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Psychic-Physiological Phenomena

People who speak about themselves in the third person

The following fact was reported in the periodical Le Siécle, on July 4th, 1861 according to the Havre newspaper:

“A male victim of an incredible mental anomaly has just passed away at the hospice. He was a soldier by the name of Pierre Valin who was wounded in the head during the battle of Solferino. His injury was completely healed but since the event he considered himself dead. When asked about his health he used to say: ‘You want to know how Pierre Valin is doing? Poor man! He died from a bullet injury in the head in Solferino. What you see here is not Valin, it is a machine that resembles him but a not very good copy. You should ask to have it done again and better.’ Every time he spoke of himself he would say him instead of me. He frequently fell prostrated, completely motionless and insensitive and that could last days. He was then treated with mustard filled gauze and blistering agents that never had any painful reaction. He often had his arms and legs pinched but he never manifested any pain. To make sure that he was not pretending the doctor used to poke him on the back while talking to him; he felt nothing. On several occasions he refused to eat saying that it was unnecessary, that he had no bowels, etc.”

However this is not the only case of that kind. Another soldier that was also injured in the head spoke in the third person and using the feminine form. He used to say: ‘Ah! She suffers a lot! She is very thirsty! etc.’ In the beginning he was led to see the mistakes which he acknowledged with surprise but later he would go back and repeat it so much so that towards the end of his life he only spoke in that manner.”

“In the same way and after a head injury a Zouave that was perfectly cured lost his memory of nouns. A Drill sergeant who knew very well the names of the soldiers in his battalion but since the event he used to call them as: The large brown haired, the little carrot, etc. He began using periphrases to command the troops just to designate the musket, the sword, etc. They had to send him home.”

“The final years of the renowned doctor Baudelocque also offered an example of similar lesion but less characteristic, though. He remembered well what he had done during his healthy life. He recognized those who came to visit him by their voices since he had become blind, but he had no awareness of his current situation. For example, when asked: ‘How is your head?’ he would respond: ‘I have no head.’ If asked to extend his arm to have his pulse checked he would respond that he did not know where his arm was. One day he wanted to feel his pulse himself hence he was helped and his right hand was placed on his left wrist. He then asked if that was really him who was feeling the pulse. Yet, he counted the beats correctly.”

Physiology reports phenomena that seem abnormal and that science remains quiet about them in every step of the way. Why so? We have already said that and it is never too much to repeat: they try to attribute everything to the material element, with no account to the spiritual element. As long as it remains in that restrictive path, science will remain powerless to resolve thousands of issues that show up all the time under its scalpel, as if saying: “As you see there is something else beyond matter since one cannot explain everything with matter alone.”

And here we are not speaking of some bizarre phenomena only, that could find science unprepared, but we are speaking about the most common effects. For example, what about dreams? We don’t speak about the real dreams, those that are real perceptions of distant things, present or future, but simply about the fantastic dreams, or memories. Can that science explain how those clear and accurate images that we sometimes see are produced? What is that magic mirror that somehow keeps the image of things? In natural somnambulism that nobody denies, how does it explain the strange ability of seeing without the help of the eyes? And that is not vaguely, but with minor details, to the point of a somnambulist being able to carry out a task that would require sharp vision in the waking state.

Thus, there is something in us that sees without the eyes. The sensitive person not only sees but acts, thinks, calculates, organizes, foresees and carries out intellectual tasks that the same person is incapable of doing in the normal vigil state and from which they keep no memory. Hence, there must be something that thinks and that is independent of matter. What is that? Science stops here. Such facts are not rare, though.

A scholar, however, will go to the other side of the world to see and calculate an eclipse but he will not visit his neighbor’s house to observe a phenomenon of the soul. The spontaneous and natural facts that demonstrate the independent action of an intelligent principle occur in large numbers but such action is even more evident in the magnetic and spiritist phenomena in which the isolation of that principle is produced at will, so to speak.

Let us return to our subject. We registered a similar fact in the June 1861 issue of The Review, regarding the evocation of the Marquis de SaintPaul. Towards his final days he used to say: “He is thirsty. He needs water. He is cold. He needs to be warmed up. He has pain here or there, etc.” And then when he was told: “But Sir, it is you who is thirsty”, he responded: “No. It is him.”

The reason for that is the fact that the thinking ‘self ’ is in the spirit and not in the body. Since the spirit is already somewhat separated from the body, it then considers the body as a third party, as if it were not him. Thus, it was necessary to give water to that other being, to the body, and not to him, the spirit. That is why he gave the following answer to this question in his evocation: “Why did you always speak in the third person” to which he responded: “Because, as I said, I saw and felt very well the differences between the physical and the spiritual. Those differences that are intertwined by the fluid of life become very distinctive to the eyes of the agonizing clairvoyant.”

A similar cause must have produced the effect noted on the soldier mentioned above. They may perhaps say that the wound caused a kind of madness. The Marquis de Saint-Paul, however, had not been wounded. He was perfectly healthy and we are positive about this because his sister who is a member of the Society confirmed it to us. What was spontaneously produced in him could perfectly well have been produced in others by the effect of an incident. As a matter of fact, every magnetizer knows that it is very common to have the somnambulists speaking in the third person, thus creating a distinction between the personality of the soul, or spirit, and that of the body. In the normal state, both individualities get mixed up and their perfect assimilation is necessary to the harmony of life, but the intelligent principle is like those gases that are not easily contained and escape in the first opportunity. There is always the tendency of separating from its heavy corporeal burden as long as the equilibrium is no longer in place by the force that keeps the two together, by any given cause. Only the harmonic activity of the organs may keep the complete and subtle union between the soul and the body. However, at the minor suspension of that activity, the soul is airborne again. That is what happens during sleep, or when the senses are benumbed, in catalepsy, lethargy, in the natural or magnetized somnambulism, during ecstasy, during what is called daydreaming or second sight, during the inspirations of the genius, in every significant stress of the mind, that sometimes renders the body insensitive. That is how, finally, those things may happen as a consequence of certain pathological states. A large number of spiritual phenomena have no other cause but the emancipation of the soul. Medical science does acknowledge the influence of moral causes but does not admit the spiritual element as the active principle. That is why medicine confuses these phenomena with organic madness and also why a purely physical treatment is applied, treatment that frequently leads to real madness something that only had the appearance of madness.

Among the facts mentioned above there is one that seems really bizarre. It is the officer who spoke in the feminine third person. The primitive cause of the phenomenon, as we said, is the distinction between the two personalities as a consequence of the separation of the spirit. There is, however, another cause revealed by Spiritism and that must be taken into account, since it may give a special character to the thoughts: it is the vague memory of previous existences that in the state of emancipation of the soul may awake and allow a retrospective vision about some points of the past. In those cases the separation of the soul is never complete. The thoughts are affected by the failing organs and for that very reason they are not very lucid, as they are not at the first moments after death either.

Suppose the man that we spoke about had been a woman in his preceding existence. In that case he could confuse the memory that he might have preserved with his current condition.

Couldn’t we find a similar explanation to the obsessed idea of certain alienated persons who believe to be kings? If they were kings in preceding existences they may be affected by some memory of that. This is only a hypothesis but which does not lack credibility to the acquainted with Spiritism. If this cause is possible some will then say that it cannot be applied to the cases in which mad people believe to be wolves or pigs since everyone knows that man has never been an animal. That is correct but a man may have been in a condition that forced him to live among dirty animals and savage people. That could well be the source of such illusion that to some may have been imposed as punishing to this present life. When we are presented with facts of such a nature instead of referring them to the purely physical diseases, if we carefully followed all their phases with the support of the data provided by the spiritist observations, we would effortlessly detect the double causes that we identified and we would promptly understand that we cannot treat them with showers, bleedings and cauterizations.

