Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDIES - 1861 > October


Spiritism in Lyon

This year we returned to Lyon again following their pressing invitation, and although we were aware of the evolution of Spiritism there only by correspondence, the reality exceeded our expectations. Our readers will certainly appreciate the report of the situation given here. They will see an indication of the irresistible advancement of the Doctrine and a clear demonstration of its moral consequences. Before we speak about the spiritists of Lyon we need to mention those of Sens and Mâcon that we visited in-passing, taking the opportunity here to thank them for their warm welcome. We also identified there a remarkable progress both in the number of followers and in their general opinion about Spiritism. Those who once laughed, have now become enlightened and those who do not yet believe observe a prudent reserve, imposed by the character and the social position of many who no longer fear today the public acknowledgment of their faith and the promotion of the new ideas. Given the pronounced and generalizing opinion the doubters tell themselves that there could be something there besides the fact that everyone is free to choose their beliefs. Now, before they say something they want to know what it is about, whereas before they spoke of something that they did not know. To many people one cannot deny the fact that this is already progress. Later we will return to those two centers that are still young and numerically small while Lyon has already achieved maturity. In fact the spiritists are no longer counted in the hundreds; as we considered a year ago, but now in the thousands, or rather, that we can no longer count how many and estimate that if the progression remains as it is today, in a year or two there will be more than thirty thousand.

Spiritism recruits in all classes but it is particularly in the working class that it propagates faster and that is not a surprise given that it is the class that suffers the most and turns to the side where one finds more consolation. You that scream against Spiritism, why don’t you offer them the same? They would turn to you. Instead, you want to take away something that helps them to carry their burden of miseries. You are doing the best possible thing to keep them away from you and to broaden the ranks of your adversaries. What we have seen with our own eyes is so characteristic, and contains a great lesson that we chose to dedicate the majority of our report to the workers.

Last year there was a single center for the meetings, the one in Brotteaux, led by Mr. Dijoud, as the group leader and his wife. Others were formed later at different locations like the one in Guillotière, in Perrache, in Croix-Rousse, in Vaise, in Saint-Juste, and etc. and not counting a large number of private gatherings. Last year there were only two or three fairly novice mediums. Now there are mediums in all centers and several are first rate. In one group alone we saw five writing simultaneously. We met a young clairvoyant lady whose faculty was developed at a very high level. We also saw a remarkable collection of drawings done by a medium that cannot draw and they compete with the performance and complexity with the drawings of Jupiter, although in a different style. We must not forget a healing medium as much commended for his devotion as for his powerful mediumship.

There is no doubt that the number of followers multiplies but what is even more important is their quality. We declare openly that we have not seen anywhere spiritist meetings as edifying than those of Lyon and that is for the order, the reverence and the attention given to the instructions received from their spiritual guides. There we saw, men, elderly persons, ladies, young men and even children whose respectful attitude and seriousness contrast with their age. They never disturbed the silence of our gatherings which sometimes were for very long durations. They seemed as much eager to learn from us as their parents. That is not all. The number of changes in the moral behavior of the workers is as much significant as that of the followers. Reformed vices, appeased hatred, pacified relationships, in one word the most Christian virtues developed, and all that for their unbreakable trust in the spiritist communications about the future, something in which they did not believe before. To them it is a reason for joy to take part in those meetings and learn from the instructions of the spirits, coming out refreshed against adversity. There are some who have to walk for miles and they do that irrespective of the weather and so as not to miss a single session. Theirs is not a vulgar, blind faith, but that based on a reasoned and profound conviction.

The spirits who assist them know remarkably well to position themselves at the level of the audience. Their essays are not pieces of eloquence but are good familiar instructions, unpretentious that for that reason reach their hearts. Conversations with deceased relatives and friends, plays a significant role from where they almost always take away useful lessons. Often the whole family gathers and the evening goes by in a delightful conversation with those who are gone. They want news from their uncles, aunts, cousins; they want to know if they are happy. Nobody is forgotten. Everyone wants to hear something from grandpa and he gives advice to each and every one.

• How about me grandpa, a young man asked the other day, won’t you say a word?

• Yes, my dear, I will tell you something: I am not happy with you. The other day instead of going to work you had an altercation for some silly reason. That is not good.

• How do you know that, grandpa?

• I certainly know. Aren’t we the spirits around you? Can’t we see everything that you do?

• Forgive me grandpa. I promise not to do that again.

Isn’t there something touching about such communications between the living ones and the dead? Future life is right there, pulsating before our eyes; there is no more death and no more eternal separation and no void; heaven is closer to Earth and it is better understood. If that is a superstition, will to God that there shouldn’t ever be another one!

A remarkable fact confirmed by us and that must be mentioned is the ease with which these people mostly illiterate and hardened by the harshest work, understand the scope of the Doctrine. We can say that they do not see its serious side. During the instructions that we gave to several groups, we unsuccessfully tried to excite their curiosity through the report of physical manifestations however none of them had ever seen a single table moving, while everything that was related to moral teachings captivated their interest in the highest degree. The speech below was addressed to us during our visit with the Saint-Just group. We report on it, not to satisfy a foolish and childish vanity but as a testimony of the feelings that dominated in workshops penetrated by Spiritism and also because we knew it would please those who wanted to give us demonstrations of sympathy. The text is the full transcription since we would have been a misgiving in adding a single word. We only revised the spelling.

“Mr. Allan Kardec, disciple of Jesus, interpreter of the Spirit of Truth, you are our brother in God. We are united in a single heart, under the protection of John the Baptist, guardian of humanity and precursor of our great Master Jesus, our Savior.”

“We beg you, our dear master, to probe deep into our hearts so that you can feel our sympathy towards you. We are poor workers, without artifices. A thick curtain was cast upon us, since our childhood, to suppress our intelligence but you, dear master, by the will of the Almighty, you tear that curtain off. The curtain that was considered impenetrable could not resist your honorable courage. Oh! Yes, brother, you took the heavy pickaxe to find the seed of Spiritism that was hidden in a granite terrain. You sow it on the four corners of the globe and even onto the poor ignorant neighborhoods that begin to enjoy the bread of life.”

“We all say from the bottom of our hearts; we are animated by the same fire and we all repeat: Praise Allan Kardec and the good spirits who inspired him! And you, good brother and good sister Mr. and Mrs. Dijoud, blessed by God, by Jesus and by Mary, you are kept in our hearts and you shall never leave because you have sacrificed your own interests and material pleasures for us. God knows; we thank God for having chosen you for this mission and thank also our superior guardian St. John the Baptist.”

“Thank you Mr. Allan Kardec; a thousand times thank you in the name of the Saint-Just group for being among us, simple workers and still too imperfect in matters of Spiritism. Your presence brings us great joy amidst our tribulations that are significant at this moment of commercial crisis. You bring us the healing balm which is called hope and that appeases hatred and rekindles love and charity in one’s heart.”

“We will do our best, dear master, to follow your advice and those of the superior spirits that have kindly helped and instructed us, so that all of us can become true and good spiritists. Dear master, rest assured that you will carry the sympathy of our hearts for eternity, we promise you that. We are and will always be your sincere and reverent followers. Allow me and the medium to give you the kiss of fraternal love in the name of all brothers and sisters present here. We would also be very happy if you raised a toast with us.”

