Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1869

Allan Kardec

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A Will in the United States

In the state of Maine, in the United States, a lady asked for the nullity her mother’s will. She said that, as a member of a Spiritist society, her mother had written her last wishes by the dictation of a turning table. The judge declared that the law did not prohibit consultations with the turning tables, and the clauses of the will were maintained.”

In Europe, we are not there yet; so, the French newspaper that reports this fact, preceded it with this exclamation: These Americans are strong! Meaning: they are silly!

Whatever the author of this critical reflection thinks, these Americans will be able to question, on certain points, if the old Europe will drag itself for a long time on the path of old prejudices. The progressive movement of humanity started from the East and gradually spread to the West; would it have already crossed the Atlantic and planted its flag in the new continent, leaving Europe behind as Europe left India? Is it a law, and would the cycle of progress have already gone around the world several times? The following fact might suggest that.

Women Emancipation in the United States

We got a letter from Yankton, a city in South Dakota (United States) saying that the legislature of the county has just adopted, by a large majority, a bill by Mr. Enos Stutsman, that grants women the right to vote and to stand for election. (Siècle, January 15th, 1869).

Wednesday, July 29th, Mrs. Alexandrine Bris took a Bachelor of Science exam before the Faculty of Sciences of Paris; she was granted four white balls, a rare success, that earned her congratulations from the president ratified with acclamations by the whole audience.

Le Temps guarantees that Mrs. Bris is to enroll at the Faculty of Medicine, in view of her doctorate (Grand Moniteur, August 6th, 1868).

We were told that Ms. Bris is American. We know two ladies from New York, sisters of Miss B..., members of the Spiritist Society of Paris, who are certified doctors and practice medicine exclusively for women and children. We are not there yet.

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