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Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1865 > May > Conversations from beyond the grave
Conversations from beyond the grave
Dr. Vignal
Parisian Society, March 31st, 1865 – medium Mr. Desliens
Dr. Vignal
Parisian Society, March 31st, 1865 – medium Mr. Desliens
The readers undoubtedly remember the interesting studies about the Spirits of living persons published in the Spiritist Review, January and March 1860, to which Count of R… and Dr. Vignal were submitted. The later one has been away for several years and died on March 25th last. On the eve of the funerals we asked a very lucid somnambulist that could see the Spirits if he could see him. He then said: “I see a cadaver upon which there is an extraordinary work taking place. It is like an agitating body, as if something was struggling to detach from that body, just having to overcome the resistance. I cannot see a well-defined shape of a Spirit.” On March 31st he was evoked at the Society in Paris. The same somnambulist attended the session and fell asleep during the activities. He then saw and described the Spirit perfectly well while communicating with a medium of his choice.
We say medium of his choice because experience demonstrates the inconvenience of trying to impose a medium to a Spirit that may not find the necessary conditions for the free communication. When the evocation of a Spirit occurs for the first time it is convenient that all mediums that are present be prepared for their manifestation. There were eleven mediums at that session.
Question – Dear Mr. Vignal, all of your former colleagues at the Parisian Society kept their best memories of yours and myself, in particular, the best relationship that was not broken between us. By calling you to our session we intend to testify our sympathy to you and would be very glad if you could kindly come and communicate with us.
Answer – Dear friend and honorable professor, your memory and sympathy are very dear to me. If I can come to attend this session with you today, free and detached, with all these friends and Spiritist brothers, it is thanks to your good thoughts and the assistance of your prayers that brought me here. As my young secretary correctly said I was impatient to communicate. I employed all the strength of my soul to dominate myself since the beginning of this evening. Your conversations and the serious matters that were discussed made my wait less painful given the interest they attracted. Forgive me, dear friend, but my recognition had to be manifested.
Note: As soon as the medium detected that it was Mr. Vignal he really felt the need that the Spirit had to communicate.
Q – To begin with, kindly tell us about your situation in the spiritual world. At the same time please describe the work of separation, your sensations and how long did it take for you to be aware of yourself.
A – I feel as happy as one can be when we see the realization of every secret thought about this reassuring and healing doctrine. I am happy! Yes, I am because now I see before my eyes and without any obstacle the future of the Spiritist science and philosophy. For the moment let us keep aside such uncalled for essays. I shall come back to this matter, knowing that my presence gives you the same pleasure that I feel with you. The separation was really quick, faster than I could expect with my little merit. I was powerfully helped by you and your somnambulist gave you a very clear idea of the phenomenon of separation, making it unnecessary for me to insist on that. It was a kind of discontinued oscillation, with a movement in two opposing directions. The Spirit succeeded since I am here. I only left the body completely when it was laid down on the ground. I am back with you.
Q – What is your impression of your funeral services? I felt the need to be with you, like a duty. Were you sufficiently detached at that moment and have our prayers reached you at that time?
A – Yes. As I said, your assistance helped with a seamless transition and here I am with you, completely abandoning the old cocoon. Material things do not have much importance to me, as you know. I only thought of God and the soul.
Q – Do you remember your own request about five years ago, in 1860, when we did a study about you, when still alive? At that time your Spirit separated to come to talk to us. Can you describe, as much as possible, the difference that exists between your current detachment and the separation at that time?
A – Yes, certainly. I do remember. But what a difference between my state then and now! At that time matter still restricted me with its inflexible system; I wanted to separate in a more absolute terms but could not. Today I am free. A vast field, that of the unknown, unfolds before my eyes, and I expect, with your help and that of the good Spirits, to whom I entrust myself, to advance and to penetrate as soon as possible the atmosphere of feelings that I must experiment, and the actions that I must carry out to succeed and deserve the rewards. It is majestic! It is great! It is almost an astonishment that takes us over when we face sublime clarities!
Q – On another occasion we shall have the pleasure to continue our conversation as you wish.