We have come from far away, climbed the heights of Saint-Just in a scorching hot day. They had prepared some refreshments around their instruments of work: bread, cheese, fruits, a glass of wine; a true feast offered with the old times simplicity and sincere heart. A glass of wine! Ah! For us, and considering that that good people don’t have that every day; but it was a celebration for them: we would talk about Spiritism. Oh! Our heart was full of joy in our salute and their modest lunch was worth a hundred times more than the most splendid feasts to our eyes. May they have here the assurance of that!

Someone in Lyon said: “Spiritism penetrates the working class through reason; wouldn’t it be better to have it done through the heart?” That person certainly does not know the workers; it would be desirable to find so much heart in everyone. If such a language is not inspired by the heart; if the heart means nothing to the one who finds strength in Spiritism to fight bad inclinations; to fight with resignation against misery; to subdue their grudges and animosities; to share a slice of bread with someone who is even unhappier, we must confess that we don’t know where the heart is.

Banquet - Offered to Allan Kardec by the several spiritist groups of Lyon on September 19th, 1861

Another banquet this year gathered a number of spiritists in Lyon with the difference that last year there was about thirty guests whereas this year there was one hundred and sixty persons, representing the several groups that consider themselves as members of the same family and among which there isn’t a shadow of jealousy and rivalry, something that we observed with pleasure. Workers formed the majority of the guests and everyone noticed the perfect order of the event which was not broken for a single moment; that is because true spiritists find satisfaction in the joys of the heart and not in noisy pleasures. Several speeches were made and we will report them here since they summarize the situation and characterize a phase of movement in Spiritism. Besides, they show the true spirit of this population, once regarded with a certain dread having been perhaps misjudged and poorly guided morally. Unfortunately one of the main speeches will not be published and that is something that we sincerely regret. It is the speech given by Mr. Renaud, a remarkable speech in his appreciations and where there is nothing out of place with the exception of the praises directed to us. The somewhat lengthy transcript was not given to us before we left, precluding us from its publication. That does not make us less thankful to the author for his testimonies of sympathy towards us. It was noted that and by an unforeseen coincidence, since it depended on the schedule of our arrival, that the banquet this year occurred on the same day as last year on September 19th.

Speech by Mr. Dijoud, worshop Supervisor, President of the Brotteaux Spiritist Group, thanking the good spirits

My dear friends,

I want to thank the good spirits in the name of all of us for having gathered and initiated us in the divine laws through their manifestations, laws to which we are all submitted, reason for an immense satisfaction to us considering that the generous consolations that we are given help us to withstand the trials and sufferings of this transient life with patience and resignation, once we no longer ignore the objective of our incarnations of hard work and the rewards that awaits us, if we endure them with courage and submission. We also learned through them that if we listen to their advice and practice their sublime moral we will build ourselves the kingdom of happiness promised by God through his son. Then egotism, malice and slander will disappear from around us for we are all brothers and must love, help and forgive one another like brothers do. Hence we are responding to the invisible appeal of the superior spiritist coming here to give them the testimony of our acknowledgement with the unison of our hearts. Let us pray that they keep us under their protection and love and continue with their so generous, so consoling and so vivifying teachings that have done us so much good from the very moment when we were fortunate to receive their communications. Oh! My friends! How beautiful was the day when God invited us! Let us all make the resolution to be good and sincere spiritists and never forget this Doctrine that shall bring happiness to humanity towards good. Thanks to the good spirits who assist us and bring us light and thanks to God for having sent them to us!

Toast proposed by Mr. Courtet, businessman

Ladies and gentlemen,

As a member of the Spiritist Group of Brotteaux I would like to propose a toast in its name to honor Mr. and Mrs. Dijoud.

Madam! I have the pleasant duty of serving as interpreter to our Society that thanks you for everything you have done in our favor! How many times you brought consolation to us! How many tears of kindness and joy you brought to our eyes! Your kind and modest heart was not proud of your successes which only made you more charitable. We know well madam that you are just an interpreter of the superior spirits who are linked to you, but we are also aware of your devotion in carrying out that task! It was through you that we were initiated in those elevated matters of moral and philosophy whose solution must bring the kingdom of God and consequently happiness to Earth. We also thank you ma’am for the assistance you give to those of us who are ill. Your faith and devotion are rewarded by the satisfaction you have to do good and alleviate the suffering of others. We beg you to continue your good service. You must rest assured of all our gratitude and our eternal recognition.

Mr. Dijoud, we thank you for your intelligence, for the firmness and complacency that you bring to our meetings. We count on you to continue this great undertaking with the help of the good spirits.

Toast proposed by Mr. Bouillant, Professor

I have the honor of proposing a toast to Mr. Allan Kardec, a toast with our whole gratitude and acknowledgment, on behalf of his followers, his apostles present here. Ah! How happy we are the volunteers of our great valiant, our beloved leader! If we experience so much happiness, it must be said, for this special favor done to us today and this cannot ever be forgotten. Which soldier would not remember with the warmest feeling the very day when the general came to meet him and sat at the same table and shared bread with him?

Well then! We are your soldiers, dear master, your voluntary workers and regardless of how high you have plunged your flag it is not our duty to defend it because there is no need but it is our duty to make it triumph through a cautious and devoted propagation. This cause is in reality such a beautiful and reassuring truth! You demonstrated that so well in your books so full of erudition, knowledge, and eloquence! Ah! We all recognize it, those pages of a man inspired by the pure spirit; we have all realized it when drinking from the fountain of your thoughtful work that all of your thoughts were emanations of the Almighty!

Besides, dear master, if we add that your mission here is sacred and blessed it is because we have felt that more than once and were helped by your enlightenment, the gentle spark that interconnects the visible and invisible worlds that gravitate the infinity! Hence, our heart beats are in unison with the same love towards you. Please receive from us the lively, sincere and profound expression of that love. To you, with all our heart, to you with all our spirit!

Speech Given by Mr. Allan Kardec

Ladies and gentlemen, all of you, my dear good brothers and sisters in Spiritism,

If there are circumstances when one can regret the insufficiency of our poor human language is when one does need to express certain feelings, and that is my position at this very moment. What I feel now is at the same time a very pleasant surprise when I see the immense terrain that the Doctrine has gained among you in just one year, and I am also impressed by the works of the Providence; it is an indescribable joy given the good produced here and the consolations cast upon so much disclosed or hidden sufferings from which I can foresee the future that lies ahead; I cannot express my happiness for being amidst this family that in a short time became so large and that still grows on a daily basis; finally and more importantly, it is with a profound and sincere gratitude that I receive your touching demonstrations of sympathy.

This gathering has a special character. I believe we are all good spiritists here, thank God, so that we don’t see but the pleasure of being together and not that of the good table. By the way, I should add in-passing that a spiritist party would be contradictory. I also presume that when you invited me with such grace and persistence to come here nobody thought that the feast would attract me. That was what I promptly clarified with my good friends Mr. Rey and Mr. Dijoud, at the time when they apologized for the simplicity of the reception. You must rest assured that what is a real honor to me in this event and something that I can rightly be proud of is the warmth and sincerity of your reception, something that is not easily found in the pageantry of the feasts, since here faces are not covered by masks.

If there is something that can diminish my happiness for being here with you, is the fact that I can only stay for such a short time. It would really please me to be able to stay longer in one of the largest and most dedicated centers of Spiritism; nevertheless, considering that you were willing to receive instructions from me you will certainly understand that I will utilize every moment and stay away from the common banalities of similar events and that my discourse will show certain gravity given the seriousness of the matter that brings us together. It would certainly be uncalled for to speak about souls, death and future life if this were a wedding or a ceremony of baptism. But, I insist, we are here more to learn than to eat and for sure not to have fun. Make no mistake, ladies and gentlemen; the spontaneity that brought you together here is not just a purely personal matter. Have no doubt about it, this meeting is special and providential. It was motivated by a superior plan. Invisible hands have guided you here and they shall perhaps one day take part in the celebrations of Spiritism.

