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Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1865 > September > Family Conversations About Spiritism
Family Conversations About Spiritism
by Mrs. Émilie Collignon, from Bordeaux
It is with satisfaction and carrying out a duty that we call the attention of our readers to this brochure, just announced in the last issue of our Spiritist Review, that is a pleasure to us to include in the list of the recommended books. It is a complete, although summarized, exposition of the true principles of the Doctrine, in a colloquial language, in an attractive format, reachable by everyone. The analysis of this book would be the same as that of The Spirits’ Book and The Mediums’ Book. We therefore recommend this book not as for containing new ideas but for the propagation of the Doctrine.
It is with satisfaction and carrying out a duty that we call the attention of our readers to this brochure, just announced in the last issue of our Spiritist Review, that is a pleasure to us to include in the list of the recommended books. It is a complete, although summarized, exposition of the true principles of the Doctrine, in a colloquial language, in an attractive format, reachable by everyone. The analysis of this book would be the same as that of The Spirits’ Book and The Mediums’ Book. We therefore recommend this book not as for containing new ideas but for the propagation of the Doctrine.