the more advanced worlds,where good reigns sovereignly, there is only good Spirits. One can now understand why there is so much frequent meddling of inferior Spirits; it is based on the the mediumistic relationships that is inherent to the inferiority of our globe. We take the risk that we could fall victim to deceiving Spirits just as someone on this physical planet can be robbed in a country of thieves.

Isn’t this also the case of asking why would God would allow honest people to be mugged by thieves, victims of wickedness and exposed to all sorts of miseries? Ask before why you are here on Earth and the answer will be that you do not deserve a better place, with the exception of the Spirits that are here on a mission. It is then necessary to endure the consequences and strive to leave it as soon as possible. While waiting, it is necessary to make efforts in order to be protected from the assault of the bad Spirits something that can only be achieved by closing all doors that may give them access to our soul, imposing ourselves by moral superiority, courage, perseverance and by an unshakable faith in God’s protection and that of the good Spirits, and in the future that is everything whereas the present is nothing. However, since nobody is perfect on Earth nobody can be proud of being sheltered from their malice in absolute terms.

There is no doubt that purity of intentions means a lot. It is the path to perfection but it is not perfection and there can still be some old yeast at the bottom of the soul. That is why he is not the only medium that has been more or less deceived.

Simple commonsense tells us that the good Spirits can only do good, otherwise they would not be good, and that evil can only come from imperfect Spirits. Hence mystification can only be made by frivolous or lying Spirits that abuse people’s beliefs and that frequently exploit pride, vanity and other passions. Such mystifications aim at testing perseverance and the firmness of faith and also exercise judgment. If the good Spirits allow them on certain occasions is not for impotence on their side but to allow us the merit of the fight. Considering that the experience that is acquired in such situations is the most valuable if courage fails us it is a proof of weakness that leaves us defenseless before the bad Spirits.

The good Spirits watch us, assist and help us but with the condition that we help ourselves. Man is on Earth for the fight. It is necessary to succeed to leave it behind otherwise hewill stay here.

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