May our future brothers remember this remarkable day in which the spiritists of Lyon, giving an example of union and concord, planted the first milestone of allegiance in this banquet that must exist among all spiritists of the world for Spiritism, by reestablishing the true role of the spirit in the Creation and attesting the superiority of intelligence against matter, naturally suppresses any distinction established among human beings due to material and mundane advantages of classes and the stupid prejudices of color, all founded on pride. By enlarging the circle of family through the plurality of the existences Spiritism establishes a more rational human fraternity than the one only founded on the fragile bonds of matter since those bonds are perishable while the spirit is eternal.

Once well understood such bonds shall influence social relationships by the force of things and later on influence social legislation that shall be founded on the immutable laws of love and charity. The anomalies that today shock people of common sense will then disappear like the laws of the Middle Ages which shock us today. But that is the work of time. Let God take care of it and each thing will come at the appropriate time.

We can expect all that from God’s wisdom and let us praise God for having allowed us to witness the rising dawn of humanity and for having chosen us as the pioneers of the great work that is in preparation. May this assembly have God’s blessings, the first one in which the followers of Spiritism are gathered in such large numbers with a true feeling of fraternity. I say that because I am positive that nobody here carries a different feeling. But make no mistake there are flocks of spirits among us that hear us right now; that come from all nations; that probe each one of our thoughts and each one of our strengths or moral weaknesses. Their feelings and motivations are very disparate. If some are very happy with this gathering there are others I assure you that are incredibly envious. Leaving this place they will try to spread discord and dissension. It is up to all of us, good and sincere spiritists, to prove to them that they waste their time and that they are mistaken in believing that they will find here minds that are accessible to their perfidious suggestions. You must then eagerly invoke the assistance of your guardian angels to keep every bad thought away from you. Now, since good cannot be sourced out of evil the simple common sense indicates that every bad thought cannot come from a good spirit; a thought is necessarily bad when it is contrary to the law of love and charity; when it is driven by envy or jealousy, by a pride that is hurt or even by a puerile susceptibility of self-love, the twin brother of pride, making people look down on their brothers with disdain. Love and charity to all, Spiritism says; you shall love your brother like thyself, says Jesus. Aren’t these synonym expressions?

My friends, I have commended you for the progress of Spiritism among you and I could not be happier than I am now by witnessing it. Besides, you must also congratulate yourselves because the same progress takes place everywhere. Yes, this past year we saw Spiritism growing in every country in a proportion beyond expectations. It is in the air, in everybody’s aspirations, finding echo and a mouth that relays it everywhere. Here is a demonstration of what we were waiting for; here is what a hidden voice led me to foresee.

Progress now shows another phase, though: it is the phase of courage that did not exist some time ago. One would only speak about it through whispers and in secrecy. Today we confess to be spiritist as openly as one confesses to be Catholic, Jew or Protestant. Mockery is confronted with courage, courage that is imposed upon the deriders who are like little yappy dogs that chase people when people run away and in turn, run away when chased by people. That mockery gives courage to the timid and in many places it reveals spiritists who did not know one another. Can such a movement stop? Can they stop it? I say that out loud: No! They tried it with everything: sarcasm, mockery, science, and anathemas. Spiritism outshined them all and was not delayed a single second in its stride. Blind is the one who cannot see God’s finger on it. They may be able to hinder but never stop Spiritism, for if it cannot run its course on the right it will find its way on the left.

Observing the moral benefits, the consolations, and the crimes avoided by Spiritism we ask ourselves: who is interested in combating it? To begin with we have the unbelievers that try to ridicule Spiritism. Those are not to be feared for they have seen their sharpened spears breaking against their own armors. The ignorant that fight against it without knowing it are in larger numbers but the truth of Spiritism has never been afraid of ignorance for the ignorant combat themselves unwillingly as we gather from the testimony of Mr. Louis Figuier in his “Histoire du Merveilleux”.

The third category of adversaries is more dangerous since it is tenacious and deceitful. All those whose material interests may be harmed forms it. They fight in the shadow and have no lack of poisonous darts. These are the true enemies of Spiritism as they have been of every progressive idea at all times, and found in all ranks and echelons of society. Will they win? No, because it is not up to us to oppose the march of nature and Spiritism is in the natural order of things. Sooner or later they will have to change sides and follow what everybody else accepts. No, they shall not win. They shall be defeated. A new element now comes to join forces with the legion of spiritists: the working class. One must notice the wisdom of the Providence in this. Spiritism started its propagation in the educated classes, at the highest social echelons. This was necessary in the beginning to give credibility to Spiritism and to have it elaborated and stripped from the superstitious ideas that could be introduced by a lack of education and then be confused with superstition. Just after been established, if that can be said of a new science, it touched the working classes and now quickly spreading among them. Ah! That is why there is so much consolation to give, so much courage to reestablish, so many tears to dry, so much resignation to inspire that it was welcomed like an anchor of salvation, like an aegis against the temptations of need.

Wherever I saw it penetrating in the working classes I saw its moralizing effects. Cheer up workers of Lyon who hear me now for you have spiritist brothers in other cities like Sens, Lille and Bordeaux, brothers that like yourselves that have abandoned their shameful hope for disorder and their criminal desires for vengeance. You must continue to demonstrate through your example the constructive results of this Doctrine. To those who ask you what is to be expected of such a Doctrine you must answer: In my desperation I thought of killing myself, but that was curtailed by Spiritism since now I know the cost of voluntarily abbreviating one’s life and the God chosen trials to humankind. I used to get drunk to become numb but I understood how despicable it was to voluntarily erase my reason, precluding me from winning the family bread. I was divorced from all religious feelings. Today I pray to God and rest my hope on God’s mercy. My only belief was the nothingness as the supreme remedy to all my miseries. My father came back to me and said: Son, have courage! God sees you. A little bit more effort and you shall be saved! I kneeled before God and asked for God’s forgiveness. I used to accuse Providence when I saw the rich and the poor, people with everything and others with nothing. Today I know that God balances everything in the scale of justice and I wait for God’s judgment. If it is in God’s design that I must succumb to suffering, I will then succumb but with a pure conscience and without the remorse of having stolen the alms of someone that could have saved my life. Tell them: That is what Spiritism is good for, that madness, that chimera as you call it.

Yes, my friends, continue to preach Spiritism through the example. Make it understood by its healthy consequences and when it is finally understood it will no longer be feared by them. Much to the contrary, it will be received as a guarantor of the social order and the unbelievers themselves will be forced to treat it with respect.

I mentioned the progresses of Spiritism. In fact there is no example of a doctrine, whatever it may be, that has propagated with such a speed, including Christianity itself. Does it mean that Spiritism is superior? No. But this is the place to establish its true character so as to destroy a much generalized prevention among those who don’t know it.

