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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863 > April > Variety
The March 23rd, 1862 edition of the Siècle reads:
The couple C…, residing at Notre Dame de Nazareth Street had two children, a fifteen-month-old boy and a five-year-old girl who were never seen since nobody visited their home. She was seen only once, her underarms tied and hanging from a door; moaning were frequently heard coming from the apartment. The word around was that the girl was treated terribly. The chief police officer went to their place and had to force his way in. Those who were able to get into the house saw a horrific picture. The poor girl was almost naked, with just a little Indian like dress tremendously dirty. The sole of her shoes were like glued to her little feet. She was seating on a urinal leaning on a box that was tied by ropes. The report says that she had been left in that position for months and that had produced a rectum hernia; that her parents used to wake her up at night just to torment her; that she was spanked to wake up; the woman would do that with tongs and the handle of the duster and the husband with a rope. Following the questions by the police officer the husband responded: - Sir, I am really religious. My daughter did not say the prayers correctly that is why I wanted to correct her.
What would the author of the previous article, regarding the suicide of Tours, say about the barbarism of these people that name themselves very religious? The act of that mother who killed her five children to send them earlier to heaven? The case of the young made who took Jesus’ teaching literally when he says: Have your right hand cut if it is reason of shame, then axing her own hand? He would say that it is not enough to say that one is religious but to say that sensibly; that one must not generalize from an isolated fact. That is the opinion we would like him to have from us with respect to his accusations of Spiritism when analyzing those cases of people who only utilized the name of Spiritism.
The couple C…, residing at Notre Dame de Nazareth Street had two children, a fifteen-month-old boy and a five-year-old girl who were never seen since nobody visited their home. She was seen only once, her underarms tied and hanging from a door; moaning were frequently heard coming from the apartment. The word around was that the girl was treated terribly. The chief police officer went to their place and had to force his way in. Those who were able to get into the house saw a horrific picture. The poor girl was almost naked, with just a little Indian like dress tremendously dirty. The sole of her shoes were like glued to her little feet. She was seating on a urinal leaning on a box that was tied by ropes. The report says that she had been left in that position for months and that had produced a rectum hernia; that her parents used to wake her up at night just to torment her; that she was spanked to wake up; the woman would do that with tongs and the handle of the duster and the husband with a rope. Following the questions by the police officer the husband responded: - Sir, I am really religious. My daughter did not say the prayers correctly that is why I wanted to correct her.
What would the author of the previous article, regarding the suicide of Tours, say about the barbarism of these people that name themselves very religious? The act of that mother who killed her five children to send them earlier to heaven? The case of the young made who took Jesus’ teaching literally when he says: Have your right hand cut if it is reason of shame, then axing her own hand? He would say that it is not enough to say that one is religious but to say that sensibly; that one must not generalize from an isolated fact. That is the opinion we would like him to have from us with respect to his accusations of Spiritism when analyzing those cases of people who only utilized the name of Spiritism.