Mr. Baudelocque’s case also finds its explanation in analogous causes. The article says that he had no awareness of his own existence. That is a mistake since he did not consider himself dead; he was just unaware of his corporeal life. He was in a more or less similar situation as the spirits, who at their initial moments just after their deaths don’t believe to be dead and take their bodies as someone else’s since they cannot understand the situation, given their disorientation. The same that takes place with certain disincarnate spirits may also happen to some incarnate. That is how Mr. Baudelocque could make an abstraction of his body and say that he had no head, once his spirit had no corporeal head. The spiritist observations provide numerous examples of this kind, thus shedding new light onto an immense variety of phenomena that up until now could not be explained and were simply inexplicable without its foundations. There is still the case of the Zouave that lost the memory of nouns to be examined.

But this case can only be explained by considerations of a different order, which fall into the field of organic physiology. The developments led by that event commit us to devote a special article about it, to be published soon.

American Manifestations

The Banner of Light, a New York journal from May 18th, 1861 brings the following:

“Deeming the following extraordinary facts worthy of being placed upon record in an authenticated form, we forward them to the Banner for publication, with our signatures attached, as evidence that they occurred in our presence, and under the herein stated.

On Wednesday evening, May 1st, we met the medium H.M. Fay, by appointment, at the residence of Mr. W. B. Hallock, in New York. The medium seated himself near a table, upon which were placed a tin horn, a violin and three separate pieces of small-sized bed-cord. The company were seated in a semi-circle in front of the medium, and the table six or eight inches from them, and with their hands joined, which gave every member of the circle the assurance that his neighbors on his right and left, retained their position in every one of the experiments herein related. The lights were then put out and the company ordered to sing. In a few minutes, a light was called for. The medium was found still seating in his chair, with his hands crossed behind him at the wrists, which were firmly tied together, the knots being between the wrists, and the rope being wrapped around each wrist so tightly as to press into the flesh and obstruct the venous circulation, so that the hands became much swollen. The ends of the rope were then passed upon the inside of the back of the chair, and then brought round and tied, one to each of the front legs of the chair. Another rope was found wrapped firmly around his legs, just above his knees, and tied tightly, while a third rope secured his ankles in the same manner. In this condition, we were satisfied that the medium could neither have tied himself, nor could he untie himself, nor use his hands, nor walk, nor rise from his chair. A member of the circle then placed a sheet of white paper upon the floor, under the medium’s feet, with a pencil upon the paper. The light was put out, and, almost immediately, the horn was seized by a power of same kind, and struck upon the table and the floor repeatedly, rapidly, and very violently, so as to make deep indentations in the table. A mouth also seemed to be applied to the horn, and conversed through it, freely and rather jocularly, at times, with the members of the circle. The articulation of the words was as distinct as that of a person in the form when speaking through a horn. The sound was that of a full male voice, and the tone somewhat louder than the tone of common conversation. Another voice, fainter, somewhat guttural, and with a less distinct articulation, also, at times, conversed with the company. A light was called for, and the medium was found still in his chair, bound hand and foot, as already described, and his feet within the pencil lines that had been traced around them. The light was again put out, and soon the horn commenced its pounding and its talking as before. The circle was next told to sing, and the manifestations apparently ceased; but at the call for the light, the ropes were found removed from the medium’s ankles and knees; his hands, however, were still tied, as already described, and his feet within the pencil lines upon the with paper. Again the light was put out, and again the pounding and the talking through the horn were resumed. Then, followed an order for singing, which was continued for a few moments, when the light was called for, and the medium was found untied, sitting in his chair, with his feet within the pencil lines. This closed the first series of manifestations.

The light was again put out, and after a few moments singing by the circle, the light was struck, and the medium was found tied with one rope around his ankles, with another just below his knees, while with a third his wrists were tied in front of him, even more tightly than before, and then lashed to his right tight. A member of the circle then tied his limbs to the chair, and putting a sheet of white paper under his feet, traced with a pencil the outlines of his feet as before. A bell was also put upon the table and the light extinguished, as before, there was pounding upon the floor and table with the horn, and talking through the horn; then the bell was lifted from the table and rung very loudly, about midway between the medium and the circle, and seeming to sweep over an arc of five or six feet at each stroke of the clapper. During the ring of the bell the medium repeatedly in a loud voice, exclaimed: “I am here, I am here,” thus assuring us that he was still in his chair, while the bell was at a considerable distance from him. The light was ordered, and the medium was found still tied as described, with his feet within the pencil lines.

A large bright spot, an inch and a half in diameter, was now made upon the back of the violin by rubbing it with phosphorus. The light was put out, and very soon the violin rose six or seven feet above the floor and floated rapidly around in the air, making a large sweep at times, of seven or eight feet. In its movements it could easily be followed by the eye, as the phosphorescent spot made upon it was distinctly visible; it was also easily followed by the ear, as its strings were thumbed upon during its flight. As the violin floated around, the medium repeatedly exclaimed in a loud voice: “I am here, I am here,” giving us the assurance that he was still in his chair and not following the violin in its movements. The light was called for, and the medium was found tied, as already described, and his feet within the pencil lines.

A member of the circle next placed a tumbler half full of water upon the table and a slip of paper between the medium’s lips. The light was then extinguished. After a few moments singing by the circle the light was ordered, and the tumbler was found empty, with no trace of the water upon the table or the floor, the medium being still tied as last described, his feet within the pencil lines, and the paper between his lips dry. Again the light was put out, and again relighted in a few moments, when the medium was found untied. This closed the second series of experiments.

Mrs. Spence, now sat near the medium, and facing him. A gentleman then sat between the two, so as to place his right foot upon Mrs. Spence’s feet, his right hand upon the medium’s head, and his left hand upon Mrs. Spence’s head. The medium then grasped the gentleman’s right arm with both hands, each hand grasping at separate places, while Mrs. Spence grasped the gentleman’s left arm in the same way. The light was put out, and after a short interval, it was again struck up, when the parties were observed to be still in the relative position just described.

The gentleman then stated, that neither the medium’s nor Mrs. Spence’s hands had been removed from his arms; yet, while the light was out, he distinctly felt the fingers of a hand playing upon his face, pull his nose, slap him upon the cheek, making a noise that was heard by the rest of the circle; also that he was repeatedly tapped over the head with the violin, making a noise that was perceptible to all present.

Another gentleman then took the first gentleman’s place, and he also stated that he was handled and struck in the same way; and so each member of the circle, taking, in turn, the position just described, testified to having been touched, handled and struck about the face and head, by what seemed to be a hand, and sometimes also by the violin; all, however, while the light was extinguished, but while the medium’s hands and feet and also Mrs. Spence’s were secured as described. This closed the third series of experiments, in all of which, as well as in those first two series, we are satisfied that the manifestations were not produced either by Mr. Fay or by any member of the circle.

Yours truly,

Charles Patridge, R. T. Hallock, Mrs. Sarah P. Clark, Mrs. Mary S. Hallock, Mrs. Amanda, M. Spence, Miss Alla Britt, William Blondel, William P. Coles, W. B. Hallock, B. Franklin Clark, Peyton Spence.

New York, May 3, 1861.”

