Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDIES - 1861 > February > Teachings of the Spirits -Spontaneous dissertations received or read by several mediums at the Society > Awakening of a Spirit (Comments about the dissertation published under this title)
Awakening of a Spirit (Comments about the dissertation published under this title)

In a communication dictated by the spirit Georges to Mrs. Costel, published in the October 1860 issue of The Review, under the title “The awakening of a spirit”, it was said that there is no friendly relationship among errant spirits; that even those who loved one another don’t exchange signs of affection. This theory caused a painful impression to many people, particularly due to the fact that the readers of The Review consider the spirit who wrote it to be an elevated spirit, admiring most of his communications. If this theory were absolute it would be in contradiction with what has been said so many times, that the friendly spirits come to welcome the newly arrived at the time of death; help them to free them from the earthly links and, to a certain degree, initiate them into their new life. On another hand, if the inferior spirits did not communicate with the more advanced ones they could not advance. We tried to refute those objections by an article in the November 1860 issue of The Review under the title: Loving relationships of the spirits, but here are the comments from George himself, responding to our request: “When someone is surprised by death, in the materialistic habits of a life in which there was no time for God; when the person gets to the world of the spirits still shaken by anguish and the earthly fears, it is like a traveler that ignores the language and habits of the visited land. Drowned by the confusion, the person is incapable of communicating and to even understand their own feelings or the feelings of others, for that matter; they are in an errant state, surrounded by silence. The person then slowly feels the germination, the development of new thoughts, and a new soul flourishes from the inside. At that point the enslaved soul feels the untying shackles and like a freed bird, throws oneself into God’s arms, with a cry of joy and love. Then, the spirits of their relatives swarm around them, the purified friends who silently welcome their return. It is only a small number of spirits that can communicate with their friends, just after the separation of the body. Merit is required and only those who have gloriously accomplished their tasks are dematerialized enough to enjoy such a favor from God, who allows it as a reward. I presented one of the phases of the spiritual life. I did not mean to generalize, and as it can be seen, I only spoke of the first instants that follow death, that can be more or less prolonged, according to the nature of the spirit. It is up to everyone to abbreviate it, breaking the earthly links already in the corporeal life, since it is only the attachment to material things that preclude the spirit from enjoying the happiness of the spiritual life.


OBSERVATION: There is nothing more moral than this doctrine since it shows that there is no enjoyment of future promises without merit; that the very joy of meeting loved ones again and communicating with them may be postponed. In short, that the situation in the spiritual life is totally dependent on what we have done in this corporeal life.

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