The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863 > March > Subscription of Rouen
Subscription of Rouen

The following proceeds were collected at the office of the Spiritist Review and published in the February issue for 1,491.40 francs. [jcm-need to check this to make sure I assumed the separation correctly]

New contributions until February 28th:

Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies: Total 740 francs – published in the February list, 423 francs. In this list, 317 francs.

Several Societies and Spiritist groups: Montreuil-sur-Mer, 74 francs (February contribution that was mistakenly left out); Mescher-sur-Girond, 32.5 francs; Carmaux (Tarn), 20 francs; Monterat et Saint-Gemme (Tarn), 40 francs; Chauny (Aisne), 40 francs; Metz, 50 francs; Bordeaux (Society and groups Roux et Petit), 70 francs; Albi (Tarn), 20 francs; Tours, 103.3 francs; Angouleme, 18 francs. Total 467.80 francs.

Several subscribers:

Paris – Messrs.: L… 5 francs; Hobach 40 francs; Nant et Breul (Passy), 100 francs; Doit, 1 franc; Aumont Editor (2ndcontribution), 5 francs; Dufaux, 5 francs; Mazaroz, 20 francs; Queyras, 3 francs; X…, 25 francs; Dr. Houat, 20 francs; Dufilleul, cavalry officer, 10 francs; X… (Saint-Junien) 1 franc; L.D. 2 francs; Moreau – pharmacist (Niort), 10 francs; Captain Blin (Marseille), 10 francs (included in the February list as 20 francs instead of 10 which were only considered in the total); J.L. (Digne) 3 francs; Dr. Reignier (Thionville), 7.5 francs; Mrs. Wilson Klein (Great Dukedom of Baden), 20 francs; B… (Saint-Jean d’Angely), 2 francs; A…(Versailles), 1 franc; V… (Versailles), 2 francs; S…(Dole), 2 francs; Martner officer of the Joint Chiefs of State, 10 francs; Gevers (Antwerp), 10 francs; C. Babin (Champblanc, by Cognac), 40 francs – Total 369,50 francs.

Spiritists and French nationals from Barcelona (Spain): Messrs. Jaime Ricart and sons, 52.5 francs; Micolier 5 francs; Luis Nuty, 5 francs; Jean Regembat, 5 francs; Alex Wigle, photographer, 5 francs; Ch. Soujol, 2.60 francs; X…, 1.25 francs. Total 76.35 francs. With the amount of 489.35 francs from the February contribution Barcelona totals 565.7 francs.

Grand total: 2,722.05 francs.

Errata: In the February list, instead of Lausat (from Condom) one should read Loubat; Instead of Frothier (from Poitiers) one should read Frottier; Instead of Bodin (from Cognac) one should read Babin.

The subscription is still open.

In addition to that grand total the Spiritist Review contributed on February 6th through the subscription initiated by the Opinion Nationale with 2,216.4 francs, according to the note published on February 15th in that periodical, list 14.

We inform that the majority of groups and societies gave their contribution directly in their local lists. We got the following list of contribution from several regions from Lyon, among others:

Group Desprêle, Av. Charlemagne, 57.95 francs; id. of the workers, 93.3 francs; id. Viret, 26 francs; id. from the Red Cross, 31.1 francs; id. Rousset, 48.3 francs; id. Central, 123 francs; private gathering, 15.25 francs; another id., 32.5 francs; another id. (Edoux), 22 francs; isolated subscriptions, 316.5 francs. Grand total 765.9 francs.

The Society from Saint-Jean d’Angely contributed with the city subscription with 100 francs.

Allan Kardec[1]

[1] Paris, Typography Cosson & Co., Rue de Four-Saint-Germain, 43

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