OBSERVATION: We don’t deny the possibility of all these things and we have no reason to doubt the honorability of the countersigners, despite the fact that we don’t know them. However, we stand behind our thoughts given in our last issue regarding the two articles about the mysterious drawings and the exploitation of Spiritism. Some say that such exploitation does not shock public opinion in America and that they find it very natural that mediums may seek compensation. That is understandable in a country where time is money. That will not preclude us from saying what we have already said in another article: that the absolute altruism is an even better guarantor than all physical precautions.

If our texts have contributed to cast discredit upon the self-serving mediumship in France and elsewhere we believe that this is not the least service done to serious Spiritism. These general thoughts are not absolutely directed to Mr. Fay whose position before the public we ignore.

Family Conversations from Beyond the Grave - Don Peyra, Prior of Amilly

This evocation was carried out last year by the request of Mr. Borreau, from Niort, who sent us the following note:

“Some thirty years ago we had at the Priory of Amilly, in the surroundings of Mauzé, a priest by the name Don Peyra who held the reputation of being a sorcerer. In fact, he was always involved with the occult sciences. They say things about him that would sound fabulous but that according to the Spiritist Science might well be possible. About twelve years ago I had contact with his spirit during some very interesting experiments that I was doing with a somnambulist. He presented himself as an assistant and with whom we could not fail in our experiments, but we did fail. I come to ask you, if this is not at all an inconvenience, to have him evoked and asked about his previous and current relationships with me. From there on I might have some interesting things to tell you someday perhaps.”

First dialogue, January 13th, 1860

1. Evocation. – A. I am here.

2. Where does the reputation of being a sorcerer come from? – A. Old wives’ tales. I studied Chemistry.

3. Why have you contacted Mr. Borreau from Niort? – A. The wish of having some fun, considering the power that he thought I had.

4. He says that you presented yourself as a helper to his research. Could you tell us the nature of that research? – A. I am not that indiscreet to reveal a secret that he considered proper to keep from you. I take offense in your question.

5. We don’t insist but wish to tell you that you could have answered in a more adequate way to people who seriously and benevolently interrogate you. Your language is not compatible with that of an advanced spirit. – A. I am what I have always been.

6. What is the nature of these things that people say about you? – A. As I said, they are just stories. I knew their opinion about me and far from trying to deny, I did what I could to reinforce it.

7. Considering your preceding answer it seems that you have not done much progress after your death. – A. Truth be said I did not try it, since I did not know how. However, I believe there is something to be done. I gave some thought to that not long ago.

8. Your language surprises us considering that it comes from a spirit that was a priest and thus should have thoughts of certain elevation. – A. I truly believe that I had little instruction.

9. Kindly elaborate. – A. I had a lot of instruction on how to believe but not enough on how to understand.

10. In that case you were not what people call a good priest? - A. Oh! No!

11. What do you do as a spirit? – A. Always Chemistry. I believe I would have done better had I looked for God instead of matter.

12. How can a spirit be involved with Chemistry? – A. Allow me to say that this is a silly question. Do you really believe that I need the microscope or the alembic to study the properties of matter that you know is penetrable by the spirit?

13. Are you happy as a spirit? – A. I give you my word that I am not. As I said, I believe I followed the wrong path and I will change that, particularly if I am fortunate enough to find some help, I, who should have prayed for the others; I confess that I have not always done that for the money I received; and that is if I thought there would not be any retaliation against me.

14. We thank you for having come to us and we shall do for you what you have not done for others. – A. You are more worthy than I am. Second conversation, June 25th, 1861 Since Mr. Borreau sent us new question to be addressed to the spirit of Don Peyra he was evoked again through another medium, providing the answers below, from which we can extract useful lessons about the individualities in the spiritual world as well as a general teaching.

15. Evocation. – A. What do you want from me and why do you disturb me?

16. It was Mr. Borreau, from Niort, that asked us to address some questions to you. –A. What else does he want from me? Isn’t he happy to disturb me in Niort? Why does he need to evoke me in Paris where I have no business? I wish he would leave me alone. He calls me, put me in touch with somnambulists, and evokes me through others. He is annoying, this man.

17. Nevertheless you must remember that we have already evoked you once and that you answered more kindly than today. We even promised to pray for you. – A. I remember that very well, but promise and action are two different things. You prayed but the others…

18. Others have certainly prayed as well. Now, are you willing to answer Mr. Borreau’s questions? – A. I assure you that I would not do it for him, who is always on my back, pardon the expression but that it is true, particularly considering that there is no affinity between us. But as for you who had pity on me and begged for God’s mercy on my behalf, I want to answer the best I can.

19. A short while ago you said that you were disturbed. Could you give us an explanation about it for our own instruction? – A. I meant that you called my attention and my thoughts to you - you involved me requesting my answers, at least out of education. That is not a good explanation. My mind was somewhere else, in my studies, in my common occupations. Your evocation forced my attention to you, to the Earthly things. As a consequence and since I was not thinking of working with you, I was disturbed.

OBSERVATION: The spirits are more or less talkative and come with more or less good will according to their character. However, we can rest assured that like serious people they don’t appreciate to be disturbed uselessly. As for the lightheaded spirits, that is different: they are always ready to get involved in everything, even when not invited.

20. When you were in touch with Mr. Borreau did you know about his beliefs in the possibility of realizing great things that would be enough to convince the incredulous? – A. Mr. Borreau wanted me to help in a kind of half magnetic half spiritist operation. However, he is not wired to carry out such activity and I did not think that I should help him any longer. In fact I would if I could. Time was not right and it is not right for that yet.

21. Could you see and tell him the reasons for his failure in Vendée that determined his fall as well as of his somnambulist and two other assistants? – A. You can use my preceding answer here. Mr. Borreau was knocked down by the spirits who wanted to teach him a lesson to not look for what should be kept hidden. I was the one who pushed him down using the fluids of the magnetizer.

OBSERVATION: This answer agrees perfectly with the theory given about physical manifestations. The spirits did not push him with their hands but with the animated fluid of the persons combined with that of the spirit. The dissertation given below about the transportation of objects contains a development of the highest interest about this subject. A comparative analogy seems to justify the expression used by spirit. When a person approaches a body charged with positive electrical charge the person is charged with the opposite charge. The voltage increases up to the discharge level. At that level the two bodies are connected by the violent discharge and the person receives a shock that, according to the amount of electricity, may knock the person down or even kill her. In such phenomenon it is always necessary that the person provides her contribution with the electrical charge. If we consider the electrified body as an intelligent being that acts and understands the operation, we would say that she combined her own electrical fluid with that of the person. In the case of Mr. Borreau things may not have been exactly like that but it is clear that a similar effect may have taken place and that Don Peyra was logical when he said that he knocked the others down with their own fluids. This will be even better understood when referred to The Spirits’ Book and The Mediums’ Book with respect to the universal fluid that is the principle of the vital fluid, the electrical fluid and animal magnetism.

22. During his long and dramatic experiment he says that he had made discoveries that to him where even more remarkable than what he was looking for. You are aware of that, aren’t you? – A. Yes. But there is something that he did not discover: that it is not up to the spirits to help people in research like the one he was doing. If they could, then God would not be able to hide anything and people would neglect their own work and skills to look for treasures with the intervention of the spirits, having all that provided on a tray, easily achieving glory and fortune. Truly, we would have a lot to do if we were supposed to satisfy everyone’s ambitions. Can you imagine the uproar in the spiritual world just by the general belief in Spiritism? We would sometimes be called to the left, sometimes to the right; here to dig up the land and satisfy the lazy one; there to spare an idiot the effort of solving a problem; then to provide energy to the oven of a Chemist; and we would have to give the philosopher’s stone to everybody. The most important discovery that Mr. Borreau could have made was to understand that there are always spirits who have fun by providing people with the mirage of a gold mine, even to the eyes of the most clairvoyant somnambulist, making them believe that they are where they are not and making fun of you, just when you believe to have found them, and all that is to teach you that wisdom and work are the real treasures.

