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Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1865 > April > Family Conversations from Beyond the Grave
Family Conversations from Beyond the Grave
Pierre Legay, said the Great Pierrot
(Continuation – see Spiritist Review, November 1864)
Pierre Legay, said the Great Pierrot
(Continuation – see Spiritist Review, November 1864)
Pierre Legay, Mrs. Delanne’s relative, offered us with the singular spectacle of a Spirit that considered himself to be alive even two years after his death, taking care of his businesses, traveling by car, paying for the train ticket, visiting Paris for the first time, etc. We give today the conclusion of that case that would be difficult to understand if we did not resource to the details given in the Spiritist Review, November 1864. Mr. and Mrs. Delanne tried unsuccessfully to elucidate his mistake. Their spiritual guide had asked them to wait since the moment had right yet. In the first days of March they addressed the following question to their guide:
Q. – After the last visit of Pierre Legay mentioned in the Spiritist Review we were unable to obtain any answer from him. You told us that when the time was right he would give us his impressions. Do you think he can do it now? A. – Yes, my children. Time has come. He will be able to answer you and provide you with material for study and teachings. God has his own points of view.
Q. – (To Pierre Legay). Dear friend, are you here? A. – Yes, my friend.
Q. – Do you see my point in evoking you today? A. – Yes, for I have by my side friends that have instructed me about everything that is happening right now on Earth. My God! What a strange thing all that!
Q. – You said that you have friends around you that give you instructions. Can you tell us who they are? A. – Yes, they are my friends but I only met them after I woke up. Did you know that I slept? I call sleep what you call death.
Q. – Can you tell the name of some of those friends? A. – I always have by my side a man that I should call an angel because he is so kind, so good and nice that all angels must be like this one. Then there is Didelot (Mrs. Delanne’s father) that is also here; then your parents, my friend. Oh! They are so nice! It is funny the way me meet up; there is also our Abbess. For example, she is always the same; she hasn’t changed. But it is all so strange!
NOTE: The nun mentioned by the Spirit used to live at Treveray commune and had given her first instructions to Mrs. Delanne. She communicated only once, about three years ago.
Q. – After the last visit of Pierre Legay mentioned in the Spiritist Review we were unable to obtain any answer from him. You told us that when the time was right he would give us his impressions. Do you think he can do it now? A. – Yes, my children. Time has come. He will be able to answer you and provide you with material for study and teachings. God has his own points of view.
Q. – (To Pierre Legay). Dear friend, are you here? A. – Yes, my friend.
Q. – Do you see my point in evoking you today? A. – Yes, for I have by my side friends that have instructed me about everything that is happening right now on Earth. My God! What a strange thing all that!
Q. – You said that you have friends around you that give you instructions. Can you tell us who they are? A. – Yes, they are my friends but I only met them after I woke up. Did you know that I slept? I call sleep what you call death.
Q. – Can you tell the name of some of those friends? A. – I always have by my side a man that I should call an angel because he is so kind, so good and nice that all angels must be like this one. Then there is Didelot (Mrs. Delanne’s father) that is also here; then your parents, my friend. Oh! They are so nice! It is funny the way me meet up; there is also our Abbess. For example, she is always the same; she hasn’t changed. But it is all so strange!
NOTE: The nun mentioned by the Spirit used to live at Treveray commune and had given her first instructions to Mrs. Delanne. She communicated only once, about three years ago.
- – Look now. You too Gardner! (A familiar name given to one of Mrs. Dellane’s uncle that had never manifested). How silly of me! We are in the house of your niece. I am glad to see you. That makes me feel good because, my word, I have been transported for some time and I don’t know how; I travel faster than the train and cover spaces not knowing how I do it. Are you like that, Didelot? He seems to find all that natural. It seems that he is used to that. In fact he has been doing that longer than I have (He had died six years earlier) and I understand that he is less stunned. But how funny is that! It is really funny! Tell me, cousin, you know and with you I feel at ease. Now, frankly, tell me what is it called “dying”?