Christianity had to fight a terrible force since its inception: Paganism that was universally spread in those days. There wasn’t any possible alliance between them as there isn’t between light and darkness. In one word, Christianity could not propagate but through the destruction of what was there before. Thus, the fight was long and dreadful and the persecutions are a proof of that. Spiritism, on the contrary, has nothing to destroy since it sits on the foundations of Christianity and on the Gospels of which Spiritism is a simple application. You must understand the circumstantial advantage and not superiority. Hence, it is not a new religion as some people pretend it to be because they don’t know it, or a new sect that is formed by taking advantage of older ones. It is a purely moral Doctrine with no dogmas and that allows each person the entire freedom of religion since it imposes none. A demonstration of that is the fact that its most enthusiastic followers are among the most devoted Catholics as among Protestant, Jews and Muslims.

Spiritism is based on the possibility of communication with the invisible world that is with the souls. Well, since the Jews, the Protestant, the Muslims they all have souls like we do, it follows that the souls can communicate with them as they do with us and that consequently they can be spiritists as we are. It is not a political sect as it is not a religious one. It is the verification of a fact that does not belong more to a particular party than electricity or the railroads do. It is, I repeat, a moral doctrine and as such it is in all parties and in all religions. Is such moral good or bad? Is it subversive? That is the question. One must study to learn about it. Now, since it is the development and application of the moral of the Gospels its condemnation would be the condemnation of the Gospels.

Has it done good or bad? Study it and it shall be unveiled. What has it done? It has precluded innumerous suicides; it has reestablished peace and harmony in a large number of homes; it has tamed and taught patience to many violent and raged people; it has given resignation to those who lacked it and consolation to the ones in suffering; it has led to God those who did not know him, destroying their materialistic ideas, a true social ulcer that annihilates the moral responsibility of a person. That is what Spiritism has done and does every day and will do even more in the future as it spreads out.

Could that be the result of a bad doctrine? I am not aware of anyone who has attacked the moral of Spiritism. The only thing they say is that religion can produce it all. I agree perfectly with that. But then why hasn’t religion always produced that? The reason is that not everyone understands it. Well, since Spiritism makes it clear and intelligible to all what is not clear and intelligible and turns obvious what was doubtful, it then leads to the application, whereas nobody feels compelled to doing something that is not understood. Therefore, far from being antagonistic to religion, Spiritism supports it. A proof of that is that it leads people to religious ideas, people who had repelled those ideas. In summary, Spiritism has never advised anyone to change religion or sacrifice their beliefs. It does not really belong to any religion or better still, it is present in all of them.

Ladies and gentlemen, still a few words, please, about an absolutely practical question. The growing number of spiritists in Lyon shows the utility of the advice I gave you last year with respect to the formation of the groups. Gathering every follower in a single society today would be something physically impossible given the distances to cover, the size of the cities, as well as the differences in habits given the different social positions. For those reasons and many others that would take long to develop here, a single society is an impracticable chimera. You must multiply the groups as much as possible. Let there be a hundred if needed and rest assured that you will get there faster and safer.

There would still be here important things to be said about the unity of principles; about the divergence that there could be among them with respect to some points but I stop here to avoid abusing your patience in listening to me, patience that has already been tested at length. If you wish I can prepare a special instruction about it and send that to you soon.

I conclude, ladies and gentlemen, this speech, which I allowed myself to be carried away given the rarity of this occasion and that, I am fortunate enough to share that with you. I will carry with me the memory of your benevolent welcome, a memory that I will never forget you must be assured. Still once more, my friends, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for the signs of sympathy that you have demonstrated to me; thank you for the kind words addressed to me by your interpreters and from which I only accept those that refer to the duty imposed upon me and that I still have to accomplish but not the praises. May this ceremony be the landmark of the union that must exist among all true spiritists!

I propose a toast to the spiritists of Lyon and to all of those distinguished persons among you for their dedication, their devotion and their abnegation, those who were pointed out by you yourselves without the need of my indication.

To the spiritists of Lyon, without distinction of opinion, those present and those absent!

Ladies and gentlemen, the spirits also wish to participate in this family like gathering and have a say. Erastus that you know from his remarkable dissertations published in our Review has spontaneously dictated in your intention and before my departure the following communication, putting me in charge of reading it to you in his name. I accomplish that mission with pleasure. You will then have the proof that the spirits who communicate with you, are not the only ones concerned with you and with your problems. Such certainty must reinforce your faith and trust seeing that the watchful eyes of the superior spirits reach everyone and that without any shadow of doubt you are also the object of their solicitude.

Communication from Erastus to the Spiritists of Lyon

Read at the banquet on September 19th, 1861

It is not without the warmest emotion that I come to join you, dear spiritists of Lyon. In an environment like this where all layers are mixed, where all social conditions hold hand in hand, I am filled with tenderness and sympathy and happy to be able to announce to you that all of us, the initiators of Spiritism in France, will joyfully watch your fraternal banquet, to which we were invited by John and Irenaeus, your eminent spiritual guides. Ah! Such gatherings awaken in my heart the memories of those in which we all gathered a thousand and eight hundred years ago when we fought the dissolute customs of the Roman Paganism already commenting the teachings and parables of the Son of the Man who died on the disgraceful cross for the propagation of the sacred idea.

My friends, if the Almighty out of his infinite mercy allowed the reminiscence of the past to spark for a single moment in your numb memory you would remember that time illustrated by the saint martyrs of the phalanx of Lyon: Sanctus, Alexander, Episode, the sweet, and Blandine the courageous, Irenaeus the audacious bishop whose entourage many of you applauded for his heroism, praising the Lord. You would also remember that several of you who hear me now watered Lyon’s soil with your blood, this fertile land that Eucherius and Gregory of Tours called the homeland of the martyrs. I will not name them but you may consider those who in your centers carry out a mission, an apostolic work, as martyrs of the propagation of the egalitarian idea taught from the top of the Golgotha by our beloved Christ! Today, dear disciples, the one who was made sacred by St. Paul comes to tell you that your mission is the same, for the always living and standing Roman Paganism still looms around the world, like the ivy that entangles the oak tree. You must then spread among your unfortunate brothers and sisters, enslaved by their own passions or by the passions of others, the sacred and reassuring Doctrine that, my friends I came to reveal to you through our mediums from all countries. Yet we notice that the times have evolved; customs have changed and humanity matured; if we were victims of persecution today it would no longer come from a tyrannical and envious power like in the early days of the primitive Church, but from interests organized against us, the apostles of the idea.

I have just mentioned the word egalitarian. I believe it to be useful to elaborate a little bit since we are not here to preach impracticable utopias; on the contrary we energetically repel everything that seems to be related to the prescriptions of an antisocial communism. Before anything else we are promoters of individual liberties, indispensable to the development of the incarnate individuals. Hence we are the declared enemies of everything that approaches monastic legislations that ruthlessly annihilate individual liberties.

Although I am addressing an audience that is partially composed of workers and artisans I know that your consciences, enlightened by the radiations of the spiritist truth, have already rejected any contact with the antisocial theories supported by the use of the word equality. Nevertheless, I must take that word back to its true Christian meaning according to the one who said: “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s. There you have it spiritists! The equality proclaimed by Jesus and that we ourselves profess in your beloved groups is the equality before God’s justice, that is, our own right after doing our duties to climb the hierarchy of the spirits and hopefully one day reach the more advanced worlds where there is perfect happiness.

One’s birth or fortune is not taken into account for that. The poor and the weak can reach it as well as the rich and powerful since these don’t carry more material weight than the others, and nobody can buy their place or their forgiveness with money, whereby we all have the same rights. Equality before God, such is the true equality. You will not be asked about your possessions but about the use you made of your possessions. Therefore, the more you have possessed the longer and more difficult the accountability of your management of such possessions. Hence, and according to your missions, trials or punishments in your worldly lives, each one of you, according to your good or bad deeds, will progress more or less in the scale of beings or sooner or later will restart your existence in case you have veered off course.