23. Was Mr. Borreau’s objective to find a treasure? – A. It seems to me that I have already told you when you called me the first time that I am not indiscreet. If he meant to keep it from you it is not up to me to tell you that.

OBSERVATION: The spirit is clearly discreet. In fact this is a quality found in all of them, even the least advanced ones, leading to the conclusion that if a given spirit made indiscreet revelations about someone it would most likely be for fun and thus it would be a mistake to take them seriously.

24. Could you give us an explanation about the invisible hand that wrote several characters that he found on the pages of a notebook that was prepared to receive them? – A. The writings were not from the spirits. He will learn about their source later but I must not reveal it now. The spirits may have provoked them with the objective that I mentioned earlier but they were not the ones who did it.

OBSERVATION: Although the two dialogues above were separated by an eighteen months interval and received through different mediums, we must acknowledge a sequence, a similarity of language and style that would not raise any doubt regarding their authorship by the same spirit. As for the identity, it becomes clear from the letter below, sent by Mr. Borreau, after he had received the second evocation from us.

“July 18th, 1861

Dear Sir,

This is to thank you for your work and your kindness in sending me the last evocation of Don Peyra. As you say, the spirit of the former Prior was not in a good mood, vehemently showing his impatience with this new initiative. A great lesson results from that, Sir. The spirits who play the spiteful game of tormenting us may in turn be paid with the same token by us.

Ah! Ladies and gentlemen from beyond the grave! I am only talking about the deceitful and lighthearted spirits – no doubt they will boast about having the exclusive privilege of disturbing us. And here you have a poor man from Earth, a pacifist, just trying to guard against your maneuvers and trying to clarify you, and now he is tormenting you to the point that you feel his heavy burden on your spiritual shoulders!

Well, what should I then say, my dear Prior, when I hear you confessing that you took part in the spiritual mob that obsessed me with cruelty, tricking me so many times during my trips to Vendée? If it is true that you were there, you must have known that I conducted my research only with the objective of finding the truth through unquestionable facts. There is no doubt that it was very ambitious, I appreciate that, but at least it was very honest, I believe. The only problem was that I was not strong enough to fight and you and your peers knocked me down in such a way that we were forced to abandon the activity, carrying our dead, since your fantastic maneuvers led to that terrible struggle, debilitating our poor somnambulist who passed out and for a period of not less than 6 six hours gave almost no sign of life, to the point that we thought she was dead.

Our situation can be undoubtedly better understood if you take into account the fact that it was around midnight and that we were in the bloody fighting fronts of Vendée’s war, in a savage region surrounded by bare mountains, whose echoes repeated the lancinating screams of the victims. I was horrified and thought of the terrible responsibility I had from which I did not know how to escape. I was confused! Only prayer could save me and it did. If that is what you call lessons you must agree that they are tough! It was certainly to give me one of those lessons that you called me to Mauzé a year later. I was better educated then and I knew what to think about the existence of the spirits and the actions and gestures of many of them. Besides, the situation was no longer dramatic as it was in Châtillon. I was then free to fight.

My apologies Sir that I allowed myself to get carried away with the Prior; My intention is to ask you something else if you would allow me so. A few days ago I visited the house of a very dignified man who has experienced much, since his youth and I showed him the communication that you sent me. He recognized perfectly well the language, the style and the caustic spirit of the former Prior, and told me the following facts:

‘Forced to abandon the Priory of Surgères by the Revolution, Don Peyra bought the small property of Amilly, near Mauzé, where he established residence. He became known for his wonderful cures through the use of magnetism and electricity, successfully employed. Since his business was not doing as well as he wanted, he used charlatanisms and with the aid of his electric machine, played tricks passing them off as sorcery. Far from fighting this opinion, he provoked and encouraged it. There was in Amilly a long pathway, outlined by trees, much used by customers coming from ten to twenty leagues away. His machine was connected to the door knob and when the poor peasants wanted to knock on the door or come inside the house they would receive a terrible electric shock and fall thunderstruck instantaneously. We can only imagine what such events would produce in the minds of non-educated people, particularly in those days.’

We have a saying that goes like this: dans la peau mourra le renard,(one remains always cunning). Alas! I can see that we need to change the skin more than a couple of times before we leave behind our bad instincts. From that, dear Sir, it does not follow that I don’t wish the Prior well. No. The proof is that following your example I prayed for him and this is something that I confess I had not done before as he told you.

Yours, etc.

J.-B. Borreau”

Noticed that this later is dated July 18th, 1861 while the first evocation took place in January 1860. At that time we did not know all these details about Don Peyra’s life and his answers perfectly agree with that. He said for example that he did everything he could to keep up with his fame as a sorcerer. What happened to Mr. Borreau has a remarkable analogy with Don Peyra’s mockery applied to the travelers during his life and we are strongly inclined to believe that he wanted to repeat them. In this case he did not need his electrical machine since he has the great universal machine at his disposal. That possibility can be seen in his answer to question 21.

Mr. Borreau finds some sort of compensation to the malice of certain spirits on the nuisance that we can return to them. However we advised him not to trust that too much since the spirits have better means of escaping from us than otherwise with respect to their influence. In fact, it is clear that if Mr. Burreau had a more thorough knowledge of Spiritism in those days he would know what is reasonable to expect from them, and he would not have ventured into attempts that Science would have demonstrated without leading him to mystification. He was not the first one to learn the hard way. That is why we never stop saying: learn the theory first. It will teach you every practical difficulty allowing you to remove obstacles from which you will feel happy to have left behind with a few scratches only. He claims that his intention was good, because he wanted to demonstrate through a great thing the truth about Spiritism. However, in similar cases the spirits give proof that they wish and when they want, and never when asked for that. We know people who also wanted to give irrefutable proof through the discovery of colossal treasures through the spirits but what happened in fact was that they just spent their own money. We must add that if such proof gave the expected result just once, that would be more damaging than useful since it would provide the wrong idea about the objective of Spiritism, establishing the belief that it can be used as a means of prediction. In that case, Don Peyra’s answer to question 22 would be justified.

Correspondence Letter from Mr. Mathieu about Deceitful Mediums

“Paris, July 21st, 1861
Dear Sir,

One can disagree about certain points and be in perfect agreement about others. I have just read your thoughts about fraud in the last issue of The Review in the article ‘Exploitation of Spiritism’, regarding spiritualist (or spiritist) communications, to which I am happily and strongly related. Any dissidence with respect to theories and doctrines disappear in those manifestations as if in a magic spell.

I am not perhaps as strict as you are regarding the mediums who accept some sort of compensation in a dignified and adequate way, given the time they dedicate to the experiments, sometimes long and tiresome, but I am, and nobody can be more than I am, severe with respect to those who replace the absence or insufficiency of the expected results by fraud and trickery.

Mixing the false with the true in matters of phenomena obtained by the intervention of the spirits is simply blasphemy, thus indicating a failed sense of moral from the part of a medium who would unscrupulously do that. As you clearly stated, this is the same as casting doubt upon the indecisive minds, considering that there is real fraud. I must add that it is the most deplorable way of compromising honorable people who support the mediums with their knowledge and education, becoming the guarantors of their good-faith, sponsoring them in a certain way. It is prevarication towards them.

Every medium that is knowingly guilty of fraudulent maneuvers and caught on the act – using a trivial expression, with their hand in the sack, deserves to be ostracized by every spiritist or spiritualist in the world, and it is their duty to unmask and demoralize them.

