Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1865

Allan Kardec

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Bibliographic News

Confusion in Satan’s Empire
by L.A.G. Salgues (from Angers)

Small brochure in-8th with 150 pages. In Angers at Lemesle & Co. In Paris, Palais Royal. Price 2 fr.

Proofs to the religious fanaticism that the Spirits are not demons in response to the conversations about the Spirits by the Jesuit Father Xavier Pailloux. A historic digression provoked by him with the demonstration that Satan and hell of the Satan believers are a myth, followed by Spirits data about the posthumous state of mankind and after death impressions.

We shall discuss this work later.

Echo from beyond the grave

Spiritist journal published in Marseille under the direction of Mr. Gilet, with circulation every Sunday. Office in Marseille, Boulevard Chave, 81. Price 10 francs per year.

This journal holds the following banner: There is no salvation but through charity. We are glad to see it raising a flag that it the symbol of connection between every sincere Spiritist. Following that route we are certain that it shall not detour. As we said about the evangelic medium of Toulouse, like with nobility, the title obliges. Spiritism therefore counts on another organ in one of the most important cities in France.

Agreement between faith and religion
by Mr. J. B.
dedicated to the clergy
Small brochure, 100 pages – Paris, Didier & Co. Price 1.5 francs.

This brochure is by the same author of Lettres sur le Spiritisme ecrites a des ecclesiatiques. This more recent work deals more specifically with the religious aspect and we are glad to verify that the author did it with remarkable logic while applying commendable moderation in his refutation. In an elegant and correct style he says the greatest truths without hurting anyone. It is the best means of persuasion. We recommend it to our readers who will find excellent arguments there.

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