As a consequence, I repeat, by proclaiming the sacred dogma of equality, we have not come here to teach you that you must all have the same wealth, knowledge and happiness down here, but that you will all reach happiness at the right time and according to your own merits, the happiness of the elected ones, sharing that with the souls that have accomplished their duties. My dear spiritists, that is the equality in your own right, at which the liberation of Spiritism will lead you to, and to which I invite you with all my heart. What do you need to do to reach it? Obey these two sublime words: love and charity that summarize remarkably well the whole law and the prophets. Love and charity! Ah! The one that has followed this divine maxim according to one’s conscience will be certain to quickly climb the steps of Jacob’s ladder and soon reach the elevated spheres from where one will be able to worship, contemplate and understand the magnificence of the Eternal.

You would not believe how kind and pleasant it is to us to preside over your banquet where the wealth and the worker are shoulder to shoulder proposing a toast to fraternity; where the Jew, the Catholic and the Protestant may sit at the same table of the Paschal communion. You cannot believe how proud I am to share with you all and with each one of you the praise and the words of encouragement that the Spirit of Truth, our beloved Master, has commanded me to pass on to your devout entourages. To you, Dijoud, and your honorable partner; to all of you the sincere missionaries, that spread the benefits of Spiritism, thank you for your support and dedication.

However, “noblesse oblige”, my friends, particularly those from the heart. You would be very guilty, even criminal if in the future you fail your sacred missions. But you will not fail. I have the guarantee of what you have already realized and what is still to be done. But it is to you, my beloved brothers in the daily work, that I reserve my sincerest congratulations because, and I do know that, you painfully climb your Golgotha carrying your aching cross as Jesus did. How could I praise you more than by reminding you of your courage and resignation to support unspeakable disasters that fight against fraternity but are necessary for the two Americas and the consequences among you? Ah! Nobody can deny the positive influence of Spiritism that has already been felt. Such hope has penetrated the heart of your workgroups. When we think of the period of the last kingdom when there was no work and the workers would riot from the Croix-Rousse to the Terreaux, giving rise to mutinies and entailing a terrible repression, we must then thank God for the new revelation. In fact according to that vulgar image that you use in your picturesque language sometimes one has to dance before the buffet. And you say that while tightening your belt: Well! We will eat tomorrow!!

I know well that public as well as private charity are concerned and act but that is not the true remedy. Humanity needs something better. That is why if Christianity advocated equality and egalitarian laws, Spiritism holds in its womb, fraternity and its laws, a grandiose and lasting work to be praised by future generations. Keep in mind my friends that Christ chose his apostles amongst the little ones and that those, stronger than Caesars, conquered the world with the Christian idea.

You then have the sacred task of enlightening your fellow co-workers, of propagating this sublime Doctrine that strengthens us before adversity, so that the spirit of evil and rebellion may not excite hatred and vengeance onto the hearts of your brothers and sisters who are not yet touched by the spiritist grace. This work is entirely yours, my dear friends. I know you will carry that out with love and enthusiasm and with the consciousness of a duty to be performed. History will one day acknowledge in their archives that the workers of Lyon, enlightened by Spiritism, deserved a lot from their homeland in the years 1861 and 1862 for the courage and resignation with which they withstood the sad consequences of the struggles of slavery between the disunited States of America. Never mind! These times of fights and trials, my sons, are blessed by God, sent to develop courage, patience and the energy to speed up the elevation and improvement of the planet and the spirits who are imprisoned in their bodily links to matter! Go now. The trench is dug up in the Old World and you will acclaim the spiritist era of fraternity over its ruins that show you the objective and purpose of every human misery, consoling and strengthening your hearts in your struggles and against adversity. You will not distinguish between the unbelievers and the impious, thanking God for your share of misfortune and trials since they will take you closer to eternal happiness.

It still remains to be heard, the advice already given to you many times by your friendly guides but my personal position and the current circumstance ask me to remind you. My good friends, I speak to all spiritists here, to all groups so that there will be no division, no dissidence, no dissidence among you, but on the contrary that a united belief may drive you and bring you all together for this is necessary for the development of our beneficent Doctrine. I feel like there is a power beyond me that forces me to preach to you concord and union, since here as in everything else, union is power and you have the need to be strong and united to face the forthcoming storms. And that is not only among you but also towards your brothers of all religions. That is why I invite you to follow the example given by the spiritists of Bordeaux whose private groups operate like satellites of a central group and this central group requested to be in contact with the precursor group of Paris, the first to receive the elements of a body of doctrine and build the serious foundations for serious studies of Spiritism, followed by spiritists all over the world.

I know that what I am telling you here will not be lost; as a matter of fact I am entirely referring to advice that you have already received and that you will still receive from your outstanding spiritual guides who will drive you on that healthy path, for it is necessary that light shines from the center to the boundaries and from there to the center so that everybody can benefit from the works of each and every one. In fact it is incontestable that submitting all data and all communications from the spirits to the crucible of reason, it will be easy to reject the absurd and the mistakes. A medium may be fascinated; a group may be deceived but the strict control of the other groups, the acquired knowledge and the great moral authority of the leaders of groups; the communications received by the main mediums with the logic and authenticity from our best spirits will quickly unveil the false and astute dissertations that may come from a swarm of deceiving, imperfect or evil spirits. Reject them ruthlessly, all of those spirits who give exclusive advices, preaching division and isolation. They are almost always mediocre and inferior spirits who tend to impose themselves upon weak and credulous people, offering exaggerated praises in order to dominate and fascinate them. These are generally power-hungry spirits, true tyrants in public or in private when alive, and still want to tyrannize victims after their death.

My friends, be generally suspicious of communications that show a mystic or strange character or those that prescribe bizarre actions or ceremonies. In such cases there is always a legitimate reason for suspicion. On the other hand, believe when a truth must be revealed to humanity, it is so to say, instantaneously communicated to all serious groups where there are serious mediums. Finally, I believe it to be useful to repeat here that an obsessed cannot be perfect. Obsession is one of the greatest hurdles and there is clear obsession when a medium cannot receive communications but from a special spirit, whatever the elevation that the spirit may try to show. As a consequence, any medium and any group that judges themselves privileged for communications, that they are the only ones capable of receiving, and on the other hand, are submitted to practices that near superstition, these are undoubtedly under the domination of a very well characterized obsession. I say all that my friends, because there are in the world, mediums that are fascinated by deceitful spirits. I will mercilessly unmask those spirits, particularly if they dare to desecrate honorable names that they steal like thieves and proudly decorate themselves like the servants using the outfits of their masters.

I will fight them ruthlessly if they insist on veering off good and honest Christians from the straight path, dedicated spiritists whose good faith they abuse. In one word let me tell you what I have already told the Parisian spiritists: It is better to momentarily deny ten truths than accept a single lie, a single false theory, because a whole system may be built on the foundations of that false idea, a system that would be shattered by the first blow of truth, like a monument erected on quicksand, whereas if you reject certain truths today, certain principles, because they have not been logically demonstrated to you, soon an impressive event or an irrefutable demonstration will come to show you its authenticity.

It is up to John, to Irenaeus, to Blandine, as well as all of your guardian spirits, the task of forewarning you from now on against the false prophets of the spiritual world. The Great Liberating spirit that presides over our work under the sponsorship of the Almighty will provide for that, believe me. As for myself, although more closely connected to the Parisian groups, I will come from time to time to be among you and always follow with great interest your work here.

