114. Bi-corporeity and transfiguration are Varieties of the order of visual
manifestations; and, strange as they may at first appear, it will be easily seen, from the
explanation we are enabled to give of them, that they are not outside the order of
natural phenomena. Both are consequences of the principle that what is true of the
properties of the perispirit after death is true of the perispirit of people in the flesh. We
have seen that, during sleep, the spirit recovers a portion of its normal freedom, because
it partially isolates itself from the body; a state in which we have often had the
opportunity of observing it. The spirit, whether a man be alive or dead, possesses at all
times its semi-material envelope, which, through the action of the same causes that we
have already set forth, may temporarily acquire both visibility and tangibility.
Unquestionable facts have removed all doubt on this point. We will only adduce here a
few cases for which we can vouch, from our own personal knowledge; but many of our
readers will probably be able to recall analogous facts, by consulting their memory.