212. If it is important not to fall unwillingly into the power of bad spirits, it is still more so not to put one's self into a state of dependence upon them volun- tarily ; and an immoderate desire to write should not lead to the belief that it is indifferent to address the first comer, hoping to be rid of him later, if he should not suit, for assistance in anything is not asked of a bad spirit with impunity ; he can always make one pay dearly for his services.
Some persons, impatient for the development in themselves of the medianimic faculty, — too slow in its growth for them, — have had the idea of calling to their aid any spirit whatever, even a bad one, intending to dismiss him afterward. Many have been served to their wish, and have written at once; but the spirit, not caring to be taken as a makeshift, has been less docile to go than to come. We know some who have been punished for their presumption in thinking them- selves strong' enough to drive them away as they pleased, by years of obsessions of every kind, by the most ridiculous mystifications, by a tenacious fascina- tion, and even by material misfortunes and the most cruel deceptions. The spirit at first showed himself openly wicked; then hypocritical, in order to lead to a belief in his conversion, or in the pretended power of his victim, to drive him away at will.