Allan Kardec

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151. It often happens that, when we are asleep, we hear words, names, sometimes entire phrases, pronounced with sufficient force and distinctness to waken '15 with a start. Although, in some cases, this may be a spirit-manifestation, it is often attributable to the cause of which we treated in our remarks on hallucination (Chap. VI. III, et seq.) What is thus heard has usually no coherence, thus differing widely from spirit-utterances, heard when we are awake ; for in such cases, we Can usually exchange thoughts with the speaker and enter into regular conversation with him.

There are two very distinct ways in which spirit-sounds are perceived; they are sometimes heard by a sort of interior hearing, in which case, although the words heard are clear and distinct, they are not of a physical nature; at other times, these voices are perceived as something exterior to ourselves, and appear to be as distinctly articulated as though spoken by a person at our side.

However produced, the phenomenon of pneumatophony is almost always spontaneous, and can rarely be obtained by evocation.

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