Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1865

Allan Kardec

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Spiritist Dissertations

Cardinal Wiseman

The “Patrie” reports the following on March 18, 1865:

Cardinal Wiseman, that has just passed away in England, believed in Spiritism. This is demonstrated by the event below, cited in the Spiritualist Magazine: A Bishop had banned two members of his church for their tendency towards Spiritism. The Cardinal suspended the ban and allowed the two clergy to continue their studies and operate as mediums, saying: I myself strongly believe in Spiritism and could not be a good member of the Church if slightest in doubt.”

The article above was read and discussed in a Spiritist gathering in Mr. Delanne’s house but people were unsure about the convenience of evoking the Cardinal when he manifested spontaneously by the two communications below.


“Your desire to evoke me brought me here and yes, I am glad to come to tell you my dear friends that yes, I was a strong Spiritist believe on Earth. I had come with those aspirations that I could not have developed but I was happy to see them developed on others. I was a Spiritist because Spiritism is the straight path that leads to the true objective and to perfection; I was a Spiritist because I saw the realization of all prophecies in Spiritism, from the beginning of the world up until our days; I was a Spiritist because that doctrine is the development of religion, the clarification of mysteries and the march of whole humanity to God, the unity; I was a Spiritist because I learned that this revelation had come from God and that every serious person should help it to advance so that one day we all can hold each other’s benevolent hands; finally I was a Spiritist because Spiritism casts anathema to nobody and like Jesus Christ, our divine model, it opens its arms to all, without distinction of class or cult. That is why I was a Christian Spiritist.

Ah my beloved brothers! What a huge grace our Lord concedes to mankind by sending them this divine light that opens their eyes, allowing them to irrefutably see that there is for sure life beyond the grave and that, instead of fearing death when one lived according to God’s designs, one should welcome it when it comes to free us from the heavy chains of matter. Yes, that life that constantly is betrayed as horrifying does exist, but it carries nothing painful to the souls that observed the laws of the Lord while on Earth. Yes, there we find those that we loved on Earth; the beloved mother, a kind mother that comes to welcome and congratulate you; friends that come to help you acknowledge yourself, in your true homeland, showing you all the beauties of that true life, that are not more than sad images on Earth. Be perseverant, by beloved friends, in marching on the blessed path of Spiritism; may that not be a vain word to you; may the communications that you receive help you out in climbing the tough Calvary of life so that, when you get at the summit, you can go and harvest the fruits of life that you prepared for yourself. Those are my wishes to all of you that listen to me and to all my brothers in God.

From the one that was Cardinal Wiseman.

Medium Mrs. Delanne.


My friends, why wouldn’t I come to you? The feelings I expressed when I was on Earth, and that must be the same to all servants of God and the truth, that must give confidence to every sincere Spiritist, like when I come here by the grace of the Lord to instruct and guide my brothers.

Ah, yes, my friends, I come gladly and thankful to the one to whom we owe everything to exhort you to persevere in this path of struggle, you that were honored to have been admitted amongst the workers of the Lord. That doctrine is, if not the only at least the best one, because if part of humanity may construe their salvation with a blind faith, not falling into the traps and dangers on the way, with even more reason those whose faith are based on reason and on the love of God, that we allow you to see as is, you must conquer that eternal life in the heart of God. My children, bend over and bow your head for your Father blesses you. Glorify and love him in eternity!

Let us pray together.

Wiseman, assisted by St. Augustine. Medium Mr. Erambert, from Aix.

The two communications above were given simultaneously, explaining the assistance of St. Augustine in the last one. While Wiseman had one medium writing, St. Augustine had another one, transmitting the thoughts of the Cardinal. We frequently see less advanced or still confused Spirits that cannot express themselves without the help of a more advanced Spirit; here it is not the same: Wiseman is detached enough to express his own ideas. The two communications that follow were obtained at the Spiritist Society of Paris, on March 24th, without evocation and after reading the preceding messages. The fourth one is an appreciation of the events above by the Spirit Lamennais.


“My friends, I come to confirm my communication given on Monday. I am happy to come to a place where I have a lot to say and I am certain I would be well understood. Oh yes, it will be a great satisfaction to me to see the progress of the sacred and regenerative doctrine, developing before the eyes of the Lord, a doctrine that must lead the whole world to its divine destination. Friends, unite your efforts in the task that was assigned to us and be grateful for the role that the Creator of all things assigned to you. You shall never be able to do enough to compensate for the grace you received. But your good will shall be taken into account, with your faith, your charity and love towards your brothers. Bless and love the Lord and you shall have eternal life. Let us pray together, dear friends.

Wiseman, medium Mr. Erambert from Aix.”


“The spiritualist religion is the soul of Christianity, we must not forget. Cardinal Wiseman dared to proclaim the soul before the body, the Spirit before the letter among materialism, Protestant and Catholic faiths. Such a courage is rare in both clergies, an uncommon spectacle, in fact, the Spiritist faith of Cardinal Wiseman. As a matter of fact it would have been strange that such an enlightened Spirit, as elevated as the eminent Cardinal, had seen in Spiritism a rebellious faith to the teachings of the purest Christian moral; we, the Spiritists, would never applaud much such confidence, detached from any human respect and scruple. Isn’t the voice of such distinct and agonizing person an encouragement? Isn’t that an announcement of the future, a certainty that with the good faith preached in the Gospels, there is only one truth in the practice of charity and in the belief of the immortality of the soul? Other not less sacred voices daily proclaim our immortal truth. It is a sublime hosanna that people sing when visited by the Spirit, as much pure and enthusiastic hosanna as the ones sung by the souls visited by Jesus.

We, ourselves, suffering souls, let us not send away the memories that we have and in the purgatory that we endure let us hear the voices that allow us to see beyond.

Lamennais, medium Mr. A. Didier”

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