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The Spiritist Review - JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDIES - 1861 > November > Spiritism in Bordeaux
Spiritism in Bordeaux
If Lyon has made what could be called their announcement in terms
of Spiritism, Bordeaux was not left behind for she also wants to take
one of the first rows in the great family. This can be evaluated based on
the report that we have just published about our visit with the spiritists
of that city, following their invitation. It was not in a few years but in a
few months that the Doctrine assumed impressive proportions there in all
social classes. A fact of capital importance has been observed since the beginning.
There, as in Lyon and in many other towns that we have visited,
we saw the Doctrine looked at from a very serious point of view and from
the moral consequences of its application. There, like elsewhere, we saw
innumerous transformations, true metamorphoses; characters that are no
longer recognizable; people who believed nothing and were brought to the
religious ideas by the certainty in the future that they can now feel. This
gives a measure of the seriousness of the spiritist gatherings, already multiplied;
in every session that we attended showing the most constructive
reverence in an environment of mutual benevolence among the attendees.
People feel that they are in in sympathetic environment that inspires trust.
The workers of Bordeaux owe nothing to those of Lyon. We find
large numbers of eager followers there, whose number increases every day.
We are happy to say that we left their meetings comforted by a pious
sentiment that governs them, as well as for their skills in guarding them
against the intrusion of deceiving spirits. Something that we noticed with satisfaction is that people, sometimes enjoying eminent social positions,
mix with groups of common workers in the most fraternal cordiality, leaving
their titles at the door, as groups of simple workers are welcomed with
equal benevolence among groups of another social class. The rich and the
worker shake hands with cordiality leaving their titles at the door. We
were told that such approximation of the two extremes of the social scale
has become habit in the region and we were congratulated for that. We
acknowledge that Spiritism came to give this kind of thing a reason and a
moral sanction, showing the meaning of true fraternity.
We found a large number of good mediums in Bordeaux in all social
classes, from both sexes and all ages. Many write with great ease and receive
communications of elevated reach, a fact that had been revealed to
us by the spirits before we left. One can only praise them for the devotion
that they show in the sessions. However, what is even more important is
the abnegation that they show in every communication. Nobody believes
to be a privileged and exclusive interpreter of the truth. Nobody tries to
impose themselves or the spirits that assist them. Everyone submits with
simplicity to the messages received for the assessment of the assembly and
nobody feels offended or hurt by the criticism. The one who receives false
communications finds consolation by taking advantage of the good ones
received by others, showing no envy. Does it happen everywhere? We
don’t know. We state what we have seen; they are also convinced that every
proud, jealous and susceptible medium cannot count on the assistance
of the good spirits and that such caprice is reason for suspicion of that
medium. Far from seeking such mediums and despite the high quality of
their faculties, such mediums would be repelled by all serious groups that
wish to obtain serious communications, before anything else and are not
concerned about physical effects.
Among the mediums that we met there is one that deserves a special
remark. It is a nineteen-year-old young lady who adds painting and
musical abilities to her writing mediumship. She composes mechanically
under the control of a spirit that she says is Mozart, pieces of music
that he would not deny. The spirit signed the music score and several
persons who had seen his autograph attested the perfect identity of the
signature. But her most beautiful work is, no doubt, the drawing. It is a
(13.1 ft2
) planetary image of a very original and singular effect that
would be impossible for us to give an idea by its description. The work
is in black crayon, pastels of various colors and shades. The painting was
started months ago and is not finished yet. The spirit is dedicating it to
the Spiritist Society of Paris.
We saw the medium at work and were amazed by both the speed and
accuracy.. At first, and as a warm-up, the spirit made her draw free-hand
and in one single movement circles and spirals of one meter in diameter
and of such regularity that it met the geometric center. We cannot say
anything yet about the scientific value of the painting; but admitting that
it is a creative impulse, it is still nonetheless a remarkable mediumistic
work. Since the original was supposed to be sent to Paris, the spirit advised
to have it photographed in order to have several copies.
A fact that must be mentioned is that the medium’s father is a painter.
As an artist he thinks that the spirit disobeys the rules of Art and wanted
to give advice. The spirit prohibited him from watching the work so that
the medium would not be influenced. Up until recently the medium had
not read our books yet. The spirit dictated to her a small draft of Spiritism
to be delivered to us upon our arrival, with all points agreeing with The
Spirits’ Book.
It would be presumptuous to enumerate every testimony of sympathy
that we received and the kind reception and attention addressed to us. It
would certainly be enough to excite our pride if we were not certain that
the tribute was paid to the Doctrine rather than to us personally. For the
same reason we hesitated in publishing some speeches that were given
and really confused us. When exposing our scruples to some friends and
to several members of the Society, we were told that such speeches were
an indication of the status of the Doctrine and from that point of view
it would be instructive to all spiritists to get to know them; that, on the
other hand, considering these words were the expression of a sincere feeling,
those who uttered them could feel hurt if out of excessive modesty we refused to publish them. They could see indifference from our side. This
last consideration was essential in our decision. We hope that the readers
will judge us sufficiently good spiritist and as not betraying the very principles
that we profess and making this report a matter of egotism.
Since we are reporting on the multiple speeches we don’t want to
omit, a special little speech was given with a charming grace and naive enthusiasm
by a five year old boy, son of Mr. Sabò, at our arrival to the heart
of this kind family upon which Spiritism has poured handfuls of nurturing
consolations. If every starting generation were taken by such feelings
we would then be able to foresee how close we are from the changes in
social customs announced by the spirits. You must not think that the little
boy delivered his little speech like a parrot! No, he understood its meaning
very well. He was, so to say, cradled in Spiritism and for his young mind,
which has not been an obstacle, as he already understands it very well and
for that reason even more, will not be rejected as he develops. Here is the
speech of our little friend, Joseph Sabò who would be very sad if he did
not see it published:
“Mr. Allan Kardec, allow the youngest of your spiritist children to
express our happiness with your presence among us, on this day that
shall be forever recorded in our hearts. I am still a young child but my
father taught me that the spirits communicate with us; that we must
kindly follow their advice; about the penalties and rewards that they
find; and a few years from now, God willing, I also want to become
an honorable and eager apostle of Spiritism, with your sponsorship
and always submitted to your knowledge and your experience. In
exchange for these few words said from the bottom of my little heart,
would you give me a kiss that I dare not ask?”