If it suits you Sir, to have these words published in your Review, please do as you please.

Yours, etc.


We would not expect less from the noble feelings that characterize Mr. Mathieu as this energetic reproach to the ill-faith mediums. On the contrary, we would be surprised if he had faced the issue of trust and its abuse with indifference. Such abuse could be easier when Spiritism was not much known. However, as this Science spreads and becomes better understood; as the true conditions for the production of the phenomena are clearly identified, there will be wise eyes everywhere capable of uncovering the fraud. The best way to discourage the fraud is to denounce it wherever it may take place.

Some say that it would be better not to disclose such turpitudes in the very interest of Spiritism; that the possibility of deceiving could increase the mistrust from the indecisive. We don’t share such opinion and do believe that it is better to have the indecisive suspicious than deceived, since once they know that they were deceived they could be sent away forever. Besides, there would be an even greater evil; that is the belief that the spiritists are easily deceived. Much to the contrary, they will be even more prepared to believe when they see that the believers are surrounded by precautions, repudiating the deceiving mediums.

Mr. Mathieu says that he cannot be as strict as we are, with respect to the mediums who in a dignified and discrete way accept compensation for the time dedicated to the subject. We are in perfect agreement that there can be and there must be honorable exceptions, but since the attractiveness of earnings is a great temptation and since the beginners don’t have the necessary experience to distinguish between the true and the false, we maintain our opinion that the best guarantee of honesty is in the absolute altruism because where there is nothing to gain there is no place for charlatanism.

A person that pays for a service wants something in return for his money and would not accept it if told that the spirit does not wish to communicate. From that, to the means of making the spirit act at any price there is only a step, according to the maxim: need is the mother of industry. We must add that the mediums will gain a hundred times more in respect and consideration than they lose in material gains. They say that consideration does not feed life. It is true that consideration alone is not enough but there are other more honest activities than the exploitation of the souls of the dead.

Spiritist Teachings and Dissertations

Moral Influence of the Mediums in the Communications (Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, medium Mr. D’Ambel)

We have already said that the mediums, as mediums, have only a secondary influence in the communications of the spirits; that their role is like that of the telegraph that dispatches messages between distant points of Earth. Thus, when we want to dictate a communication we act upon the medium as the telegraph typist does onto the device, that is, like the clicks of the telegraph draw meaningful characters on a piece of paper thousands of miles away, we also communicate through incommensurable distances that separate the visible from the invisible world, the incarnate from the immaterial world, transmitting all that we want to teach you through the mediumistic instrument. However, like the atmospheric conditions influence the quality of the telegraph transmission, the moral influence of the medium acts and sometimes disturbs the transmission of our messages from beyond the grave, since we are forced to pass them through a filter that is contrary to its own nature. In most cases though, that influence can be nullified by our energy and our determination thus avoiding the manifestation of a negative action. In fact, essays of elevated philosophical reach and communications of perfect moral content are sometimes transmitted through mediums that are not suitable for such superior teachings; while, on the other hand, less constructive messages also arrive through mediums who feel ashamed for having served as their intermediary. As a general thesis one can say that similar spirits attract similar spirits and that only rarely spirits of elevated spheres communicate through bad filters when they have at their disposal good instruments, in a word, good mediums.

Thus the lighthearted and less serious mediums attract spirits of the same kind. That is why their communications are marked by banal and frivolous things, ideas without proper coordination and sometimes very unorthodox from a spiritist point of view. At times, they may say good things, and they do, but it is exactly in this case that a very severe and scrupulous exam is required because certain hypocritical spirits can skillfully permeate controversy and lies as to mislead the good faith of the audience. One must then suppress every mistaken word or phrase and only retain from the dictation what is accepted by logic or something that has been already taught by the Doctrine. Communications of this nature should not be feared more by the isolated spiritists or recent and unenlightened groups than in sessions where the followers are more advanced and have gained more experience; regardless of how much the crow covers itself with the feathers of a peacock it will always be mercilessly unmasked.

I shall not speak about those who enjoy and ask for obscene communications. Let them be satisfied by the presence of cynical spirits. As a matter of fact, communications of such a nature seek solitude and isolation on their own. In any case they can only provoke disdain and embarrassment amidst serious philosophical groups. But the moral influence is really felt when the medium replaces the ideas that the spirits struggle to transmit; when the medium extracts fantastic theories from their own imagination, in good faith believing that the communications were transmitted via their intuitive skills. There is a thousand in one chance that in such case, it is a reflex of the medium’s own mind. There is even the curious fact that the medium’s hand sometimes moves almost mechanically, as if being driven by a secondary or inferior spirit. It is against this critical test that the young and excited imagination crashes, carried away by the enthusiasm of their own ideas, decorated by their own personal knowledge, thus ignoring the simple thoughts of an elevated spirit, exchanging the prey for its shadow and replacing the message by an exaggerated paraphrase.

It is also against this formidable obstacle that ambitious personalities crash, and thus in the absence of communications refused by the good spirits they present their own work as if produced by the spirits. That is why the leaders of the spiritist centers must have an accurate perception and a rare sagacity to differentiate between authentic communications and those which are not, and yet not hurting people who deceive themselves. When in doubt, leave it out (more is less), says one of your old proverbs; therefore, you must admit but only what is a certainty to you. Whenever there is a new point of view you must test it against the crucible of logic and reason. Anything that is rejected by reason and common sense must be firmly declined. It is better to reject ten truths than to accept a single lie, a single false theory. In reality a whole system could be built on top of a false theory and that would ruin before the first breath of truth, like a monument built on quick sand, whilst if some truths are rejected today because they don’t seem to have been demonstrated clearly and logically to you, soon an overwhelming fact or irrefutable demonstration will come to attest their truthfulness. Yet, spiritists, remember that there is nothing impossible to God and to the good spirits but injustice and iniquity.

Spiritism is now sufficiently spread among humanity and has moralized sufficiently the devout followers of its sacred doctrine so that the spirits are no longer forced to utilize bad tools, imperfect mediums. Nowadays if any given medium gives reason for suspicion by conduct or habits, out of pride or lack of love and charity, repudiate their communications for there is a snake hidden in the grass. That is my conclusion about the moral influence of the mediums.


Apport and other Tangible Phenomena (Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, medium Mr. D’Ambel)

In order to obtain phenomena of this kind it is necessary to have mediums that I will call sensitive, that is, endowed with the highest degree of mediumistic faculties of expansion and penetrability because their easily excitable nervous system allows them to abundantly project their animalized fluid around them through certain vibrations.

Highly impressionable natures, where nerves vibrate before a minor feeling, before a slight sensation, and are sensitive to moral or physical influences, internal or external, these individuals are prone to become excellent mediums of physical effects of tangibility and transportation. In fact, their nervous system almost entirely devoid from a refractory envelope, which isolates this system in the vast majority, for them, provides for the development of this phenomenon. Hence, the phenomena of tangibility is more easily obtained through a person with such structure and whose other traits are not hostile to mediumization; these are knocks on walls and furniture, intelligent motions and even lifting of heavy and inert matter in the air. With even more certainty, these results would be obtained if instead of one medium, we have on hand several equally endowed mediums.