We have great expectations on the province of Lyon and we know that you will not fail us or one another with your respective missions. Remember that Christianity, brought by the legions of Caesar, about two thousand years ago sowed the first seeds of the Christian renovation in Vienne and Lyon from where they spread rapidly to the northern Gals. Today, progress must take place with a new radiation from the North to the South. Onto work then people of Lyon! Truth must triumph and it is not without some legitimate impatience that we wait the time when we will hear the sound of the silver trumpet announcing your first combat and your first victory. Let me now thank you for the reverence with which you heard me and your warm welcome. May our Almighty God, our Lord, show us his benevolence and spread upon you and his very humble servant the treasures of his infinite mercy! Goodbye friends of Lyon. I bless you! Erastus

Family Conversations from Beyond the Grave - Eugene Scribe (Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies)

During the discussion among the spirits regarding Buffon’s aphorism: “The style is the man”, published in our previous number, Mr. Scribe’s name was cited and that has certainly given him reason to come to us although he had not been invited. Without participating in the debate he spontaneously gave the following dissertation which in turn motivated the dialogue that follows his message.

“It would be desirable that the theater where great and small go to learn was a little bit less concerned with flattering the taste for the easy customs and the exaltation of venial aspects of an enthusiastic youth, and instead that the social betterment would be sought through moral and elevated plays where a fine jest would replace the coarse cooking salt served up by the vaudeville act of the day. But no; according to the theater and the public, human passions are flattered. Here they promote worker’s coat instead of the traditional black tie transformed into the scapegoat of all social miseries; over there the worker’s coat are hated and stained because it hides both the scoundrel and the murderer. Lies on both sides.

Some authors even began to take the bull by the horns and like Émile Augier, pinning down money dealers in the pillory of public opinion. Bah! Who cares! That does not stop the public from swarming into the theaters where a shameless figure and without any decency, covers the costs of the spectacle. Ah! It is time to have the spiritist ideas promoted in all social layers and then the theatre will be moralized itself and the presentation of women will be replaced by conscious plays, consciously represented by talented artists. Everyone will benefit from that.

Let us hope that a dramatic writer may soon show up, capable of expelling from the theater and from the enthusiasm of the public, all these imposters and immoral pimps of “The ladies of the camellias” of all sorts. Your work is to spread Spiritism that will produce such memorable result.

E. Scribe

1 – In a communication dictated a short while ago to Ms. J… and read at the Society you say that what made your reputation on Earth did not do the same in heavens and that you could have better employed the God given gifts. Could you kindly elaborate on that and tell us what is the reproachable part of your work? It seems to us that they have a moral side and that in a certain way they paved the way to progress. A. – Everything is relative. Today, in the elevated world where I am I no longer see with the earthly eyes and I think that with the gifts I had received from the Almighty I should have done more for humanity. For that reason I said I had not worked for heavens. But I cannot express in a few words what I wanted to tell you on that occasion for you know that I wasn’t much wordily.

2 – You also say that you would like to produce a more serious and useful work but that such joy was denied to you. Is it like a Spirit that you would like to do that? In that case how would you proceed so that people could take advantage of that? A. – My God! In the simplest way adopted by the Spirits: inspiring writers that frequently believe to have taken that from their inner self, ah sometimes so empty!

3 – Can you tell us which subject would you propose to deal with? A. – I did not have a determined objective but you know well that we like to do what we have not done before. I would like to write about philosophy and Spiritism because I dedicated too much to realism. Do not interpret the word realism at it is understood today. I only wanted to say that I dedicated myself more to the subject that pleases more the sight and the ears of frivolous minds of Earth, than what could satisfy serious and philosophical souls.

4 – You told Ms. J… that you were not happy. You may not have the fate of the blessed ones but a few moments ago, in the commit, they mentioned a number of actions that you practiced and that were certainly taken into account. A. – No, I am not happy because ah I still have ambition and since I was a scholar on Earth I wanted also to take part on the assembly of the elected ones.

5 – It seems that in the absence of the work that you would like to have done you can still reach the same objective to you and the others, by coming here to do a kind of dissertation. A. – I ask for no more than that if I am allowed but I ignore that and still don’t have a well-defined position in the spiritual world. It is all so new to me that spent my life marrying lieutenants to rich heirs that I still did not have time to get to know and admire the ethereal world that was forgotten in my incarnation. I will then return if the great Spirits allow me so.

6 – Have you already seen Mrs. De Girardin in your world, she used to be involved a lot with Spirits and evocations? A. – She was kind enough to come and wait for me at the transition to the true life with Spirits from our Pleiades.

7 – Is she happier than you? A. – Her Spirit is happier because she contributed to the works of education of infancy written by her mother, Sophie Gay.

Observation by Erastus: No. She is happier because she struggled whereas Scribe was led by the current of his wealthy life.

8 – Do you eventually go to the representations of your work, as well as Mrs. Girardin or Casimir Delavigne? A. – How can we not visit those dear children that we left on Earth? It still is one of our pure pleasures.

Observation: Death then does not separate those that were familiar on Earth. The meet again, still keep interest for what was the object of their concerns. They say that when they remember what used to make them happy they also remember what made them suffer and that alters their happiness. Such memory produces an absolutely contrary effect because the satisfaction of being free from the earthly evils is a pleasure proportionate to the contrast. The benefits of health are better appreciated after a disease, calmness after the storm. Doesn’t the warrior, on returning home, enjoys to tell the stories of the dangers and fatigues that were experienced? Hence, the memory of earthly struggles is a satisfaction as long as the Spirits were successful. But such memory is lost far away or at least diminishes in importance to their eyes as they free themselves form the material fluids of the inferior worlds and approach perfection. To them such memories are remote dreams like the memories of childhood to an adult person.

Spiritist Teachings and Dissertations

The Mentally Challenged - Cretinism

One of our colleagues, Mrs. Costel, travelled to a region in the Alps where cretinism seems to have established itself as a main health issue and while there, she received the following communication from one of her familiar spirits:

“The mentally challenged with cretinism are punished on Earth for the bad use they made of their once given powerful faculties. Their soul is imprisoned in a body whose powerless organs cannot express their thoughts. Such moral and physical muteness is one of the cruelest punishments on the planet. Regretful spirits who want to make up for their faults frequently chooses it. Such trial is not in vain because the spirit is not stationary in the bodily prison. The blurred eyes can see; the foggy brain can think but nothing can be translated into words or body language and with the exception of their movement they are morally in the same situation as the lethargic and the cataleptic that see and hear what goes on around them but cannot express themselves. When you have terrible nightmares in your sleep and you want to run away from danger; when you scream for help while your tongue remains static in your mouth and your feet stuck to the ground you briefly experience what always happens to a person with cretinism: paralysis of the body that is linked to the life of the spirit. Hence almost every disease has a reason for its occurrence. There is nothing without a cause and what you call injustice in someone’s fate is the application of the sternest justice. Insanity is also a punishment for the abuse of the faculties.

An insane person has two personalities, one that is flamboyant and the other that is cognizant, without the ability of controlling the actions. In the case of cretinism, the contemplative life, isolated from the body, can be as hectic as those lives that are complicated by events. Some revolt against their voluntary punishment; they become sorry for having chosen that and then experience a fierce desire to return to another life, a desire that leads them to forget the resignation in their present life and the remorse for their past life, from which they are aware of since those who suffer cretinism know better than you do and in their physical limitation there is a hidden moral strength that you cannot even imagine.

