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The Spiritist Review - JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDIES - 1861 > December > Notice
The subscribers who do not want to experience any delay in the delivery
of The Spiritist Review for the year 1862 (5th year) are invited to
renew their subscription before December 31st. Subscribers for the 1862,
can purchase the collection of the four preceding years in one combined
set for 30 francs, instead of 40 francs. Hence, the subscription will entitle
them to have 5 years for the price of 4 with a 20% discount. Individual
years may be purchased for 10 francs each, as in the past. The second edition
of the years 1858, 1859 and 1860 are now sold out. A third edition
has just been printed.
NOTE: The January 1862 issue will contain a very developed article
about the interpretation of the doctrine of the rebel and fallen angels, lost
Paradise and about the Origin and moral condition of the human being
on Earth.