However, there is a significant difference between tangible phenomena and apports; the work carried out by the spirit in this case is not only more difficult and complex but also there is the need to operate with a single medium since several mediums cannot simultaneously contribute to the production of the same phenomenon. On the contrary, it may happen that the presence of certain individuals who are not sympathetic to the spirit may radically hinder the work. That is why, as you see, apports also requires greater concentration, and also the diffusion of certain fluids that can only be obtained with the help of the most gifted mediums who, in a word, have the best equipped electrical-mediumistic sensitivities. Generally speaking the cases involved with the apport phenomena are and will continue to be very rare. Needless to say, that these are and will always be less frequent than other phenomena of tangibility; of which you yourself, can infer why. Moreover, these phenomena are of such a specific nature, that not only are special mediums required but also not every spirit can produce them. There must be certain influence that exists between the affinity between the spirit and the medium, a certain analogy, certain similarity that allows the expansive part of the perispiritic fluid of the medium * to mix, unite and combine with that of the spirit who wishes to perform an apport. This fusion must be such that the resulting force becomes, that is to say, of the same unique clarity as in a furnace where the electrical current acts upon the coal.

You will then ask why this union, this fusion is necessary? For the production of this phenomenon it is necessary that the essential properties of the driving force of the spirit must be augmented by some of those mediumized; that is the vital fluid, indispensable for the production of all mediumistic phenomena, is an exclusive attribute of the incarnate and thus, the acting spirit is forced to absorb it. It is only then that the spirit can isolate, make invisible and move certain objects and even bodies, using certain properties of your environment which are unknown to you.

For now, I am not allowed to reveal those specific laws that govern the gases and fluids that surround you. In a few years though before one generation has passed, these laws and the explanations of these phenomena will be revealed to you and a new variety of mediums will appear, falling on a cataleptic state when in trance. Now you see the difficulties around the production of an apport. Hence, the logical conclusion is that these are extremely rare occurrences and all the more reason, that spirits are even less likely to be involved with them since there is the requirement on their part for an almost all materialistic effort and that is tedious and a nuisance to them. On another hand, it may also happen that despite their energy and good will, the state of a medium itself may impose them, creating an impassable barrier.

It then becomes obvious by your own reasoning, I have no doubt, that the cases of raps, movement and levitation are simple phenomena that occur by the concentration and expansion of certain fluids, and that they can be provoked and obtained at will and by the work of mediums who have those abilities, when assisted by good and benevolent spirits; whereas the phenomena of apport is complex, demanding special circumstances and cannot occur by the simultaneous action of several spirits, is carried out by one medium only and require, in addition to the needs of tangibility, a very particular combination of fluids in order to isolate and render the apported object(s) invisible.

All of you spiritists, you must understand my explanations and be aware of the need for that concentration of special fluids for the mobility and tangibility of inert matter. Believe in that as you believe in the phenomena of electricity and magnetism with which mediumship has a lot in common, and in a certain way its consecration and development. As for the disbelievers, I have better things to do instead of trying to convince them and I have no time for that. One day they will believe by the sheer force of things, since it is necessary that they acknowledge the unanimous testimony of spiritist facts, as they were forced to do before so many other previously rejected phenomena.

To summarize: if the cases of tangibility are frequent those of apport are comparatively very rare because the required conditions are difficult and not a single medium can say: ‘at such time, at any given moment, I will produce an apport’, because often even the spirit is prevented from doing it. I must add that such phenomena are twice as more difficult in public because we almost always encounter the presence of energetically refractory elements that paralyze the efforts of the spirit and even more so the action of the medium.

On the contrary, rest assured that in the majority of the cases these phenomena are spontaneously produced, by default without the medium’s awareness and without premeditation, almost always in private, and finally, very rarely when the mediums are aware. From all the above you must conclude that there is a legitimate reason for suspicion whenever a given medium boasts about being able to produce them at will, that is, being able to command the spirits as if they were anyone’s servants, which is simply absurd. You must also consider as a general rule that the spiritist phenomena are not events for exhibitions in spectacles and for the entertainment of curiosity. There could be some spirits that lend themselves to that type of activity, but then it is for the production of simple phenomena and not those like apports which require special conditions.

Remember, spiritists, that if it is absurd to systematically reject all phenomena from beyond the grave, it is not wise to blindly accept all of them either. When phenomenon of tangibility, apparition, visibility or apport manifests itself spontaneously and instantaneously, accept it; but I strongly repeat, do not accept anything blindly. Every fact must undergo a scrutiny, thorough and severe.. Believe me that Spiritism, so rich in sublime and grand phenomena, has nothing to gain with these insignificant manifestations that can be imitated by skillful conjurers. I know what you are going to say: the phenomena are useful to convince the disbelievers. However, know this, that if you were not given other means of persuading them, you would not have even a fraction of the spiritists that you can count today. Speak to their hearts. That is how you are going to attain serious conviction. If you find it useful to convince certain people by material phenomena, at least have them presented in such a way that they may not give rise to false interpretations, and especially, do not move away from the normal conditions of these facts because when they are presented inappropriately they offer arguments to the disbelievers instead of convincing them.


* It is clear that when there is a lack of terms to express a new idea the spirits know perfectly well how to create neologisms. The words electro-dynamic and perispiritic are not ours. Those who criticized us for the creation of words like spiritist, Spiritism and perispirit may do the same to the spirits.

About Animal Mediums (Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, medium Mr. D’Ambel)

Today I want to discuss the subject of mediumship among animals, brought up and supported by one of your most devout members. Based on the maxim the one that can do the most can do the least, he believes that we can pass mediumship to birds and other animals, using them in our communications with humans. This is what in Philosophy, or better said, in Logic, you simply call sophism.

He has said: “We know already, you can animate the inert matter, such as a table, a chair, a piano; more so, you should then be able to animalize matter that is already animated, especially in birds.” Well, according to the principles of Spiritism this does not exist.

To begin with let us be clear about the facts. What is a medium? It is an individual who serves as the intermediary to the spirits so that they can easily communicate with people; incarnated spirits. Therefore, without the medium there is no tangible, mental, written, physical or any other type of communication. There is a principle that I am sure is accepted by every spiritist: those who are similar act with their peers and as their peers act. Well then, who are the peers of the spirits if not the spirits themselves, incarnated or not? Do we need to repeat it again? I will tell you once more: Your perispirit and ours are both extracted from the same environment; they have an identical nature. In one word they are similar. Both have the property of assimilation and magnetization more or less developed which enable us, disincarnate and incarnate, to promptly communicate with one another. Finally, there is something that is truly part of the medium, a special affinity, the very essence of the medium, and that at the same time is a power of expansion that removes any deflection from occurring, establishing something similar to an electric current between the medium and us; like a fusion which facilitates our communications. In fact it is exactly this deviated property of matter that opposes the development of mediumship in most people who are not mediums. It is this same rejection of property that one must attribute the fact that certain individuals who are not mediums may develop mediumship by the mere contact with novice or somewhat passive mediums, that is to say, if they are lacking some mediumistic skills.

People are always willing to exaggerate everything. Some – I am not talking about the materialists – refuse to believe that animals even have a soul and others want to give animals a soul similar to ours. Why would they want to confuse the perfectible with the non-perfectible? No, no. Rest assured that the fire that animates animals, the breath that gives them life, that makes them move and communicate through their own language, has at present, no ability to blend, to unite, to merge with the divine breath, the ethereal soul, in a word, the spirit, that animates the essentially perfectible being, the human being, the king of creation. Now, isn’t this character of perfectibility exactly what marks the superiority of the human race above other Earthly species? Well Then! You must acknowledge that it is not possible to attribute to any other living species on Earth the inherent perfectibility of human beings.

