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Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1865 > May > Immigration of Superior Spirits to Earth
Immigration of Superior Spirits to Earth
Parisian Society, October 7th, 1864 – medium Mr. Delanne
Parisian Society, October 7th, 1864 – medium Mr. Delanne
Tonight, I will talk about the immigration of advanced Spirits that come to incarnate on Earth. Those new messengers have already taken the walking stick of the pilgrims; they already count on thousands spread around the globe; they are allocated by Spirits that guide the movement of transformation by groups. Earth already trembles before the vision of those that one day were seen amongst the newborn humanity. The planet rejoices with such an image, anticipating that they should lead her to perfection by guiding ordinary Spirits that need the encouragement of the good examples. Yes, great messengers among you. They are the ones to sustain the forthcoming generation. As Spiritism grows and progresses, Spirits of a more elevated order shall come to support the works imposed by the needs of the cause. God has sowed supporting trunks to the doctrine, all over. They shall come when the time is right at the right place. Wait with patience and faith since everything that was predicted shall happen, up to the last jot, as it is in the sacred book.
If the present transition, as just mentioned by the teacher, has raised passions and brought up the scum of the incarnate and discarnate Spirits, it also has awakened the strong desire from a large number of Spirits in a superior position in many worlds in the stellar clouds, to come again to serve God’s designs towards this great event. That is why a short while ago I said that the immigration of superior Spirits was taking place to operate the ascending march of your Earth. Therefore, have courage, be zealous and passionate about the sacred cause. Know that nothing can stop the progressive march of Spiritism for powerful guardians shall continue your work.
If the present transition, as just mentioned by the teacher, has raised passions and brought up the scum of the incarnate and discarnate Spirits, it also has awakened the strong desire from a large number of Spirits in a superior position in many worlds in the stellar clouds, to come again to serve God’s designs towards this great event. That is why a short while ago I said that the immigration of superior Spirits was taking place to operate the ascending march of your Earth. Therefore, have courage, be zealous and passionate about the sacred cause. Know that nothing can stop the progressive march of Spiritism for powerful guardians shall continue your work.