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The Spiritist Review - JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDIES - 1861 > November > Current Poetry Given by Mr. Dombre > The Hedgehog, the Rabbit and the Magpie (Fable) - To the members of the Spiritist Society of Bordeaux
The Hedgehog, the Rabbit and the Magpie (Fable) - To the members of the Spiritist Society of Bordeaux
Charity, my friends, can be done in many ways. You can do it through your thoughts and your works… Guardian spirit of the Spiritist Society of Lyon The Spiritist Review, October 1861
A poor hedgehog driven from his shelter
Wondered in the fields through and deadly thorns,
Under the blows from a child brandishing his clogs
Abandoned it bleeding, bruised and shaken.
He folds his trembling thorny armor.
He extends his eyes around
And since the danger has past, he whispers
A weak and mournful tone:
Where can I hide?
Where shall I flee? ..back to my home Is beyond my will
A thousand dangers that
I cannot predict
Threaten me here…
Will I then die?
I need shelter and some rest
To heal my abrasions.
But, where can I find such nest?
Who will take pity on my pain?
A rabbit living among the debris of a rock,
For whom charity is not just
A vain word, sees the friend’s pain in shock
And approaching says:
My friend, accept you must
Share with me my asylum.
I am well protected in this shelter;
You will be safe.
They can hardly track You down here.
Rest assured that together
Any care you need you shall not lack.
Before such graceful offer
The hedgehog started his slow movement
When an unrecognized magpie, waving
To the rabbit said: - wait a moment,
I beg you… a word… a quick warning;
And turning to the hedgehog: - it is a little private!
Forgive my delay!
Then the good rabbit asks his mate
To keep her voice down, when saying:
How can you bring such people within your fence?
You went too far helping those under!
I would never do such nonsense.
But aren’t you afraid to regret later?
When he is healed and has recovered his strength
You will be the first, perhaps, to suffer the nightmare
Of his bad heart and his thorny health.
How then will you get him out of there?
The rabbit answer: - No worries
Should make us turn away from our generous impulses;
We’d rather be exposed to ingratitude
Than stay away from misfortune!
C. Dombre
A poor hedgehog driven from his shelter
Wondered in the fields through and deadly thorns,
Under the blows from a child brandishing his clogs
Abandoned it bleeding, bruised and shaken.
He folds his trembling thorny armor.
He extends his eyes around
And since the danger has past, he whispers
A weak and mournful tone:
Where can I hide?
Where shall I flee? ..back to my home Is beyond my will
A thousand dangers that
I cannot predict
Threaten me here…
Will I then die?
I need shelter and some rest
To heal my abrasions.
But, where can I find such nest?
Who will take pity on my pain?
A rabbit living among the debris of a rock,
For whom charity is not just
A vain word, sees the friend’s pain in shock
And approaching says:
My friend, accept you must
Share with me my asylum.
I am well protected in this shelter;
You will be safe.
They can hardly track You down here.
Rest assured that together
Any care you need you shall not lack.
Before such graceful offer
The hedgehog started his slow movement
When an unrecognized magpie, waving
To the rabbit said: - wait a moment,
I beg you… a word… a quick warning;
And turning to the hedgehog: - it is a little private!
Forgive my delay!
Then the good rabbit asks his mate
To keep her voice down, when saying:
How can you bring such people within your fence?
You went too far helping those under!
I would never do such nonsense.
But aren’t you afraid to regret later?
When he is healed and has recovered his strength
You will be the first, perhaps, to suffer the nightmare
Of his bad heart and his thorny health.
How then will you get him out of there?
The rabbit answer: - No worries
Should make us turn away from our generous impulses;
We’d rather be exposed to ingratitude
Than stay away from misfortune!
C. Dombre