Mr. Delanne: - My friend, the word die refers to leaving behind on Earth the heavy body, giving the soul the freedom it requires to enter the real life, the great life of the Spirit. Yes, you are there, my dear, in that still unknown world to many people from Earth. There you are leaving the lethargy or numbness that follows the separation of the soul from the body. Look around and see your guardian angel and friends surrounding you. They were the ones that brought you here to demonstrate to you the immortality and individuality of your soul. Be proud and happy because, as you see now, death is life. That is also why you cover spaces with the speed of light and are able to talk to us in Paris as if you had a material body like ours. You no longer have such a body. Now you only have a fluidic and light envelope that no longer attaches you to Earth.
P. Legay: Singular expression: dying! Then you should use another word for the moment when the soul leaves behind its body on Earth for such a moment is not death… I remember… I had just been released from the links that bonded me to the body and my sufferings instead of diminishing only worsened. I saw my children fighting for the piece of what I left them. I saw them not taking care of the inherited land and saw myself working stronger than ever. I was there, sorry for seeing that they did not understand me. I was not dead then. I assure you that I felt the same concerns and fatigue I used to have with my body and yet I had no body any more. Explain that to me. If that is death it is a funny way of dying. Give me your thoughts about that and then I will tell you what I think because now these good friends have the kindness of telling me. Go on, cousin, tell me.
Mr. Delanne: My friend, when the Spirits leave their bodies they are covered by a second body as I told you; this is fluidic and always remains with the Spirit. It is, therefore, with that body that you thought you were working like with the other one when you were alive. You can depurate that semi-material body through your moral progress. And if you are not okay with the word “death” to identify that moment you can then call it “transformation, if you wish to do so. If you went through some painful things that is because you might have been too attached to material things in your life, neglecting the spiritual ones that were important to your future. (He was very much interested). It is a slight punishment that God thought convenient for you to recover from your faults, giving you the means of instruction and finding light.
P. Legay: Then, my dear friend, that is not the time that should be called “transformation” because the Spirit does not change so rapidly if not immediately helped to acknowledge oneself through prayer and if the Spirit is not enlightened about the true situation, as I have just mentioned, by prayer and evocation. That is there are so many Spirits like mine that remain stationary. For those of my category there is transition but not transformation; the Spirit is not aware of what is going on. I dragged around, or better, I thought I did, a body with the same illnesses that I had when on Earth. Do you know what I felt when I was separated from my body? Something like a confusion that follows a fall or after someone passes out and people help you come back by inhaling a substance like vinegar. I woke up unaware that I had no body anymore. I came here to Paris thinking that I was still flesh and blood and you would not be able to convince me otherwise if I were not dead since then.
Yes, we die but that is not at the time when the body is left behind; it is when the Spirit acknowledges its true situation and is taken by a vertigo, no longer understanding what is said or seeing what is shown in the same way; it is a state of confusion. The Spirit perceives that he is no longer understood and like the blind person that is suddenly hurt the Spirit wants a guide that does not attend immediately, not at all. A time in darkness is needed where it is all confusion. The Spirit is disturbed and only a keen desire for light can change that but not before the agony is over and the time for freedom is right. Then, cousin, that is the time of death because we can no longer recognize ourselves. We must be helped, I repeat, by prayer and the time of liberation is the one that must be called death to the Spirits of my category.
Thank you for your prayers, my friend. You know how much I loved you and will continue to do so and much more from now on. Continue to send your prayers on my behalf, for my own advancement. Thank you to the man that was capable of bringing to light these true and sacred truths, taken for granted by so many others before him.
Yes, many thanks for having brought up my name together with so many others. They prayed for me reading some lines that I was supposed to give you. Thank you all of those that prayed for me and today, thanks to your prayer, I began to understand their reach. As for myself I will try to be useful to you all. That is what I had to tell you and be cool. Today I no longer have money to worry about but I have all the time to be dedicated to you. Aren’t your surprised by such a change? Well, from now on that is how it is going to be since I can see clearly here and from far away.
