Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1865

Allan Kardec

You are in: Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1865 > November > To the Spiritist Society of Paris, the Spiritists of France and Abroad
To the Spiritist Society of Paris, the Spiritists of France and Abroad

A recent event gave our adversaries an opportunity to renew their attacks against our doctrine with a level of aggression that had never been used before, casting sarcasm and slander upon its followers. Some people may have had their opinion deviated for a short while, but the writing as well as verbal protests were so broad that it is now going back. You all understand that Spiritism is based on unshakable foundations to yield to any attack and that this outbreak will only help to have it better understood and more popularized.

It is proper to all great truths to be baptized by persecution. The animosities raised against Spiritism are the proof of its importance because, if judged useless, people would not pay any attention. In the recent conflict all the Spiritists kept their calm and moderation, the signs of true strength; all received the shock with courage; nobody doubted the result, and rest assured that such attitude, at the same time strong and dignifying, responding to the attacks and acrimony of our detractors, allows us to ponder and think a lot about the opinion. The impartial public makes no mistake. Even not considering the fact and the cause in favor of one or another, a secret sympathy attracts them to the one that remains dignified in the discussion. The comparison is always advantageous. Therefore, the latest events conquered many supporters to Spiritism.

At this opportunity the Spiritist Society of Paris is happy to offer every brother of France and abroad its congratulations and the sincerest thanks. In the new struggles that may occur, it counts on all of you as you can count on the Society.

With our warmest and kind devotion,

In the name of the members of the Society,

The President, Allan Kardec

(Unanimously approved in the session on October 27th, 1865)

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