The acts of fury or stupidity of their bodies are judged by their inner self that suffers and feels ashamed. Thus the ridicule, harm or mistreatment that they sometimes face increases their suffering since it makes them feel even worse for their weakness and misery. If they could, they would accuse those who act this way as being cowardliness since they know that their victims cannot defend themselves.

Cretinism is not a law of God and science may make it disappear since it is the material result of ignorance, misery and filthiness. The new procedures of hygiene made widely available and of more practical use to everyone by science tends to eliminate that. Besides, since progress is the fate of humanity the imposed trials will also modify, following the progress of the centuries; they will all become moral and when the still young Earth has accomplished all phases of its existence it will become a place of happiness like other more advanced planets.

Pierre Jouty, medium’s father

OBSERVATION: There was a time when people had doubts about the soul of those with cretinism and there was the question if in reality they belonged to humankind. Isn’t the manner in which Spiritism sees them not of a high moral character and of a great lesson? Don’t we find subject for serious reflection when we think that those miserable bodies have souls that may have already shone in the world; that they are as much lucid and active in their minds as we are, under the thick cover that muffles their manifestations and that one day the same can happen to us if we abuse our God given faculties?

How else can one explain cretinism? How to reconcile it with God’s justice and benevolence without admitting the plurality of the existences that is reincarnation? If the soul had not lived yet, it means that it was created at the same time as the body. In that case how can one justify the creation of souls as disinherited, as those who suffer cretinism from the part of a just and good God? Here we are not talking about one of those incidents of insanity that can be treated and cured. Those creatures are born and die in the same state. Since there is no notion of good and evil what is their fate in eternity? Will they be happy like the hard working and intelligent people? But then why this favor since they have not done anything good? Will they be in a state called limbo or in a mixed state that is not happiness or unhappiness? We challenge anyone who denies the doctrine of reincarnation to find a solution to this stalemate. With reincarnation, on the contrary, what seems to be an injustice becomes a remarkable justice; what is inexplicable is explained in the most rational way. As a matter of fact we don’t know if those who deny this doctrine have ever presented any more peremptory argumentation than their personal rejection to return to Earth. Are they so certain of having enough virtues to achieve heavens immediately? Good luck to them. But those with cretinism? How about the children who die during infancy? What shall be the titles that they will hold?

A Good Person would have Died (Spiritist Society of Sens)

You often say this about a bad person that escapes danger: ‘If he were a good person he would have died’. Well, you are right by saying so since it often happens that God gives a longer life to a spirit still young on the path of progress than to a good spirit whose merit is awarded with a trial as short as possible. Hence you must know that it is a blasphemy when a good neighbor dies and there is a bad person near his house and you say: ‘it should have been the other one!’ It is a big mistake for the one that passes has finished his task whereas the one that stays might not have even started his. Why would you like that he did not have time to complete it and that the other who left should stay longer attached to the Earthly glebe?

What would you say about a prisoner that had finished his time and continued in prison while someone else who did not conquer the right of freedom was set free? You must understand that the true freedom is in the liberation from the bodily links and that you shall be in captivity while you are on Earth. You should get used to not condemning what you cannot understand and trust that God is just in all things. Often what seems bad to you is good but your faculties are so very limited that the big picture escapes your biased senses. Do your best to get out of your narrow sphere through your thoughts and as you elevate, the importance of this material life will diminish before your eyes as just an incident in your endless spiritual life, the only true existence.


Rich and Poor (Spiritist Society of Lyon)

NOTE: Although the spiritists of Lyon are divided into several groups that gather separately, we consider them as forming a single society that we call by the generic name Spiritist Society of Lyon. The two communications below were received in our presence.

“Jealousy is the companion of pride and envy. It leads you to wish everything that others have without realizing it, in envying their position you do not do this to yourself, but you present a viper that you reheat against your chest. You are always jealous and envious of the rich. Your ambition and egotism make you desire someone else’s gold. You say: ‘If I were rich I would make a much different use of my wealth than this or that person.’ Are you sure that if you had that money you would not make an even worse use of it? You respond by saying: ‘Someone that is protected from the daily needs of life has minor sufferings compared to mine.’ What do you know about that? You must learn that the rich are just a commissary of God. If he uses his fortune badly he will be highly accountable. The God given fortune that the rich takes advantage of is his own punishment, his trial, his atonement. How many troubles one has to go through in order to keep all that gold to which one is so much attached! When his time comes, the time of accountability, he almost always realizes at that supreme moment how he should have behaved, and he then fears! A lot of fear! He starts to understand that he failed on his mission; that he was an unfaithful official and that his accounts will be thoroughly investigated. The poor workers, on the contrary, those who suffered all of their lives attached to the anvil or to the plough, they see death coming, the liberation of all sufferings, and they see that with acknowledgement, particularly when misery was withstood with resignation and without complaints.

Believe me, my friends, if you could just see the tough pillory on which the rich is tied by his fortune, you who have a good heart since you went through all sieves of disgrace, you would say with Christ when your ego was hurt by the luxury of the worldly opulence: ‘Forgive them, my God, because they don’t know what they are doing’ and you would rest on your hard pillow adding: ‘My God, bless me and may thy will be done!’

Guardian spirit of the medium”

Different Ways of Practicing Charity Spiritist Society of Lyon

NOTE: The following communication was received in our presence at the group of Perrache:

“Yes, my friends, I shall always come to you whenever I am invited. Yesterday I was very happy with you when I saw the author of the books that have opened your eyes witnessing your desire to be together, learning from his benevolent words. It is both a great teaching and a strong memory for all of you. When he spoke of love and charity I noticed several of you asking yourselves: ‘How can I do charity? I often don’t even have necessities for myself.’

Charity, my friends, can be done in several ways. You can do it through your thoughts, words and works. In your thoughts by praying for the abandoned poor ones who died without having been able to see the light.

A prayer from your heart alleviates them. You can address words of good advice to your daily companions. To the bitter ones by despair and deprivation who say blasphemy using the name of the Almighty you say: ‘I was like you. I was suffering and I was unhappy but I believed in Spiritism and look, I am joyful now.’ To the elderly who say: ‘It is useless; this is the end of the line for me; I will die as I lived’. You will respond: ‘God has the same justice to all. Remember the workers of the last hour.’ To the already contaminated children by their environments, wandering around, ready to succumb to all sorts of temptations you say: ‘God sees you my dear children’ and don’t be afraid of repeating these kind words many times. They will end up by germinating in their young minds and instead of little vagabonds you will have good adults. That is also charity.

Several among you also say: ‘Come on! We are too many on Earth for God to see us all.’ Listen well, my friends. When you reach the pinnacle of a mountain do your eyes not embrace the billions of sand grains that form the mountain? There you go! That is how God sees us. He gives you free-will in the same way that those grains of sand are given the freedom of coming and going, following the dispersing winds. The difference is that God in his infinite mercy planted on the bottom of your heart a vigilant sentinel called conscience. Listen to that. It will only give you good advice. You sometimes muffle it, opposing it with an evil spirit and the conscience then silences. Rest assured though that the poor and abandoned conscience will be heard again as soon as you reveal a shadow of remorse. Listen to that voice; question it and you will often find consolation in the advice.

My friends, every new regiment receives a flag from its general. I give you this maxim from Jesus: ‘Love one another’. Practice this maxim. Unite around that flag and you will receive happiness and consolation.