Pierre Legay
Observation: The new state in which Pierre Legay is in by no longer seeing himself as part of this world may be considered as a second wake up of the Spirit. This is related to the broader issue of the spiritual death that is under study right now. We thank the Spiritists that followed our report with prayers to the Spirit. They can see that it was noticed and the Spirit feels good.
P. Legay: Singular expression: dying! Then you should use another word for the moment when the soul leaves behind its body on Earth for such a moment is not death… I remember… I had just been released from the links that bonded me to the body and my sufferings instead of diminishing only worsened. I saw my children fighting for the piece of what I left them. I saw them not taking care of the inherited land and saw myself working stronger than ever. I was there, sorry for seeing that they did not understand me. I was not dead then. I assure you that I felt the same concerns and fatigue I used to have with my body and yet I had no body any more. Explain that to me. If that is death it is a funny way of dying. Give me your thoughts about that and then I will tell you what I think because now these good friends have the kindness of telling me. Go on, cousin, tell me.
Mr. Delanne: My friend, when the Spirits leave their bodies they are covered by a second body as I told you; this is fluidic and always remains with the Spirit. It is, therefore, with that body that you thought you were working like with the other one when you were alive. You can depurate that semi-material body through your moral progress. And if you are not okay with the word “death” to identify that moment you can then call it “transformation, if you wish to do so. If you went through some painful things that is because you might have been too attached to material things in your life, neglecting the spiritual ones that were important to your future. (He was very much interested). It is a slight punishment that God thought convenient for you to recover from your faults, giving you the means of instruction and finding light.
P. Legay: Then, my dear friend, that is not the time that should be called “transformation” because the Spirit does not change so rapidly if not immediately helped to acknowledge oneself through prayer and if the Spirit is not enlightened about the true situation, as I have just mentioned, by prayer and evocation. That is there are so many Spirits like mine that remain stationary. For those of my category there is transition but not transformation; the Spirit is not aware of what is going on. I dragged around, or better, I thought I did, a body with the same illnesses that I had when on Earth. Do you know what I felt when I was separated from my body? Something like a confusion that follows a fall or after someone passes out and people help you come back by inhaling a substance like vinegar. I woke up unaware that I had no body anymore. I came here to Paris thinking that I was still flesh and blood and you would not be able to convince me otherwise if I were not dead since then.
Yes, we die but that is not at the time when the body is left behind; it is when the Spirit acknowledges its true situation and is taken by a vertigo, no longer understanding what is said or seeing what is shown in the same way; it is a state of confusion. The Spirit perceives that he is no longer understood and like the blind person that is suddenly hurt the Spirit wants a guide that does not attend immediately, not at all. A time in darkness is needed where it is all confusion. The Spirit is disturbed and only a keen desire for light can change that but not before the agony is over and the time for freedom is right. Then, cousin, that is the time of death because we can no longer recognize ourselves. We must be helped, I repeat, by prayer and the time of liberation is the one that must be called death to the Spirits of my category.
Thank you for your prayers, my friend. You know how much I loved you and will continue to do so and much more from now on. Continue to send your prayers on my behalf, for my own advancement. Thank you to the man that was capable of bringing to light these true and sacred truths, taken for granted by so many others before him.
Yes, many thanks for having brought up my name together with so many others. They prayed for me reading some lines that I was supposed to give you. Thank you all of those that prayed for me and today, thanks to your prayer, I began to understand their reach. As for myself I will try to be useful to you all. That is what I had to tell you and be cool. Today I no longer have money to worry about but I have all the time to be dedicated to you. Aren’t your surprised by such a change? Well, from now on that is how it is going to be since I can see clearly here and from far away.
Pierre Legay
Observation: The new state in which Pierre Legay is in by no longer seeing himself as part of this world may be considered as a second wake up of the Spirit. This is related to the broader issue of the spiritual death that is under study right now. We thank the Spiritists that followed our report with prayers to the Spirit. They can see that it was noticed and the Spirit feels good.