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Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1865 > April > Healing Power of Spiritual Magnetism
Healing Power of Spiritual Magnetism
Spirit of Dr. Demeure
Spirit of Dr. Demeure
In our last month’s article about Dr. Demeure we paid a well-deserved tribute to his eminent qualities of man and Spirit. The following fact is a new proof of his benevolence while, at the same time, it demonstrates the healing power of spiritual magnetization. This letter was sent from Montauban:
“The Spirit of our good father Demeure, coming to join the number of invisible friends that watch over our mind and body, wanted to manifest since the first days through a benefit. The news about his death was not yet known to our brothers in Montauban when he spontaneously and directly produced the cure of one of them through spiritual magnetism just by the fluidic action. Notice that he wasted no time and continued as a Spirit, as you say, his relief work onto the suffering humanity. There is, however, an important distinction to be made here. Certain Spirits remain attached to their earthly activities, unaware of their condition and believing to be still alive. That is typical of little advanced Spirits whereas Mr. Demeure immediately acknowledged himself and as a Spirit he acts voluntarily knowing that he has even more power in that state.
We had kept the information about Mr. Demeure’s death from Mrs. G…, a very lucid clairvoyant and somnambulistic medium, to spare her extreme sensitivity and the good doctor, undoubtedly aware of our intent, avoided the manifestation through her. On the last February 10th we gathered by the invitation of our guides to, according to them, alleviate Mr. G… from a painful strain that affected her since the day before. That was all that we knew, far from expecting the surprise that would come our way. Immediately after having fallen in a state of trance the lady produced lancinating screams pointing to her foot. Here is what happened: Mrs. G… saw a Spirit leaning onto her leg but she could not distinguish the face. The Spirit massaged the leg and from time to time produced a longitudinal tension on the sick part exactly like a doctor would have done. The operation was so painful that the patient sometimes screamed followed by jerky movements. The episode did not last long though. After ten minutes all traces of sprain had disappeared. There was no inflammation and the foot had gone back to normal appearance. Mrs. G… was healed.
When we think that to heal an injury of such a kind the best and most experienced magnetizers, not to mention the official medicine that has not yet come to a conclusion about such cases, need a long lasting treatment of at least thirty six hours, with three daily sessions of one hour, an compare to the above ten minutes procedure by the spiritual fluid, it can well be considered as an instantaneous cure, even more when in particular we take into account the fact that it was the first experience of the Spirit carried out with the objective of a future application in case this one would be successful, as it is explained by the Spirit in a communication that follows. Nonetheless the Spirit continued to be unknown to the medium and persisted in staying anonymous. The Spirit even gave the impression that he was running away when the patient who could not move one step forward minutes ago suddenly jumps in the middle of the room to shake hands with her spiritual doctor. Still this time the Spirit moved his face away only allowing her to shake hands. At that point in time Mrs. G… screams out and falls on the floor extenuated. She had just recognized the healing Spirit as Mr. Demeure. During her fit she was attended by several sympathetic Spirits. When she finally recovered her somnambulistic lucidity she talked to several Spirits, exchanged warm handshakes particularly with the Spirit of the doctor that was receptive to her demonstrations of sympathy and affection, involving her in a healing fluid. Isn’t that an exciting and dramatic scene in which we see several players representing their roles in human life? Isn’t that one among thousands of proofs that the Spirits are perfectly real, having a body and acting as they did on Earth? We were happy for finding our spiritualized friend with his excellent heart and kindness. In his life he had been the medium’s doctor; he knew her extreme sensitivity and had taken care of her like to a daughter. Isn’t that proof of identity given by a Spirit to a loved one touching, making us see our future life in a reassuring way? Here is the communication given by Dr. Demeure on the day following the above session:
“My good friends I am by your side and love you as I always did in the past. What a happiness to be able to communicate with those that are dear to me! I was really happy last night for being useful and alleviate the pain of our clairvoyant medium. It is an experience that will be useful to me and that will help me out in the future whenever there is a favorable occasion. Today her son is very sick but I hope that we will soon have him cured. All that will serve him to persevere in the study of the development of his faculty (Mrs. G…son was really cured of an inflammatory angina through homeopathic medication prescribed by the Spirit). In the near future we will give you the opportunity to witness phenomena still unknown to you and that shall be of great utility to the Spiritist science. I am happy to be able to personally contribute to those manifestations that would have given me a lot of pleasure when alive; thank God today I witness them in a very particular way that evidently demonstrates to me the reality of what happens among you. Believe me, good friends that I feel real pleasure in being useful to my fellow human beings and in helping them to propagate these beautiful truths that must change the world giving rise to better feelings.
Good bye my friends. So long.
Antoine Demeure.”
Isn’t that interesting to see an already wise soul on Earth to carry out studies and experiments as a Spirit to become more skillful in the relief of people’s pains? There is a commendable modesty in that confession that entails true merit whereas pseudo-wise Spirits are generally presumptuous. The last issue of the Spiritist Review cites a communication given by Mr. Demeure as if given in Montauban on February 1st. He gave it actually on January 26th. In my opinion this date is somewhat important because it was the day after his death. He says in the second paragraph: “… I enjoy a rare lucidity for Spirits recently separated from matter.” In fact that lucidity demonstrates a fast separation that is typical of morally well advanced Spirits.