Take the dog whose superior intelligence has made him a friend and companion of humans; is the dog perfect by itself through its own personal initiative? Nobody would accept that since dogs do not enable other dogs to advance and the best trained dog is always trained by its human trainer. The otter has always built its home on the water following the same proportions and an unchanged rule since the world began. The nightingales and the swallows have never built their nests differently from their parents. A nest of a sparrow from before the floods is the same as the one built in modern day, built in the same way and using the same system of intertwining straws and debris of vegetation collected during the spring, the season of love. The bees and ants in their little domestic republics have never changed their habits of catering and provisioning, both in their attitudes, customs and ways of production. Finally, the spider has always weaved its web in the same way.

On another hand, if you are searching for the tents and huts built with barks and leaves from human’s earlier times on Earth, you will find castles and palaces of modern civilization in their places. Fine fabrics of gold and silk replaced the outfits made of brute animal skin. You can find proof of the advancement of human society in every step of the way.

There is a constant, invincible, undeniable progress of the human race and an indefinite standstill of other animal species, therefore you will acknowledge that while there are common principles uniting every living creature on Earth, the breath of life and matter, it is not less true that only you, the incarnate spirits are subjected to that unavoidable law of progress that always and relentlessly pushes you forward. God placed the animals by your side to feed you, dress and accompany you. They were given a certain level of intelligence because they must understand you in order to help you, and their intelligence is limited to the type of service they are expected to do. God in His wisdom did not want them to follow the same law of progress. They shall remain as they are until the extinction of their species.

It has been said: the spirits act upon inert matter and make chairs, tables and pianos move. They make them move, that is correct, but the spirits don’t turn them into mediums! That is for the very reason again, that none of those effects could have been produced without mediums. What is so extraordinary is the fact that we give motion to the inert and passive matter, when it is that very passivity that is adequate for us to determine the impulses and motions that we wish to give it? We need mediums for that, it is true. But there is no need to have them present or conscious since we can act with the elements provided by the medium, by default and even in their absence, particularly in cases of tangibility and apports. Our fluidic envelope, more imponderable and subtle than the most imponderable and subtlest of your gases, mixing and combining with the heavier and more animalized envelope of the medium, whose properties of expansion and penetrability are not detected by your material senses, nearly inexplicable to you, enables us to move furniture and even break it in empty rooms.

The spirits can certainly become visible and tangible to animals, often taken by surprise by a fear that doesn’t make sense to you and that can be caused by the sight of one or several bad spirits who appear unfriendly towards the individuals present or the animal’s owner. Very often you will find horses that don’t want to move, stalling before an imaginary obstacle. Well then! You can be certain that the imaginary obstacle is frequently a spirit or a group of spirits who are having fun by deterring them from moving forward. Remember the donkey of Balaam that saw an angel with its flaming sword and refused to move. Before making himself visible to Balaam the angel was first seen by the animal. But I repeat, we do not act directly upon animals or inert matter. We always need the conscious or unconscious support of a human medium since we need the union of similar fluids, something that is not found in animals or in inert matter.

They say that Mr. Thiry magnetized his dog. What happened? He killed the dog; this unfortunate animal fell into a state of unresponsive lifelessness as a consequence of being magnetized. In effect, infusing the dog with a fluid of a superior essence to its nature, acted like a strike of lightning, although much slower. Thus we instantly kill an animal by trying to magnetize it for there is no feasible assimilation between our perispirit and theirs.

Having said that, I still fully recognize that animals have several abilities; that they may show certain feelings and passions similar to humans; that they are sensitive and grateful, vindictive and hateful depending on how they are treated. God, in doing nothing incomplete, has given domestic animals as companions and servants, the qualities of sociability that are missing entirely by the savage animals who live in the wilderness. To summarize: mediumistic acts cannot occur without the conscious or unconscious support of a medium, and it is only among humans that we can find those capable of serving us as mediums. As for training dogs, birds or other animals to perform this or that exercise, that is your business and not ours.


OBSERVATION: Regarding the discussion that took place at the Society about animal mediumship Mr. Allan Kardec said that he had carefully observed experiments carried out lately with birds to which people were attributing mediumistic skills, adding that he was able to unequivocally identify conjurer’s tricks employed with great ability to delude the spectator who is easily satisfied by the appearances, without investigating the bottom line. The birds in fact do things that could lead to the belief that they have superior intelligence and that not even the most lucid somnambulist would be able to reproduce, from which one could conclude, contrary to the laws of nature, that these birds have intelligence superior to human beings.

What is really remarkable about these experiments is the art, the patience needed to train the animals, making them docile and attentive. In order to achieve these results one need a lot of flexibility, typically found in domesticated animals where there is much more habit than deception. The proof is that if they are no longer trained for some time they soon forget what was learned previously. The appeal of such experiments, as with any other trickery, is in the secrecy behind the processes. Once the process is known, the attraction is over. That is what happened when the conjurers wanted to imitate lucid somnambulism with their double vision. There could not be any illusion to anybody who was familiar with somnambulism. The same happens here with the mediumship of birds that any experienced observer can easily demystify.

People! Silence! (Sent by Mr. Sabò, from Bordeaux - Medium, Mrs. Cazemajoux)


Where do those children dressed in white robes run to? Their hearts illuminating with joy; a playful swarm, frolicking in green meadows where they will make an ample harvest of flowers and chase the bright insects that feed out of their cups. Carefree and happy they do not see beyond the blue horizon around them. If you do not hurry and incite the spiritist teachings in their hearts, their demise shall be terrible. The spirits of the Lord have crossed through the clouds and preach to you; listen to their friendly voices. Listen carefully; people, be silent!


They have grown and become strong. The beauty of some, the grace and abandonment of others are still alive in the hearts of their parents, the sweet memories of a distant time, but the smile that still thrives on their withered lips disappears to make room for serious concerns. It is they too, who have also drunk deeply from the enchanted cup of illusions of their youth and its subtle poison has weakened their blood, irritated their strength, aged their faces and receded their foreheads; they wanted to prevent their children from having a taste from the same poisoned cup. Brothers! Spiritism shall be the antidote that will prevent new generations from its mortal devastations. The spirits of the Lord have crossed through the clouds and preach to you; listen to their friendly voices. Listen carefully; people, be silent!


They have reached the age of adulthood; they are serious and thoughtful but not happy. Their hearts are jaded and have only one sensitive fiber: ambition. All their efforts, all their energy is employed in the acquisition of earthly goods. They see no happiness without distinctions and fortune. Fools! The angel of deliverance will one day knock at your door and you shall be forced to leave all those illusions behind. You are like exiles that God may call back to the homeland at any moment. You must not build palaces or monuments; a tent, clothes and bread, that is all you need. Be happy with that and give the excess to your brothers who lack shelter, clothing and food. Spiritism is here to tell you that the real treasures you must acquire are the love of God and neighbor; that will make you eternally wealthy. The spirits of the Lord have crossed through the clouds and preach to you; listen to their friendly voices. Listen carefully; people, be silent!


Their foreheads now lean over the edge of the grave. They are afraid and want to raise their heads, but time has hunched their shoulders, stiffened their nerves and muscles and they are powerless to look up. Oh! What anguishes assail them! They review, in the privacy of their inner soul their useless and often criminal lives; remorse gnaws at them like a hungry vulture. So many times they have denied their God and they will appear at the edge of the grave, like an inexorable avenger. Have no fear, brothers, but pray. God may punish you in his justice but he will take your regret into account for Spiritism comes to tell you that there is no eternal punishment and that you are reborn to atone and purify. Also, you who are weary of your exile on Earth, you must make every effort to improve yourself so that you don’t have to return. The spirits of the Lord have crossed through the clouds and preach to you; listen to their friendly voices. Listen carefully; people, be silent!


Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Medium, Mrs. Costel)

NOTE: The medium was involved with matters that were external to Spiritism. She was prepared to write about personal issues when an invisible power forced her to write the text below, despite her wishes to continue something that she had already started. That explains the beginning of the message.

“I am here Madam, although you have not called me. I come to tell you things that are much different from your concerns. I am the spirit of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. I have waited a long time for this opportunity of communicating with you. Listen now.”

“I believe that Spiritism is a pure philosophical study of the secret causes of the inner struggles of the soul, little or not at all defined so far. It shows new horizons, even more so than it reveals them. Reincarnation and the trials endured before the supreme objective is reached are no revelations but an important confirmation. I am impressed by the truth that is illuminated by such an instrument. I say instrument on purpose because the way I see it, Spiritism is a lever that removes the barriers of blindness. The preoccupation with moral issues has still to be created; politics are discussed that stir the general interest; the private interests are also discussed; some are passionate about attacking or defending personalities; the systems have supporters and adversaries, but the moral truths that are the bread of the soul, the bread of life, those are left underneath the dust accumulated over the centuries.”

“All improvements are useful to the eyes of the crowd except that of the soul. Your education, your elevations are illusions good at most to occupy the leisure of priests, poets, women or the status quo.

If Spiritism can resuscitate Spiritualism it will then return to society the momentum that gives inner dignity to some, resignation to others, and to everyone the need to rise to the Supreme Being, forgotten and neglected by His ungrateful creatures.”

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Controversy (Sent by Mr. Sabò, from Bordeaux)

“Oh! God! My Lord, my Father and my Creator, kindly provide your servant with a little bit of that human eloquence that used to speak to the hearts of our brothers, gathering around the pulpit to learn about the truths that you have taught them.

By sending His spirits to teach your true duties towards Him and your brothers God wishes above all that charity be the driving force in all of your actions, and your brothers who still wish to revive their days of regret remain on the path of pride. But these times are long gone for you, and always praise the Lord for allowing humanity to stop their religious disputes that have never produced anything positive and have been the cause of so much harm. Why would you want to discuss the texts of the Gospels, when you have already interpreted it in so many ways? Those comments were produced when Spiritism was not here to clarify it for you, and it tells you: The morality of the Gospels is the best that there is; follow it. However, if deep down in your conscience a voice cries out to you: For me there is still this or that obscure point that doesn’t allow me to think differently from my brothers! Elohim, my brother, leave aside what disturbs you; love God and charity and you shall be on the right path. What served as the fruit of my long vigils when I lived in your world? Nothing. Many did not even read my texts that were not written by the hand of charity and even attracted persecution onto my brothers.

Controversy is always fueled by a feeling of intolerance that can become offensive and the stubbornness with which everyone sustains their positions and postpones the time when the great human family will respect all beliefs, acknowledging past mistakes and no longer raising their weapons for the destruction of fraternal bonds. To give you an example of what I have just said, open up the Gospel and you will find these words: ‘I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live”.

Many of you condemn those who don’t follow the religion that has the teachings of the Incarnate Word. Many of them, however, sit by our Lord’s side for they were righteous and through that they worshiped and loved him; they respected their brothers’ beliefs; they sought the Lord when they saw the bloodthirsty fight of the people in their religious struggles; and yet they were unable to find the true meaning of Christ’s words as blind instruments of their priests and ministers.

My God, I who lived in those days when our hearts stormed against our brothers from a different faith, had I been more tolerant; had I not condemned their interpretation of the Gospels, today they would be less belligerent towards their Catholic brothers, and everyone would have moved in strides towards the universal fraternity. However, the Protestants, the Jews, all religions that are in more evidence have their shrewd priests and doctors of the law and then, when a more disseminated Spiritism is studied by those enlightened brothers in good faith they will do as the Catholics did, and will bring the light to their brothers and appease their religious scruples.

Allow God to continue his work of moral reformation that must elevate all of you up to Him, all on the same level, and do not rebel against the teachings of the spirits who were sent by Him.”


Poverty (Sent by Mr. Sabò, from Bordeaux)

“The philanthropist of your world uselessly dream about something that will never happen. Remember Jesus’ words: ‘You will always have poor people among you’. Know that these words are the expression of truth. Now that you know Spiritism my friend, don’t you find it fair and equitable the inequality of conditions that raised your heart, full of grumbling against God who had not created everyone equally rich and happy?

Now that you understand that God’s doing is fair and perfect and that you know that poverty is a punishment or a trial, go and try to alleviate that misery but don’t show them utopias that may lead the unfortunate ones to believe in an impossible equality. It is certainly possible to mitigate a lot of suffering through a smart social organization, and that is what one must aim at, but pretending that poverty can be eliminated from the Earth is a hallucinatory idea.

Earth is a place of atonement hence, there will always be poor people making up for their previous abuse of their God given wealth, never realizing the kindness of doing good to their brothers and sisters; who hoarded piece by piece to accumulate unnecessary wealth that served nobody; who became rich off of the backs of widows and orphans. Oh! Those who are guilty along with their selfishness will have terrible return! Beware, however, to believe that all the poor suffer a punishment of being guilty. While poverty is a great atonement to some, it is also a trial to others, helping them to more rapidly achieve the sanctuary of the elected ones. Yes, there will always be the poor and the rich so that some may have the merit of resignation and others that of charity and devotion. Rich or poor you stand on a slippery slope that can push you off the cliff, like an incline where only your virtues can hold you back.

When I say that there will always be poor on the Earth, I mean that while there are vices that maintain Earth as a place of reparation to the perverse spirits that God will continue to send for their own punishment. It is through your virtues that you shall have the merit and God will only send good spirits and you will then create an earthly heaven out of an earthly hell.”

Adolph, bishop of Alger

Concord (Sent by Mr. Rodolphe, from Mulhouse)

“My friends, be united. In unity you will find strength. Eliminate envy and the spirit of disagreement from your meetings. Do not envy the communications received by a particular medium, each one receives according to the disposition of their spirit and the perfection of their organs. Never forget that you are brothers and that fraternity is not illusory; it is a real fraternity; for he who may have been your brother in another existence, may be among you, belonging to another family. Be united in mind and heart; have the same communion of thoughts. Be worthy of yourselves, of the Doctrine that you profess and of the lessons that you were called upon to spread. Thus, be agreeable in your opinions, they do not have to be absolute.

Look to enlighten one another. Be worthy of your apostolic mission and give the world an example of good harmony. Be the living example of human fraternity, and show what can happen when people are sincerely devoted to the propagation of morality. With only one goal, you should have only one of the same thought and that is putting into practice what you teach. Your motto should be: Union and concord; peace and fraternity!”


The Dawn of a New Era (Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, medium Mrs. Costel)

“I am here, the one that you did not evoke but who is willing to be useful to the Society whose objective is as serious as yours. I will speak about politics. Do not be afraid; I know the boundaries that must constrain me. The current situation in Europe offers a remarkable opportunity for study.

There has never been a time, and let us not forget the end of the last century, when the prejudices and abuses that have oppressed the human spirit; at no other time; has intellectual movement been bolder, more outspoken. I say this frankly because the European spirit walks alongside the truth.

Freedom is no longer a bloody phantom, but a beautiful and great goddess of public prosperity. Even in Germany, the country that I have described with so much love, the exciting breath of the times abates the last stronghold of prejudice.

Be happy, you who live in such a time; but even happier will be your descendants as the hour approaches; the hour announced by the Precursor; you will see the cleared horizon, but, as in the days of the Hebrews, you will remain on the threshold of the Promised Land but will not see the radiant Sun of new days.


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