The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863

Allan Kardec

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The Spiritist publication’s multiply and, as we have said, our encouragement has pushed all those that have lately served the cause that we defend. These are so many other voices that rise up to spread the idea under so many different forms. If we did not give our opinion about certain books more or less important that deal with similar issues it is for the reason that we were afraid of having people seeing a sign of partiality in this, then allowing the opinion to be formed on its own. Given our position, we must be sober in the appreciation of similar works particularly when the approval cannot be absolute. By staying neutral, we will not be accused of having exerted an unfavorable pressure and, if the success does not correspond to the expectation, they will not be able to blame us for that.

Amongst the recent publications that we are pleased to recommend without restriction, we remember mainly the two small brochures announced in our last number with the titles Spiritism without the Spirits and The Truth about Experimental Spiritism in the Groups, by a theoretical Spiritist about which we maintain the already given opinion by saying that in a restricted picture the author knew how to summarize the principles of Spiritism with remarkable accuracy and with and attractive style. In the one about the groups, curious and skeptical people will find an excellent lesson about the adequate way of observing what takes place in serious groups. Price: 50 cents each; 60 cents by mail, Dentu Bookstore, Palais-Royal.

We must not forget the journal La Verité, published in Lyon, under the direction of Mr. Edoux that we also announced. The lack of space forces us to say that it is a new champion that seems to be looked at from different angles. It marked its release by a series of articles of elevated reach signed Philolethes, among which these sticks out: Foundations of Spiritism; The Perispirit among the Traditions; The perispirit before Philosophy and History, etc. They indicate an experienced pen supported by a rigorous logic that may, by remaining in this path, give our adversaries a hard time without leaving the line of moderation that seems to be the characteristic of that journal, as it is ours. It is through logic that one must combat and not through personality, injuries and attacks.

Allan Kardec

Bordeaux will soon have its special Review that we will gladly support with our input, as they were adamant about getting it. If it follows the path of wisdom and prudence, something that we do not doubt, it will never cease to have the support of every Spiritist, of those who see the interests of the cause above personal issues or personal interest and of self-love. That is how our sympathies are conquered. The abnegation of personality, moral and material selflessness, the practice of the law of love and charity will always be the distinctive signs of those to whom Spiritism is not only a sterile belief in this life and in the other one, but a fruitful faith.

The journal Courrier de la Moselle, from Metz, dated April 11th, 1863 brings an excellent and remarkable article signed by A Spiritist of Metz, refuting the cases of madness attributed to Spiritism. We like to see the Spirits who enter the arena, opposing the cold and strict logic of the facts to the diatribes of their adversaries. We shall cite some passages that a lack of space forces us to transfer to the next issue.

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