Observation: The cure reported above is an example of pure spiritual magnetic action, without any mixture with human magnetism. The Spirits sometimes utilize the help of special mediums as conductors of their fluids. These are the healing Spirits whose faculties present a variety of energy levels, according to their personal aptitudes and the nature of the Spirits that assist them. We met a person eight months ago in Paris who suffered of painful exostosis in the hip and knee, keeping that person slaved to a bed. One of her young friends was a medium of that kind and treated him by the simple imposition of hands for a few minutes and by prayer that was followed by the patient with noble feelings. On the occasion the patient was having a very painful crisis analogous to the one endured by Mrs. G…, soon followed by a perfect calmness. He then had the impression of several hands giving him a massage and straightening his leg that would elongate 10 or 12 centimeters. He then feels a significant improvement and starts to walk but the longevity and seriousness of the disease turn the healing process very difficult and requiring a longer time than a simple sprain. We must emphasize that, as far as we know, the healing mediumship is not yet presented with generic and universal features but, on the contrary, restricted by application, meaning that the medium has a more powerful action upon certain individuals than on others and that not all diseases are cured. This is understandable when considering the fundamental role played by fluidic affinity in all mediumistic phenomena. Some people only enjoy that by accident and for a specific case. Hence it would be a mistake to believe that for the fact that a cure was obtained all others could also be obtained for the reason that the medium’s fluid is refractory to the own fluid of certain patients. The more natural the fluid assimilation the easier the healing process. It is then remarkable that certain fragile and delicate persons may exert a powerful influence upon strong and robust individuals. In such cases the persons are good conductors of the spiritual fluid whereas strong persons may be bad conductors. They only have their personal, human fluid that never has the purity and healing strength of the purified fluid of the good Spirits. From that one can understand the main reasons that oppose transforming healing mediumship into a profession. One would have to be gifted with a universal faculty to make it an occupation. Only incarnate Spirits of the highest order could have it in such a degree. Such presumption, even if employed selflessly and out of pure philanthropy, would be a demonstration of pride that by itself is a demonstration of moral inferiority. True superiority is humble. It does good without ostentation and hides away instead of looking for shine. The noble person seeks that modesty while the arrogant seeks the laurel that frequently escapes. Jesus used to say to those that were cured by him: “Go, thank God and tell nobody.” It is a great lesson to the healing mediums. We remind everyone here that the healing mediumship is exclusively in the fluidic action more or less instantaneous; that it must not be confused with human magnetism or with the faculty that certain mediums have to receive the prescription of medicine from the Spirits. These latter are only “prescriptive mediums” like others are poets or painters.
“The Spirit of our good father Demeure, coming to join the number of invisible friends that watch over our mind and body, wanted to manifest since the first days through a benefit. The news about his death was not yet known to our brothers in Montauban when he spontaneously and directly produced the cure of one of them through spiritual magnetism just by the fluidic action. Notice that he wasted no time and continued as a Spirit, as you say, his relief work onto the suffering humanity. There is, however, an important distinction to be made here. Certain Spirits remain attached to their earthly activities, unaware of their condition and believing to be still alive. That is typical of little advanced Spirits whereas Mr. Demeure immediately acknowledged himself and as a Spirit he acts voluntarily knowing that he has even more power in that state.
We had kept the information about Mr. Demeure’s death from Mrs. G…, a very lucid clairvoyant and somnambulistic medium, to spare her extreme sensitivity and the good doctor, undoubtedly aware of our intent, avoided the manifestation through her. On the last February 10th we gathered by the invitation of our guides to, according to them, alleviate Mr. G… from a painful strain that affected her since the day before. That was all that we knew, far from expecting the surprise that would come our way. Immediately after having fallen in a state of trance the lady produced lancinating screams pointing to her foot. Here is what happened: Mrs. G… saw a Spirit leaning onto her leg but she could not distinguish the face. The Spirit massaged the leg and from time to time produced a longitudinal tension on the sick part exactly like a doctor would have done. The operation was so painful that the patient sometimes screamed followed by jerky movements. The episode did not last long though. After ten minutes all traces of sprain had disappeared. There was no inflammation and the foot had gone back to normal appearance. Mrs. G… was healed.
