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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1859 > March > Diatribes
Some people certainly expect to find here an answer to certain attacks
to the Society, not so much moderated attacks to us personally and
generally to the adepts of Spiritism, attacks from which we have seen vic-
tims lately.
We ask our readers to refer to our article about spiritist controversy that opens up our last November issue, in which we have made our pro- fession of faith with that regard. We must add only a few words, once we have no time to spare with idle discussions. To those who have time to waste laughing at everything, even at things that they do not understand; to the slander; to the calumny or to the jokes, you may feel happy: we do not have the intent of creating hurdles to you. The Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, which is composed of dignified individuals for their knowledge and position, French nationals and foreigners, doctors, art- ists, workers, officers, business men, etc., daily receiving the highest social notabilities and corresponding with all parts of the world, that Society is above the little intrigues of envy and self-love. The Society continues with its works in calmness and privacy, not distracted by the tasteless jokes that do not spare even the most respectable organizations.
Regarding Spiritism in general, which is one of the powers of na- ture, the mockery will bend over itself, as it has done regarding so many other things that were consecrated by time. This madness, this utopia, as classified by certain persons, has gone around the world and even all diatribes will not hinder its march, in the same way that, in the past, the anathemas did not block Earth from turning. Then, let the jester laugh as they will. They will do it to the price of the spirit. If they laugh at religion, why wouldn’t they at Spiritism that is a Science? We hope they will do us more service than prejudice, and that they spare us costs of publicity, since there isn’t one of their articles, more or less witty, that has not resulted in the sales of some of our books and that has not brought us some subscribers. Then, we are grateful to them for the service they involuntary do to us.
We will not say much about what affects us directly either. All those who ostensively or disguisedly attack us waste their time if they think that it affects us. They are also mistaken if they think that they can obstruct our path, since we ask for nothing and the only thing we aspire is to be- come useful, to the limit of our God given strength. For the more modest that our position may be we are satisfied with what would be mediocre to many. We do not long for any position, honor or fortune. We do not wish for the world or its pleasures.
We are not displeased for the things that we cannot have. We see them with the most absolute indifference. That is not compatible with our tastes; consequently, we do not envy anyone who has such advantages, if any – which to our eyes it is a problem – since the puerile pleasures of this world do not ensure a place in the other world, much to the contrary. Our life is all about work and study, even dedicating our breaks to work. There is nothing in all this that may be a cause of envy. As many others do, we are bringing our stone to the edifice that is rising; however, we would blush if this were taken as a step to achieving anything. May others bring more stones than we do! May others work as much and better and we will see it all with real happiness. Before anything else and above all, what we want is the triumph of truth, coming from wherever it may, since we do not have the pretension of seeing the truth alone. If this can bring some glory, the field is open to everyone and we will reach out to everyone who will follow us through this tough path of life, with loyalty, with abnega- tion and without personal second intentions.
We knew very well that openly raising the flag of the ideas of which we became promoters, facing prejudices, we would attract enemies, always ready to throw poisoned arrows against whoever dares to stick the head out and be in evidence. There is, however, a difference between them and us. We do not wish them the harm that they want to inflict on us, for we understand the human fragility and that is the only point in which we consider ourselves superior to them.
Human beings violate themselves through envy, hatred, jealousy and all petty passions, but elevate themselves by the forgiveness of the offenses. That is the spiritist moral. Doesn’t that have as much value as those who destroy their fellow human beings? The spirits that assist us dictated such moral. We can then judge if they are good or bad from that. They show us the elevated things so great and the lower ones so little that we must only feel sorry for those who voluntarily torture themselves by providing transient satisfactions to their self-love.
We ask our readers to refer to our article about spiritist controversy that opens up our last November issue, in which we have made our pro- fession of faith with that regard. We must add only a few words, once we have no time to spare with idle discussions. To those who have time to waste laughing at everything, even at things that they do not understand; to the slander; to the calumny or to the jokes, you may feel happy: we do not have the intent of creating hurdles to you. The Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, which is composed of dignified individuals for their knowledge and position, French nationals and foreigners, doctors, art- ists, workers, officers, business men, etc., daily receiving the highest social notabilities and corresponding with all parts of the world, that Society is above the little intrigues of envy and self-love. The Society continues with its works in calmness and privacy, not distracted by the tasteless jokes that do not spare even the most respectable organizations.
Regarding Spiritism in general, which is one of the powers of na- ture, the mockery will bend over itself, as it has done regarding so many other things that were consecrated by time. This madness, this utopia, as classified by certain persons, has gone around the world and even all diatribes will not hinder its march, in the same way that, in the past, the anathemas did not block Earth from turning. Then, let the jester laugh as they will. They will do it to the price of the spirit. If they laugh at religion, why wouldn’t they at Spiritism that is a Science? We hope they will do us more service than prejudice, and that they spare us costs of publicity, since there isn’t one of their articles, more or less witty, that has not resulted in the sales of some of our books and that has not brought us some subscribers. Then, we are grateful to them for the service they involuntary do to us.
We will not say much about what affects us directly either. All those who ostensively or disguisedly attack us waste their time if they think that it affects us. They are also mistaken if they think that they can obstruct our path, since we ask for nothing and the only thing we aspire is to be- come useful, to the limit of our God given strength. For the more modest that our position may be we are satisfied with what would be mediocre to many. We do not long for any position, honor or fortune. We do not wish for the world or its pleasures.
We are not displeased for the things that we cannot have. We see them with the most absolute indifference. That is not compatible with our tastes; consequently, we do not envy anyone who has such advantages, if any – which to our eyes it is a problem – since the puerile pleasures of this world do not ensure a place in the other world, much to the contrary. Our life is all about work and study, even dedicating our breaks to work. There is nothing in all this that may be a cause of envy. As many others do, we are bringing our stone to the edifice that is rising; however, we would blush if this were taken as a step to achieving anything. May others bring more stones than we do! May others work as much and better and we will see it all with real happiness. Before anything else and above all, what we want is the triumph of truth, coming from wherever it may, since we do not have the pretension of seeing the truth alone. If this can bring some glory, the field is open to everyone and we will reach out to everyone who will follow us through this tough path of life, with loyalty, with abnega- tion and without personal second intentions.
We knew very well that openly raising the flag of the ideas of which we became promoters, facing prejudices, we would attract enemies, always ready to throw poisoned arrows against whoever dares to stick the head out and be in evidence. There is, however, a difference between them and us. We do not wish them the harm that they want to inflict on us, for we understand the human fragility and that is the only point in which we consider ourselves superior to them.
Human beings violate themselves through envy, hatred, jealousy and all petty passions, but elevate themselves by the forgiveness of the offenses. That is the spiritist moral. Doesn’t that have as much value as those who destroy their fellow human beings? The spirits that assist us dictated such moral. We can then judge if they are good or bad from that. They show us the elevated things so great and the lower ones so little that we must only feel sorry for those who voluntarily torture themselves by providing transient satisfactions to their self-love.