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Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1865 > July > Bibliographic News
Bibliographic News
What is Spiritism? By Allan Kardec. New revised edition and considerably augmented. In-12, about 200 pages, 1 franc; by mail 1.2 francs.
The subjects in this new edition are divided as:
Chap. 1: Small conference
First conversation: The critic
Second conversation: The skeptical
Spiritism and Spiritualism
Simulated Spiritism Phenomena
Impotence of the adversaries
Marvelous and wonderful
Opposition of science
False explanations of the phenomena
The nonbelievers cannot see to be convinced
Origin of the modern Spiritist ideas
Means of communication
Self-serving mediums
Mediums and witches
Spirits’ diversity
Practical utility of manifestations
Madness, suicide and obsession
Forgetfulness of the past
Elements of conviction
Spiritist Society of Paris
Interdiction of Spiritism
Third conversation: The priest. Objections in the name of religion.
Chap. II: Elementary notions of Spiritism
The Spirits
Communications with the invisible world
Providential objective of the Spiritist manifestations
The mediums
Obstacles to the mediums
Quality of the mediums
Identity of the Spirits
Consequences of Spiritism
Chap. III: Solution of some problems by the Spiritist Doctrine
Plurality of the worlds
The soul
Man, during earthly life
Man, after death
In preparation to be issued on August 1st:
Heavens and Hell, or the Divine Justice according to Spiritism, by Allan Kardec. A large volume, in-12. Price 3.5 francs; by mail 4 francs.
Vie de Germaine Cousin, by Pibrac, very charitable, given by mediumistic means by herself to Ms. S., in a familiar group. Brochure in-12. Price 1 franc, by mail 1.1 francs. Main bookshops in Toulouse.
The life of Germaine Cousin is, at the same time, dramatic and edifying, but on the other hand eminently interesting given the numerous facts of mediumship that it contains, that without Spiritism would go by fantastic or inexplicable. The phenomena that we witnessed in our days at least demonstrate that they are possible. Anyone without a preconceived idea, and in particular the Spiritists, will read this brochure with interest.
Spiritist Union of Bordeaux
Bordeaux used to have four periodical Spiritist publications: La Ruche, Le Sauveur, la Lumière and la Voix d’Outre-tombe. Since la Lumière and Le Sauveur have the same direction in reality there were three only that have just combined into one under the title The Spiritist Union of Bordeaux, by the direction of Mr. A. Bez, current director of the la Voix d’Outre-tombe. We congratulate those gentlemen for their actions and if our adversaries will make a mistake if consider that an indication of decadence of the doctrine. There are positive facts out there to demonstrate the opposite.
Matters about Spiritism, although in large number, circulate in a more or less uniform fashion, and that would lead to a lack of sufficient variety to the reader that wanted to receive all of them, with large cost and not much compensantion. The new journal in Bordeaux can only win with such a merger from all points of view and we wish for their prosperity. In the initial volumes we read with pleasure a good refutation to the articles by Mr. Fumeaux about the iniquity and disgrace of Spiritism, as much as a report about a new cure in Marmande (see further in several publications).
Music and Lyrics composed by King Henry III in 1574, revealed in a dream in 1865 to Mr. N.C. Bach. Legouix Edition, Boulevard Poissonnière, 27 – Paris. Label price: 3 francs.
The subjects in this new edition are divided as:
Chap. 1: Small conference
First conversation: The critic
Second conversation: The skeptical
Spiritism and Spiritualism
Simulated Spiritism Phenomena
Impotence of the adversaries
Marvelous and wonderful
Opposition of science
False explanations of the phenomena
The nonbelievers cannot see to be convinced
Origin of the modern Spiritist ideas
Means of communication
Self-serving mediums
Mediums and witches
Spirits’ diversity
Practical utility of manifestations
Madness, suicide and obsession
Forgetfulness of the past
Elements of conviction
Spiritist Society of Paris
Interdiction of Spiritism
Third conversation: The priest. Objections in the name of religion.
Chap. II: Elementary notions of Spiritism
The Spirits
Communications with the invisible world
Providential objective of the Spiritist manifestations
The mediums
Obstacles to the mediums
Quality of the mediums
Identity of the Spirits
Consequences of Spiritism
Chap. III: Solution of some problems by the Spiritist Doctrine
Plurality of the worlds
The soul
Man, during earthly life
Man, after death
In preparation to be issued on August 1st:
Heavens and Hell, or the Divine Justice according to Spiritism, by Allan Kardec. A large volume, in-12. Price 3.5 francs; by mail 4 francs.
Vie de Germaine Cousin, by Pibrac, very charitable, given by mediumistic means by herself to Ms. S., in a familiar group. Brochure in-12. Price 1 franc, by mail 1.1 francs. Main bookshops in Toulouse.
The life of Germaine Cousin is, at the same time, dramatic and edifying, but on the other hand eminently interesting given the numerous facts of mediumship that it contains, that without Spiritism would go by fantastic or inexplicable. The phenomena that we witnessed in our days at least demonstrate that they are possible. Anyone without a preconceived idea, and in particular the Spiritists, will read this brochure with interest.
Spiritist Union of Bordeaux
Bordeaux used to have four periodical Spiritist publications: La Ruche, Le Sauveur, la Lumière and la Voix d’Outre-tombe. Since la Lumière and Le Sauveur have the same direction in reality there were three only that have just combined into one under the title The Spiritist Union of Bordeaux, by the direction of Mr. A. Bez, current director of the la Voix d’Outre-tombe. We congratulate those gentlemen for their actions and if our adversaries will make a mistake if consider that an indication of decadence of the doctrine. There are positive facts out there to demonstrate the opposite.
Matters about Spiritism, although in large number, circulate in a more or less uniform fashion, and that would lead to a lack of sufficient variety to the reader that wanted to receive all of them, with large cost and not much compensantion. The new journal in Bordeaux can only win with such a merger from all points of view and we wish for their prosperity. In the initial volumes we read with pleasure a good refutation to the articles by Mr. Fumeaux about the iniquity and disgrace of Spiritism, as much as a report about a new cure in Marmande (see further in several publications).
Music and Lyrics composed by King Henry III in 1574, revealed in a dream in 1865 to Mr. N.C. Bach. Legouix Edition, Boulevard Poissonnière, 27 – Paris. Label price: 3 francs.