When we think that to heal an injury of such a kind the best and most experienced magnetizers, not to mention the official medicine that has not yet come to a conclusion about such cases, need a long lasting treatment of at least thirty six hours, with three daily sessions of one hour, an compare to the above ten minutes procedure by the spiritual fluid, it can well be considered as an instantaneous cure, even more when in particular we take into account the fact that it was the first experience of the Spirit carried out with the objective of a future application in case this one would be successful, as it is explained by the Spirit in a communication that follows. Nonetheless the Spirit continued to be unknown to the medium and persisted in staying anonymous. The Spirit even gave the impression that he was running away when the patient who could not move one step forward minutes ago suddenly jumps in the middle of the room to shake hands with her spiritual doctor. Still this time the Spirit moved his face away only allowing her to shake hands. At that point in time Mrs. G… screams out and falls on the floor extenuated. She had just recognized the healing Spirit as Mr. Demeure. During her fit she was attended by several sympathetic Spirits. When she finally recovered her somnambulistic lucidity she talked to several Spirits, exchanged warm handshakes particularly with the Spirit of the doctor that was receptive to her demonstrations of sympathy and affection, involving her in a healing fluid. Isn’t that an exciting and dramatic scene in which we see several players representing their roles in human life? Isn’t that one among thousands of proofs that the Spirits are perfectly real, having a body and acting as they did on Earth? We were happy for finding our spiritualized friend with his excellent heart and kindness. In his life he had been the medium’s doctor; he knew her extreme sensitivity and had taken care of her like to a daughter. Isn’t that proof of identity given by a Spirit to a loved one touching, making us see our future life in a reassuring way? Here is the communication given by Dr. Demeure on the day following the above session:
“My good friends I am by your side and love you as I always did in the past. What a happiness to be able to communicate with those that are dear to me! I was really happy last night for being useful and alleviate the pain of our clairvoyant medium. It is an experience that will be useful to me and that will help me out in the future whenever there is a favorable occasion. Today her son is very sick but I hope that we will soon have him cured. All that will serve him to persevere in the study of the development of his faculty (Mrs. G…son was really cured of an inflammatory angina through homeopathic medication prescribed by the Spirit). In the near future we will give you the opportunity to witness phenomena still unknown to you and that shall be of great utility to the Spiritist science. I am happy to be able to personally contribute to those manifestations that would have given me a lot of pleasure when alive; thank God today I witness them in a very particular way that evidently demonstrates to me the reality of what happens among you. Believe me, good friends that I feel real pleasure in being useful to my fellow human beings and in helping them to propagate these beautiful truths that must change the world giving rise to better feelings.
Good bye my friends. So long.
Antoine Demeure.”
Isn’t that interesting to see an already wise soul on Earth to carry out studies and experiments as a Spirit to become more skillful in the relief of people’s pains? There is a commendable modesty in that confession that entails true merit whereas pseudo-wise Spirits are generally presumptuous. The last issue of the Spiritist Review cites a communication given by Mr. Demeure as if given in Montauban on February 1st. He gave it actually on January 26th. In my opinion this date is somewhat important because it was the day after his death. He says in the second paragraph: “… I enjoy a rare lucidity for Spirits recently separated from matter.” In fact that lucidity demonstrates a fast separation that is typical of morally well advanced Spirits.
Observation: The cure reported above is an example of pure spiritual magnetic action, without any mixture with human magnetism. The Spirits sometimes utilize the help of special mediums as conductors of their fluids. These are the healing Spirits whose faculties present a variety of energy levels, according to their personal aptitudes and the nature of the Spirits that assist them. We met a person eight months ago in Paris who suffered of painful exostosis in the hip and knee, keeping that person slaved to a bed. One of her young friends was a medium of that kind and treated him by the simple imposition of hands for a few minutes and by prayer that was followed by the patient with noble feelings. On the occasion the patient was having a very painful crisis analogous to the one endured by Mrs. G…, soon followed by a perfect calmness. He then had the impression of several hands giving him a massage and straightening his leg that would elongate 10 or 12 centimeters. He then feels a significant improvement and starts to walk but the longevity and seriousness of the disease turn the healing process very difficult and requiring a longer time than a simple sprain. We must emphasize that, as far as we know, the healing mediumship is not yet presented with generic and universal features but, on the contrary, restricted by application, meaning that the medium has a more powerful action upon certain individuals than on others and that not all diseases are cured. This is understandable when considering the fundamental role played by fluidic affinity in all mediumistic phenomena. Some people only enjoy that by accident and for a specific case. Hence it would be a mistake to believe that for the fact that a cure was obtained all others could also be obtained for the reason that the medium’s fluid is refractory to the own fluid of certain patients. The more natural the fluid assimilation the easier the healing process. It is then remarkable that certain fragile and delicate persons may exert a powerful influence upon strong and robust individuals. In such cases the persons are good conductors of the spiritual fluid whereas strong persons may be bad conductors. They only have their personal, human fluid that never has the purity and healing strength of the purified fluid of the good Spirits. From that one can understand the main reasons that oppose transforming healing mediumship into a profession. One would have to be gifted with a universal faculty to make it an occupation. Only incarnate Spirits of the highest order could have it in such a degree. Such presumption, even if employed selflessly and out of pure philanthropy, would be a demonstration of pride that by itself is a demonstration of moral inferiority. True superiority is humble. It does good without ostentation and hides away instead of looking for shine. The noble person seeks that modesty while the arrogant seeks the laurel that frequently escapes. Jesus used to say to those that were cured by him: “Go, thank God and tell nobody.” It is a great lesson to the healing mediums. We remind everyone here that the healing mediumship is exclusively in the fluidic action more or less instantaneous; that it must not be confused with human magnetism or with the faculty that certain mediums have to receive the prescription of medicine from the Spirits. These latter are only “prescriptive mediums” like others are poets or painters.