The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863 > January > Spiritist dissertations > Proximity of winter Parisian Society, November 27th, 1862 Medium Mr. Leymarie
Proximity of winter Parisian Society, November 27th, 1862 Medium Mr. Leymarie

My good friends when the cold arrives why wouldn’t I come, your former disciple, to remind you of our slogan: Charity? Give. Give everything that your heart can give in words, consolation and kind care. The love of God is in you if you know how to accomplish your mandate as keenly aware Spiritists.

In your free time when you are allowed to rest from work go and seek the one that suffers morally or physically. To the former, give the force that reassures and strengthen the Spirit; to the latter give what sustains and silence both the mother’s apprehension’s whose arms lie unoccupied and the child’s crying for a piece of bread.

The cold spells have come; a chilly draft rolls the dust over; soon there will be snow. That is the time when you must walk and seek. How many embarrassed poor people moan and suffer secretly, particularly the grieving ones who aspire for everything and lack the basic needs. Be prudent with those my friends. May your hand alleviate and cure but may also a kind voice from your heart present the alms that can painfully hurt the self-esteem of a well-educated person. I repeat: It is necessary to give but give well. God, the provider of everything, hides His treasures, the ear of corn, the flower and the fruits. His gifts that laboriously germinated in the trunk’s sap have come to us unnoticeably without us feeling the hand that provides. Do as God. Imitate Him and you shall be blessed.

Ah! It is beautiful and good to be useful and charitable; to stand up while raising others; to forget the little and selfish needs of life to practice the noblest attribution of humanity, the one that makes us true children of the Creator!

What a lesson to your children! They imitate you; your example bears fruits for every well grafted branch produces abundantly. The Spiritual future of the family always depends on how you act. I tell you and it is never too much to repeat that you will gain Spiritually if you give and reassure for God will give and console you in His kingdom that is not from this world. Here, the family that honors and praises the intelligent leader in this God given stretch of kingship is a mitigation of the pains of life.

Goodbye my friends, be all love and charity.


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