Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1865

Allan Kardec

You are in: Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1865 > April > Correspondence from Beyond the Grave > Mediumistic study
Mediumistic study

For better understanding of the main subject we extracted the following passage from a letter sent by a subscriber. Besides, it is a simple and touching expression of the consolations found in Spiritism by those in suffering.

Allow me to tell you how much relief Spiritism has given me with the certainty of meeting again and in a better world someone that I loved with a boundless love, a dear brother that died in his early days. How reassuring the thought that the one whose death we cry is many times near us, giving us support when we are in pain, making us rejoice when the faith in the future allows us to foresee a certain encounter! Initiated in the remarkable principles of Spiritism a few years back I had accepted all of its truths and had strived to live here in a way that could speed up my advancement. I had made my resolutions very sincerely, however, I confess that since I did not have the necessary elements to fortify and entertain my belief in the communication with the Spirits, I gradually got used not to reject them but to see them with indifference. The fact of the matter is that up until then misfortune was unknown to me. Today God thought appropriate to send me a painful trial and I found in Spiritism the precious consolations and I see the need to thank you very particularly as the first preacher of the sacred Doctrine. Since the doctrine of Spiritism is not a simple hypothesis but stands on positive facts to the reach of everybody, its consolations not only consist on the certainty of meeting again the loved ones but also and above all, on the possibility of corresponding with them and obtaining healthy teachings from them.”

With that conviction the living brother wrote this letter to the dead brother, requesting his answer through a medium.

N… March 14th, 1865

“My beloved brother,

I lack words to tell you about my happiness when I read your letter addressed to me through the medium from C… I forwarded it to our poor parents that suffered a lot because of your unexpected departure. They asked me to write back to you, asking for more details about your current life, so that they can believe by new proofs that you will easily give in the reality of the teaching of the Spirits. But, before anything else, come close to them many times; inspire in them resignation and faith in the future; give them consolation for they need it in their pain, hurt like by an unforeseen blow. As for myself, my beloved brother, I shall be always happy whenever you are allowed to send me news about you. Today once more I ask you for details of your disease, your death and wake up in the world of the Spirits.

Who were the Spirits that came to welcome you at the entry point of the invisible world? Have you seen our grandpa yet? Is he happy? Have you seen again our relatives that died before you, even the ones that you had not met on Earth? Have you watched your own funeral? What was your impression? I ask you for details of that said ceremony that would not allow our parents to doubt your identity. Could you tell us if any member of our family could become a medium? Wouldn’t you like to communicate through someone among us?

I don’t believe you don’t want to continue your studies in music, something that was much dear to you here on Earth. It would be a great consolation to us if you wanted to finish the psalms whose music you began in Paris. You can see the enormous emptiness that your death brought to our hearts. I beg you to inspire in our parents the courage to not fail before such a terrible test. Be often with them and give them news about you. As for myself, God knows how much I suffered. Despite my belief in Spiritism, there are times when I cannot bear the fact that I will no longer see you in this life and that I would give my own life to be able to embrace you in my heart.

Good-bye my honorable friend. Think sometimes of the one whose thoughts are always with you and that would do anything possible to one day be considered worthy of being with you.

I hug you now and bring you close to my heart.

From your much devout brother, B…”

Note: In a previous communication given to the parents through another medium it was said that the young man did not want to continue his studies with music in the world of the Spirits.

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