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The Spiritist Review - JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDIES - 1861 > September > The Style is the Man > Controversy among Several Spirits
Controversy among Several Spirits
(Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies)
The spirit Lamennais spontaneously gave the following dissertation at the Society on July 19th 1861, about Buffon’s aphorism: The style is the man, received by the medium Mr. A. Didier. Considering that his point of view was being attacked, Buffon replied a few days later through Mr. d’Ambel. Then, in succession, the Viscount of Delaunay (Mrs. Delphine de Girardin) and Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, along with others, joined into the conversation. This is a curious and instructive controversy that we fully reproduced here. It must be noted that the controversy was neither premeditated nor provoked and that each spirit participated spontaneously. Lamennais started the discussion that was then followed by the others.
The spirit Lamennais spontaneously gave the following dissertation at the Society on July 19th 1861, about Buffon’s aphorism: The style is the man, received by the medium Mr. A. Didier. Considering that his point of view was being attacked, Buffon replied a few days later through Mr. d’Ambel. Then, in succession, the Viscount of Delaunay (Mrs. Delphine de Girardin) and Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, along with others, joined into the conversation. This is a curious and instructive controversy that we fully reproduced here. It must be noted that the controversy was neither premeditated nor provoked and that each spirit participated spontaneously. Lamennais started the discussion that was then followed by the others.