The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863 > May > Family conversations from beyond the grave
Mr. Philibert Viennois

Spiritist Society of Paris, March 20th, 1863 – medium Mr. Leymarie

Evocation – A. I am near you.
You had agreed with Mrs. V… that the one that remained alive would have come to me in order to evoke the one who had left. Mrs. V… let me know of the commitment and I am pleased to agree. I know that you were an eager Spiritist with a great heart. Such circumstances can only increase our desire to communicate with you. – A. I can then write to you and approach you to express my good feelings about you. Thank you for all the happiness you gave me dear wife you who made me love the belief, the sacred rule of my final days by your side. I am very happy for being able to pick today all the fruits that were promised by the venerable faith that reveal to us the existence of another life beyond that of Earth. I enjoy a power that is unknown to mankind; the space is ours; I can understand better and love you better. My sensations are no longer obscure and there is something divine in us of extreme simplicity for everything that is great is simple. Greatness is the true element of the Spirit. I am always by your side. From now on you will be happy because I will surround you with my fluid that will strengthen you if needed. I want you to be always courageous, good and Spiritist. With these three elements, you will praise God for having called me because I wait for you, persuaded that thanks to Spiritism God reserves a good place for you among us.

I ask you to kindly describe to us your passage to the world of the Spirits, your impressions and the influence that the Spiritist knowledge had on your elevation. – A. The expected death was not a suffering to me but instead a complete rupture with matter. I saw a new life. The divine future, that awaited hour, came calmly. It is true that I missed my companion that I could not leave behind without pain: it is the last link of the chain that unites the Spirit to matter; once it is broken I suffered little the passage from life to death. My Spirit carried the prayers of my beloved one. All the impressions were extinguished and I woke up in our dominion, the dominion of the Spirits. To the just person, the trip is like the sleep; the rupture is natural but as soon as you wake up, what a surprise! Everything is new, splendid and marvelous! Those who I loved and other Spirits, friends of preceding incarnations, welcomed me and opened the doors to the true existence in this bondless park called Heavens! You cannot understand my impressions neither can I express them. I will try to transmit them to you on another occasion.

When I received a letter form Mrs. V… I sent you an adequate prayer. Can you tell us what your opinion about it is? – A. Thank you for your kindness Mr. Allan Kardec! You could not have done better. Those who cry for the absent ones need the Spirit of God but also the help of other benevolent Spirits and the Spirits must be that. Your prayer touched many lighthearted and unbeliever Spirits who are the invisible witnesses of your sessions (the prayer had been read at the Society after the evocation). Your good words will help your advancement. You frequently do to our world the good that you receive from it. Never neglect the advice of someone smaller than us acknowledging this intimate bond created by God in all creatures.

I wanted to ask you to give me a communication to Mrs. V… but I see that you anticipated my thought. – A. I answered your first question addressing my wife when I should have done it to the Spiritist Society. Forgive me since I was holding a promise made. I know that you attract those who wish to find consolation through persuasion. Those that don’t sacrifice everything for pleasure and gold will find great satisfaction in talking to the beings of the other world. Please let my wife know that she will always count on my presence. We will work together for her spiritual progress. Send my communication to her. I wanted to tell her so many good things but I miss the expressions. May she always love our family so that through her example it can become Spiritist and believe in the eternal life that is the life of God!


We feel that it is our duty to make the above-mentioned prayer public since it was given to us by the Spirits in order to be used in similar circumstances.

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