The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863 > September > Spiritist dissertations > True
hionville, medium Dr. R…

A poet said: ‘Only truth is beautiful; only truth is delightful.’

Acknowledge in this verse one of the nicest inspirations ever given to mankind. Truth is the straight line; it is the light whose splendor need not be hidden to the righteous whose souls are wonderfully predisposed to understand its huge benefits. Why is it so hard for the majority of people in our present society to notice the light? Why is the teaching of truth surrounded by so many obstacles? The answer is the fact that humanity has not made significant progresses so far since the origin of Christianity. Since Jesus that had to shroud his teachings in the form of allegories and parables, all of those who tried to propagate the truth were not more heard than the divine Master. Humanity had to wisely progress slowly so that the march would be safer. It needed a long period of novice hood to be able to walk on its own.

Rest assured though! Since long ago, the sun of regeneration is in its dawn and it will not be long before its light will shed on you its shiny clarity! The true light will come up and its beneficent influence shall extend over all social classes. How many will then be stunned for not having welcomed such a truth earlier on, a truth that comes from the highest antiquity and that pride made you always go around to not see it!

At least this time you will not have to endure any of those horrible cataclysms that seem like landmarks destined to mark the march of true light through the centuries. Better educated mankind will then understand that the mudslides that leave behind a trail of blood and fire would no longer adapt to our customs today mitigated by the practice of charity. They will finally understand the reach of the sublime words of Jesus Christ: ‘Peace to those of good will!” The only war will be that to destroy the bad passions. Everybody will join forces to send the evil Spirit away whose disastrous kingdom has only detained the advance of civilization for a long time. All will stop before the certainty that the only legitimate conquest is that of true light; the only one to be longed for, the only one that leads to happiness. Hands on then you that sustain the flag of progress! Have no fear for raising it high and strong so that people can join from all corners of the world and seeking its shelter. Ask your celestial Father for strength and energy that are indispensable to this great task and if you cannot enjoy the happiness of seeing it accomplished here on this Earth may you at least take with you after your death the conviction that your present life was useful to all and that the sweetest reward waits for you among us: the joy of having accomplished your mission for the greater glory of God.”

Familiar Spirit

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