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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863 > March > François-Simont Louvet, from Le Havre
François-Simont Louvet, from Le Havre
“Have mercy on this miserable soul that has been suffering horrendous tortures for many years! Oh the emptiness… the space… I fall, I fall… help! God, I had such a miserable life! A poor devil that sometimes had to endure hunger in his old days. That is why I turned to alcohol and was so much ashamed and disgusted with it all… I wanted to die and so I jumped… Oh God, what a moment? What would I have to terminate it when I was so close to the end? Pray for me so that I can see something different from this emptiness before me… I will shatter myself against the rocks. I beg you all who are familiar with the miseries of those who no longer inhabit Earth, I beg you even those of you who don’t know me because I do suffer so much… Why do you want proof? I suffer, isn’t that enough? If I were hungry instead of going through this terrible but invisible suffering, you would not hesitate in helping me with a piece of bread. I beg you to pray for me. My time is up. Ask one of these happy ones around here and you will learn about me. Pray for me.
Francois-Simont Louvet
Just after this communication the protector Spirit of the medium said: That one that has just communicated with you, my dear, is an unfortunate one that had a test of misery on Earth and who was taken by displeasure, bitterness and lack of courage, instead of looking above and beyond, became a drunk and went down to the lowest possible levels of despair by taking his own life when he jumped from Francis I Tower on July 22nd, 1857. Have mercy on his poor soul that is not advanced but knows enough about our future life to suffer and seek another test. Ask God to allow him such a grace and you shall do him good. I am happy to see your gathering, my dear children; I shall always be with you when you gather like this. I am always ready to teach you. If you were unable to communicate with a good Spirit I would be your intermediary but you are surrounded by them and let them teach you. Show perseverance on the path of the Lord and you shall be blessed. Be patient in your trials and never deny a good action due to the ingratitude of people. They shall be better soon and the times are near. Good-bye my beloved ones. I am with you in sadness and in happiness. Peace be with you.
Your protector Spirit.
After some research the following article was found in the Journal of Le Havre, dated July 23rd, 1857:
“At 4pm yesterday the pier’s passerby were painfully exposed to a horrific accident. A man jumped from the tower and his body shattered on the rocks. It was a poor old man whose drinking addiction dragged him to suicide. His name François-Simon Louvet. The body was taken to one of his daughter’s house at Rue de la Corderie. He was sixty-seven years old.”
Note: A skeptical person to whom the mediumistic phenomenon was reported responded: “Who knows if the medium was aware of the Journal of Le Havre then constructing the story with the news?” – As one can see, deception is always the last resort of the deniers when they cannot bear a fact whose material evidence cannot be doubted. To them it is never enough to show empty hands and pockets because, they say, con men do the same when challenging the intelligence of the observer.
From our side, we ask what is the interest of the medium in this case by representing such a role. Not even self-love can be entertained in this case considering that the episode happens in the privacy of a home where one could only deceive herself and her loved ones. As a matter of fact, when people want to have fun it is not through such matters of a little recreational content and one cannot admit the possibility of a good, young lady toying with the name of God in such a tasteless joke. Total selflessness and righteousness are the best guarantors of honesty and the strongest response in such cases.
Besides, one must notice the punishment inflicted on this suicide case. Dead for six years he permanently sees himself shattering on the rocks; is stunned by the emptiness before him for that entire time! How long will that last? He does not have the answer and the uncertainty increases his agony. Isn’t that the equivalent of hell and its flames? Who has revealed such punishments to us? Have we invented them? No. Those who are suffering are the ones that come to reveal them to us like others who come to describe their joy.
The communication below was given spontaneously at a Spiritist session in Le Havre on February 12th, 1863:
“Have mercy on this miserable soul that has been suffering horrendous tortures for many years! Oh the emptiness… the space… I fall, I fall… help! God, I had such a miserable life! A poor devil that sometimes had to endure hunger in his old days. That is why I turned to alcohol and was so much ashamed and disgusted with it all… I wanted to die and so I jumped… Oh God, what a moment? What would I have to terminate it when I was so close to the end? Pray for me so that I can see something different from this emptiness before me… I will shatter myself against the rocks. I beg you all who are familiar with the miseries of those who no longer inhabit Earth, I beg you even those of you who don’t know me because I do suffer so much… Why do you want proof? I suffer, isn’t that enough? If I were hungry instead of going through this terrible but invisible suffering, you would not hesitate in helping me with a piece of bread. I beg you to pray for me. My time is up. Ask one of these happy ones around here and you will learn about me. Pray for me.
Francois-Simont Louvet
Just after this communication the protector Spirit of the medium said: That one that has just communicated with you, my dear, is an unfortunate one that had a test of misery on Earth and who was taken by displeasure, bitterness and lack of courage, instead of looking above and beyond, became a drunk and went down to the lowest possible levels of despair by taking his own life when he jumped from Francis I Tower on July 22nd, 1857. Have mercy on his poor soul that is not advanced but knows enough about our future life to suffer and seek another test. Ask God to allow him such a grace and you shall do him good. I am happy to see your gathering, my dear children; I shall always be with you when you gather like this. I am always ready to teach you. If you were unable to communicate with a good Spirit I would be your intermediary but you are surrounded by them and let them teach you. Show perseverance on the path of the Lord and you shall be blessed. Be patient in your trials and never deny a good action due to the ingratitude of people. They shall be better soon and the times are near. Good-bye my beloved ones. I am with you in sadness and in happiness. Peace be with you.
Your protector Spirit.
After some research the following article was found in the Journal of Le Havre, dated July 23rd, 1857:
“At 4pm yesterday the pier’s passerby were painfully exposed to a horrific accident. A man jumped from the tower and his body shattered on the rocks. It was a poor old man whose drinking addiction dragged him to suicide. His name François-Simon Louvet. The body was taken to one of his daughter’s house at Rue de la Corderie. He was sixty-seven years old.”
Note: A skeptical person to whom the mediumistic phenomenon was reported responded: “Who knows if the medium was aware of the Journal of Le Havre then constructing the story with the news?” – As one can see, deception is always the last resort of the deniers when they cannot bear a fact whose material evidence cannot be doubted. To them it is never enough to show empty hands and pockets because, they say, con men do the same when challenging the intelligence of the observer.
From our side, we ask what is the interest of the medium in this case by representing such a role. Not even self-love can be entertained in this case considering that the episode happens in the privacy of a home where one could only deceive herself and her loved ones. As a matter of fact, when people want to have fun it is not through such matters of a little recreational content and one cannot admit the possibility of a good, young lady toying with the name of God in such a tasteless joke. Total selflessness and righteousness are the best guarantors of honesty and the strongest response in such cases.
Besides, one must notice the punishment inflicted on this suicide case. Dead for six years he permanently sees himself shattering on the rocks; is stunned by the emptiness before him for that entire time! How long will that last? He does not have the answer and the uncertainty increases his agony. Isn’t that the equivalent of hell and its flames? Who has revealed such punishments to us? Have we invented them? No. Those who are suffering are the ones that come to reveal them to us like others who come to describe their joy.