Allan Kardec

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221. i. " Is the medianimic faculty an indication of a pathological state, or simply abnormal ?"

" Abnormal sometimes, but not pathological; there are mediums of robust health ; those who are sick are so from other causes."

2. " Can the exercise of the medianimic faculty occa- sion fatigue ?"

" The too prolonged exercise of any faculty what- ever leads to fatigue: mediumship is the same, prin- cipally those who apply themselves to physical effects ; it necessarily occasions an outlay of fluid which leads to fatigue, and is repaired by rest."

3. " Has the exercise of mediumship dangers of itself, in a hygienic point of view, even if not abused ?" " There are cases where it is prudent, necessary even, to abstain from it, or, at least, to moderate its

use ; that depends on the physical and moral state of the medium. Besides, the medium generally feels it, and when he experiences fatigue, he should abstain."

4. "Are there some persons for whom this exercise is more unsuitable than for others ?"

" I have said that it depends upon the physical and, moral state of the medium. There are persons to whom it is necessary to avoid every cause for excite- ment, and this is of the number." (Nos. 188-194.)

5. " Can mediumship produce insanity ? "

"No more than anything else, when there is no predisposition, owing to weakness of the brain. Me- diumship will not produce insanity when the germ is not there ; but if the germ exists, which is very easy to know from the moral state, good sense says that careful management is necessary in every way, for the least shock might be injurious."

6. " Is there danger in developing mediumship in children ?"

" Certainly ; and I maintain that it is very danger- ous ; for these tender and delicate organizations would be too much shaken, and their young imagination over-excited. Wise parents will remove all these ideas from them, or at least speak to them only of the moral consequences."

7. " Yet there are children who are naturally medi- ums for physical effects, for writing, and for visions: has that dangers ?"

" No ; when the faculty is spontaneous in a child, it is in its nature, and its constitution agrees with it; it is not the same when induced and over-excited. Re- mark, that the child who has visions is generally very little impressed by them ; it seems to him a perfectly natural thing, to which he gives but little attention, and often forgets : later the fact returns to his mind, and if he knows anything of Spiritism, he can easily explain it."

8. " A t what age, without danger, can a person prac- tice mediumship ?"

" There is no precise age ; it depends upon development, physical, but still more upon moral. There are children of twelve years who would be less affected by it than some grown persons. I speak of medium- ship in general, but that which applies to physical effects is more fatiguing, corporeally; writing has one great danger for a child, on account of inexperience ; he might engage in it alone, and make it a matter of sport." •

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