Your guardian spirit”

Rome (Sent by Mr. Sabò from Bordeaux)

City of Romulus and Caesars, the cradle of Christianity, tomb of the apostles, you are the eternal city and God wishes to finally stop your long lasting lethargy. The time of your return will come. Shake your numb limbs out and stand up courageously and valiant to obey the destiny that waits for you since you have not been but a desert city for long centuries. The multiple ruins of your vast arenas that hardly held the waves of eager spectators are only visited by the rare foreigners that from time to time visit your solitary streets. The catacombs where the remains of so many brave soldiers rest, soldiers who died for the faith, only touch their indifference. Your current crises will be the last one and from this difficult and painful work you shall come out great, strong, powerful, transformed by God’s will. From the top of your old basilica, the voice of Peter’s successor will be heard, his hands reaching out to you with the blessings of heaven invoking the spirits of the Lord to his supreme council. He will submit to their orders and give the signs of progress, openly holding the flag of Spiritism. Then, submitted to its lessons, the Catholic universe shall flock in masses standing around the walking stick of their great pastor, and that will drive every heart to you. You shall be the shining light to illuminate the world and its inhabitants, in the joy and happiness of providing the nations with the example of betterment and progress, chanting in your songs: Yes, Rome is the eternal city.


The Coliseum (Sent by Count X…, from Rome and translated from the Italian)

“What do you feel when you see the Coliseum? The feeling produced by any ruin: sadness. Its vast and beautiful proportions remind the whole world of greatness but its decrepitude involuntarily drives our thoughts to the fragility of human things. There is a time for everything and the monuments that seemed to defy the test of times fall apart as if demonstrating that only God’s works are durable and when the debris spread everywhere protesting against the eternity of human’s works, you dare call eternal a city littered with the remains of the past! Where are you Babylon? Where are you Nineveh? Where are your huge and splendid palaces? The traveler hopelessly searches under the sand of the desert. Don’t you see that God has erased it from the surface of the Earth? Rome, do you expect to defy the laws of nature? You say you are Christian and Babylon was Pagan. Yes, but you are stones, as she is also, and God’s breath may disperse the stacked rocks. Isn’t the trembling earth around you a warning that your cradle under your feet may become your grave? You say: ‘I am Christian and God protects me.’ However, how dare you compare yourself to the first Christians who died for their faith and whose thoughts were no longer from this world, you who live the pleasures, luxury and indolence? Cast your eyes upon those arenas when you go by with indifference. Ask those still standing stones and they shall respond and the shadow of the martyrs will come to tell you: What have you done to the simplicity turned into law by our divine Master; to the humility and charity that he gave us as an example? Did the first propagators of the Gospel live in palaces, and were they dressed in silk and gold? Were their tables overflowing with the superfluous? Were they surrounded by useless entourages of servants flattering their pride? What is it in common between you and them? They only wanted the treasures of heaven while you seek the Earthly treasures! Oh! People who call yourselves Christians! Looking at your attachment to the perishable things of this world one would say that you don’t really count on those things of eternity. Rome, self-proclaimed to be immortal, when the future centuries will not be able to find your location as it is today when we seek Babylon!


OBSERVATION: Out of an incredible coincidence these two messages came to us on the same day. Although they deal with the same subject it is clear that the spirits see it from their own personal point of view. The first sees a religious Rome and eternal in his opinion because it shall always be the capital of the Christian world. The second sees the material Rome and says that nothing constructed by humans can be eternal. It is a fact that the spirits have their own opinions and may disagree among themselves when still influenced by their worldly ideas. It is only the purer spirits that are exempt from prejudices. But leaving aside the opinion that may be controversial, it is not possible to deny the fact that the two communications show great elevation in style and thought and we believe that they would not be denied by the authors whose names they bear.

The Promised Land (Sent by Mr. Rodolphe, from Mulhouse)

“Spiritism rises and soon its fertile light will illuminate the world. Shining magnificently it will protest against the attacks of those interested in keeping up with the abuse and against the incredulity of materialism. The doubters will feel happy for finding in this new, beautiful and pure doctrine the consoling balm that will heal their skepticism, thus facilitating their betterment and progress as with everybody else. Privileged will be those who take off rapidly flying towards the pinnacles of the purest ideas, seeking their complete dematerialization. People! Stand up to watch the dawn of this new regenerating era; sent by God to have you all united in a sacred and fraternal communion. Oh! The happiness of those who listen to this blessed voice of Spiritism, following its flag and accomplishing their apostolic mission that will recover the brothers lost on the path of doubt and ignorance, or blinded by vices!

Come back, wondering sheep, come back to the pen. Raise your head, look at your Creator and you will pay tribute to God’s love for you. Promptly remove the veil hiding the Spirit of Divinity from you; admire its great beauty; kneel down, bring your face to the ground and repent. Repentance will open the doors of happiness to you, the doors of a better world where you will find the purest love, the real fraternity where each person finds joy and in their neighbor’s joy.

Don’t you feel that the time has come for the advent of new things? Don’t you feel that Earth seems to be giving birth? What do all these people want with their agitation, their hurry to fight? Why are they going to fight? To break the chains that preclude the advancement of their intelligences; that absorb their energies; that sow mistrust and discord; that forearm the son against his father and brother against brother; that corrupt noble aspirations and kill the genius. Oh! Freedom! Oh! Independence! Noble attributes of God’s children, growing hearts and elevating souls; you are the reason why men become good, great and generous; you drag our aspirations to good; you eliminate injustice and hatred, and discord flees in shame with its dying trail projecting sinister flashes of light. Brothers! Listen to the voice that tells you: March! March towards that shining goal before you! March towards that shining ray of light ahead of you, as in the past when the column illuminated before the people of Israel. You shall be led to the true Promised Land, the kingdom of eternal happiness reserved to the pure spirits! Arm yourself with virtues; purify yourself from impurities and your path will seem easy, escorted by flowers. You will walk it with ineffable joy for on each step of the way you will feel that your goal is closer, a place where you will win the eternal palms.


Selfishness and Pride (Spiritist Society of Sens)

“If people loved one another with mutual love, charity would be better practiced. For that you would have to struggle to get rid of that armor around your hearts to become more sensitive to the suffering of others. Rigidity kills good feelings. Christ was never discouraged. He never rejected anyone that came to him, whoever that person might have been. The adulterous woman, the criminal were rescued by him. He was never afraid of hurting his own reputation. When will take him as the example of all of your actions? If charity were reigning on Earth, evil would not have its domain; it would flee ashamed; it would hide and feel awkward everywhere. Evil would then disappear from the face of Earth, rest assured. Start by giving the example yourselves. Be charitable to everyone, irrespectively; strive to create the habit of not noticing those who look at you with disdain; always believe that they deserve your sympathy and leave it to God to take care of all the righteousness, for everyday God separates the weed from the wheat in his kingdom. Selfishness is the negation of charity, or, without charity there is no social peace. I say again, from a point of safety; when selfishness and pride walk hand in hand it is always a race in favor of the most capable, a struggle of interests where the most sacred affections are knocked to the ground; where not even the sacred bonds of family are respected.


Spiritist Society of Metz

On our way back from our travels we found a letter from the honorable President of the Spiritist Society of Metz as well as the first publication of that Society. We will publish it in the next issue of The Review since the current one is already composed and ready to go to press. All we have is space and time to send our sincere congratulations to that Society and its honorable President.

Allan Kardec

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