Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1865

Allan Kardec

You are in: Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1865 > June > Varieties—Letter from Dante to Mr. Thiers
Varieties—Letter from Dante to Mr. Thiers.

With the title above, it reads in the Charivari:

Florence, May 20th, 1865

Dear Sir and Comrade,

I could not remain indifferent to the celebration parties that would be thrown on my behalf, and for that I requested an eight-day license period so that my shadow could come and attend the inauguration of a monument dedicated to me. It is then from Florence that I send you this letter, still moved by the ceremony that I have just witnessed. If I am at liberty of doing this, dear Sir and comrade, it is for the fact that I consider myself ready to provide you with useful information.

Although deceased five centuries ago, I never stopped following what happens and matters to the future of Italy, always with the same attention and patriotism. You know as much as I do how much pain that has brought to me, and how much my heart has been overloaded you can also have an idea…”

(This is followed by long reflections about the events in Italy and the opinions of Mr. Thiers. We do not publish it here for the double reason of being strange to our objectives and for the fact that politics is alien to the principles of this journal).

The letter ends like this:

If, as I was told, you are supposed to travel to Italy, please visit Florence and come to talk a few minutes with my statue. It will have very interesting things to tell you.

Your sincerely, etc.”

Dante Alighieri

Faithful copy by: Pierre Véron

We doubt very much that Mr. Pierre Véron is sympathetic to the Spiritist idea, considering his several articles published in the Charivari.

One must not see, therefore, anything more than the product of imagination appropriate to the circumstance, unless the Spirit of Dante had come to dictate such a letter without the knowledge of the author. It is very witty for him not to deny it, but it can only be appreciated as a whole since it loses a lot when partitioned.

It was an ingenious thought to have the Spirit of Dante intervening is such occasion. Except for certain details, a Spirit would not have spoken differently. For us, there is no doubt that Dante attended that powerful manifestation, unless he is reincarnate, attracted by the strong evocation of a whole nation in one only thought. If the veil that hides the spiritual world to the eyes of the incarnate had been lifted, what a huge entourage of great men would have been seen, floating in space and mingled with the multitude, applauding the regeneration of Italy! What a great subject to a painter or a poet inspired by the Spiritist faith!

Allan Kardec

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