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The Spiritist Review - JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDIES - 1861 > January > The Mediums’ Book
The Mediums’ Book
This book was announced long ago but its publication was postponed
due to the importance of the subject, to finally be released between
January 5th and 10th by Mr. Didier & Co. editors and booksellers, Rue
Quai des Augustins, 35 * . It is the complement of The Spirits’ Book and
contains the experimental part of Spiritism, as the first contains the philosophical
In this book are the results of long experiences and laborious studies,
as we try to clarify all questions related to the practice of the manifestations.
It contains the theoretical explanations of all phenomena and the
conditions required for their occurrence, according to the spirits. The part
related to the exercise and development of the mediumship, however, was
the object of special attention from our side.
Experimental Spiritism is prone to many more difficulties than generally
thought and the hurdles that we find are innumerous. That is the reason
for so many deceptions from the part of those who get involved with
such practice without experience and without the required knowledge.
Our objective was to forearm against such hurdles that are not always free
from inconveniences by those who venture themselves through this new
terrain without caution. We could not have forgotten such a capital point
and as such we gave the subject the attention equivalent to its importance.
The inconveniences are almost always originated from the lightheartedness
with which such a serious issue is handled. The spirits, all
of them, are the souls of those who have already lived. Sooner or later
we will infallibly share their environment. Thus, every spiritist manifestation,
intelligent or not, has the objective of putting us in touch
with those very souls. Since we pay respect to their physical remains,
with even more reason we must respect the surviving intelligent being
who is the true individuality. When we transform the manifestations
into pastime games we fail them with the respect that perhaps we
ourselves may demand one day, and that never goes unpunished when
The initial moment of curiosity caused by these strange phenomena is
over; now that we know the source, let us avoid its profanation with inappropriate
jokes and let us strive to find in them the necessary teachings
that will ensure our future happiness. The field is really wide open and
the objective very important to deserve our full attention.
Up until now our efforts have been dedicated to drive Spiritism
through this serious avenue. We will be plentifully rewarded for our
care and vigilance if this new book can contribute to avoid having
Spiritism veered off from its providential objective by making it even
better understood.
This book, no doubt, will raise criticism from those who are displeased
by the severity of its principles, as from those who already accuse
us of creating a school of Spiritism, since they see things from another
point of view. If creating a school of this science is a way to find a valuable
and useful objective to humanity, we believe to have the right of feeling
flattered by the accusation. However, such a school does not require any
other leader besides the common sense of the masses and the wisdom of
the good spirits who created it, regardless. That is why we reject the honor
of having founded it; nonetheless we are happy for being under its flag;
aspiring the modest title as its promoter.
If a name is needed we will then write on its facade: School of Moral
and Philosophical Spiritism, and invite all those in need of hope and
Allan Kardec
* Equally found in the office of the The Spiritist Review, at Rue de Sainte-Ane, 59 –
passage Sainte-Ane, large volume, in-18, 500 pages, Paris 3.5 francs, by mail 4 francs.