A – I responded your questions succinctly and not following a given order. Do not expect much yet from your faithful disciple, for I am not completely free yet. Talk to you even further would be reason for my own happiness. My guide moderates my enthusiasm and I have already learned about his goodness and fairness to submit entirely to his will, however much I may feel sorry for being interrupted. I have the consolation of being able to come many times incognito to attend your sessions. I will speak with you many times; I love you and want to demonstrate that. But other more advanced Spirits request priority and I must appreciate the opportunity given to me to express the torrent of thoughts that were accumulated. I leave you now friends, and must thank you both, not only the Spiritists that called me but also this Spirit that allowed me to take his place and that when alive used the name Pascal. From the one that was and will always be your most dedicated follower. – Dr. Vignal.
Note: In fact the Spirit Pascal gave then the communication that follows later in this issue with the title Intellectual Progress.
We say medium of his choice because experience demonstrates the inconvenience of trying to impose a medium to a Spirit that may not find the necessary conditions for the free communication. When the evocation of a Spirit occurs for the first time it is convenient that all mediums that are present be prepared for their manifestation. There were eleven mediums at that session.
Question – Dear Mr. Vignal, all of your former colleagues at the Parisian Society kept their best memories of yours and myself, in particular, the best relationship that was not broken between us. By calling you to our session we intend to testify our sympathy to you and would be very glad if you could kindly come and communicate with us.
Answer – Dear friend and honorable professor, your memory and sympathy are very dear to me. If I can come to attend this session with you today, free and detached, with all these friends and Spiritist brothers, it is thanks to your good thoughts and the assistance of your prayers that brought me here. As my young secretary correctly said I was impatient to communicate. I employed all the strength of my soul to dominate myself since the beginning of this evening. Your conversations and the serious matters that were discussed made my wait less painful given the interest they attracted. Forgive me, dear friend, but my recognition had to be manifested.
Note: As soon as the medium detected that it was Mr. Vignal he really felt the need that the Spirit had to communicate.
Q – To begin with, kindly tell us about your situation in the spiritual world. At the same time please describe the work of separation, your sensations and how long did it take for you to be aware of yourself.
A – I feel as happy as one can be when we see the realization of every secret thought about this reassuring and healing doctrine. I am happy! Yes, I am because now I see before my eyes and without any obstacle the future of the Spiritist science and philosophy. For the moment let us keep aside such uncalled for essays. I shall come back to this matter, knowing that my presence gives you the same pleasure that I feel with you. The separation was really quick, faster than I could expect with my little merit. I was powerfully helped by you and your somnambulist gave you a very clear idea of the phenomenon of separation, making it unnecessary for me to insist on that. It was a kind of discontinued oscillation, with a movement in two opposing directions. The Spirit succeeded since I am here. I only left the body completely when it was laid down on the ground. I am back with you.
Q – What is your impression of your funeral services? I felt the need to be with you, like a duty. Were you sufficiently detached at that moment and have our prayers reached you at that time?
A – Yes. As I said, your assistance helped with a seamless transition and here I am with you, completely abandoning the old cocoon. Material things do not have much importance to me, as you know. I only thought of God and the soul.
Q – Do you remember your own request about five years ago, in 1860, when we did a study about you, when still alive? At that time your Spirit separated to come to talk to us. Can you describe, as much as possible, the difference that exists between your current detachment and the separation at that time?
A – Yes, certainly. I do remember. But what a difference between my state then and now! At that time matter still restricted me with its inflexible system; I wanted to separate in a more absolute terms but could not. Today I am free. A vast field, that of the unknown, unfolds before my eyes, and I expect, with your help and that of the good Spirits, to whom I entrust myself, to advance and to penetrate as soon as possible the atmosphere of feelings that I must experiment, and the actions that I must carry out to succeed and deserve the rewards. It is majestic! It is great! It is almost an astonishment that takes us over when we face sublime clarities!
Q – On another occasion we shall have the pleasure to continue our conversation as you wish.
A – I responded your questions succinctly and not following a given order. Do not expect much yet from your faithful disciple, for I am not completely free yet. Talk to you even further would be reason for my own happiness. My guide moderates my enthusiasm and I have already learned about his goodness and fairness to submit entirely to his will, however much I may feel sorry for being interrupted. I have the consolation of being able to come many times incognito to attend your sessions. I will speak with you many times; I love you and want to demonstrate that. But other more advanced Spirits request priority and I must appreciate the opportunity given to me to express the torrent of thoughts that were accumulated. I leave you now friends, and must thank you both, not only the Spiritists that called me but also this Spirit that allowed me to take his place and that when alive used the name Pascal. From the one that was and will always be your most dedicated follower. – Dr. Vignal.
Note: In fact the Spirit Pascal gave then the communication that follows later in this issue with the title Intellectual Progress.