Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1865

Allan Kardec

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Spontaneous Manifestations in Marseille

The Poitiers manifestations are now replicated in Marseille. Should we conclude that the so called jokers that shook the first town without being caught have now moved to the second one where again they are not found? One must realize that these are very skillful con artists to frustrate the investigation carried out by the police and all others that were interested in catching them. The Gazette du Midi carried this short news about the subject on March, 5th:

On Friday, during the day, the “Chave” neighborhood was shaken with several groups of people gathered near the house number 80 at the boulevard with the same name. The rumor around was that several strange things happened in that house, scaring away the residents of the spellbound home. Ghosts wandered around there, they said; strange noises are heard at certain times and invisible hands throw pieces of furniture against one another, as they do to kitchen set pieces. The police was called in to control and keep the cool of those groups that grew continually. As a matter of fact it seems that the construction is not to code, built on a terrain that is undermined by water. Some cracks were heard and fear transformed them into rumors of witchcraft that will soon dissipate.”


Below the detailed report sent by Dr. Chavaux, from Marseille, dated March 14th:

A couple of weeks ago I had the honor of sending you some details about manifestations that took place for over a month at number 80 of Boulevard Chave. I only reported what I heard; today I will tell you what I witnessed myself.

After being granted permission to visit the home there I was on Friday, March 10th, at an apartment on the first floor occupied by Mrs. A… and her two daughters, one eight years old and the other sixteen. At 1pm sharp there was a huge noise of detonation at the apartment, followed by nine others every forty five minutes. After the second detonation that seemed to have come from within the facility where we were, I saw the formation of a light mist and then I felt a strong smell of gunpowder. Mrs. R… joined in at about the eighth detonation and said that she could detect a smell of gunpowder. I was pleased to hear that and learn that it was not a product of my imagination.

On Tuesday, the 13th, I went there again at 8:30 pm. The first detonation was heard at 9 pm, followed by thirty eight others within the hour. Mrs. C… then said: if these noises are produced by Spirits may they produce two more to account for forty. At that very moment two others were heard, one after the other with a frightening sound. We all looked to one another in astonishment, even fear. Mrs. C… still said: I start to understand that there are Spirits behind this thing; to be totally convinced I would like the Spirits to make that sound another ten times, adding up to fifty. The ten detonations took place in less than fifteen minutes. Those noises are sometimes like from a cannon of small caliber, inside a house; doors and windows were shaken, as were walls and the floor; objects hanging on walls were vividly affected; one could say that the house was shaken from all sides and that it would fall but none of that happened. After the shooting there isn’t a single crack, nothing is damaged and everything goes back to normal. The shots sometimes happen at one to five minutes intervals, but on other occasions up to six shots are heard one immediately following the other. The police showed up but nothing was found. There you have, dear Master, the whole and the most accurate truth.

Yours, sincerely…

Chavaux, D.M.P.

Rue de Petit Saint-Jean, 24.

Another letter dated March 17th, brings the following:

Yesterday we spent part of the evening at the home Boulevard Chave, 80. The meeting was attended by seven people. The sounds of detonation started at 11pm and accounted for a total of twenty two in a ten minute interval. It is like the sound of a small cannon. It could be heard from a great distance to the home. Contrary to what the Gazette du Midi says, the building is in very good condition. I was told that four other detonations were heard in another house in the same boulevard and that those were even stronger.

Yours, etc.”


They will say that the cause is entirely found out: one can see the smoke and feel the smell of gunpowder, but cannot guess the means employed by the deceivers?

It seems to us that the con artists utilize gunpowder to produce those detonations in the very apartment where the witnesses are; that they are complacent to repeat them at the expressed will. They cannot be far away nor hidden. How come they were not discovered? But then, what is the origin of the smell? That is another issue that will be handled in time. While we wait, the noises are a fact and a fact must have a cause. Will you attribute it to slander? But then find the slanders.

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